The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 12 Abolish me?Come on... waste 1 try

Chapter 12 Abolish me?Come... give it a try

Zhao Wu and Bai Yan were originally the targets of the Zhao family and the Bai family's alliance. Although they were not the most talented children, they were not bad.

When the elders of the Zhao family and the Bai family saw that Zhao Wu and Bai Yan's cultivation was abolished, even their martial souls were abolished!
They were so angry that they wanted to kill each other.

Knowing that Su Tianling had abolished him, the eyes of each of them changed, some were shocked, some were confused...

What was shocking was that Su Tianling's name was well-known in Qingling Town, and everyone in Qingling Town didn't know that Su Tianling, a wretch, married into the Liu family and married Liu Xue.

It was because he knew about Su Tianling that he was shocked.

How could Su Tianling have the strength to abolish Zhao Wu and Bai Yan?
"Go to Liu's house for an explanation!"

The First Elder, Second Elder, and Third Elder of the Zhao Clan walked out of the family aggressively and headed for the Liu Family.

"Go to Liu's house for an explanation!"

The elders of the Bai family's eyes burst into anger, and they rushed towards the Liu family aggressively.

And this time.

Su Tianling was in the yard, looking at the two clothes and boots he had just bought, and said to himself: "The clothes and boots are ordinary goods after all, I have to make some clothes for Xiao Ke when I have time, um... that's right , and give Xiao Ke a suitable weapon."

Su Xiaoke hasn't started practicing yet, what kind of weapons can she use for the time being?

Warrior level weapon?

Su Tianling shook his head. With his help, Su Xiaoke's realm will only improve very quickly. Even if he forges a suitable weapon, it won't take long.

Su Xiaoke is also unable to activate higher-level weapons.

After thinking for a while, Su Tianling decided to forget it.

Let's talk about weapons later.

Su Tianling drank tea while basking in the sun.

It was the second day since he came back from another world, and a lot of things happened today. First, Liu Baichuan and his son were abolished, and then the school teacher and students were abolished.

"Su Tianling!"

A very cold voice suddenly sounded.

Su Tianling looked over, raised his eyebrows slightly, it was Liu Xue who came, but Liu Xue's face was very cold at this time, and anger was still gushing out of his eyes, it seemed that he didn't offend Liu Xue, right?

"What's the matter?" Su Tianling asked lightly.

"What's the matter?" Liu Xue clenched her fists tightly, glared at Su Tianling, and reprimanded: "Did you abolish Zhao Wu and Bai Yan!"

"Well, I was abolished, what's the matter?" Su Tianling said lightly.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? Hehe!" Liu Xue laughed angrily at Su Tianling's casual attitude.

After taking Tiancaidibao, his cultivation level has risen to King Wu, so he can cause trouble everywhere?

Not long ago, the elders of the Zhao family and the Bai family came to interrogate Su Tianling by name!
After learning the reason, Liu Xue only felt a pain in the head.

This is the third day of marriage!
Su Tianling caused so many troubles!
Liu Kong and his son were abolished!

Liu Baichuan and his son were abolished!
The teachers and students of Beiming Academy were abolished!
Now, more children from the Zhao family and the Bai family have been abolished!

Is this the troublemaker?

Can King Wu do whatever he wants?

"Now the elders of the Zhao family and the Bai family have come to question the crime, you should settle this matter yourself, don't let my father clean up these messes for you!" Liu Xue said through gritted teeth.

"Then go and have a look." Su Tianling stood up, stretched long, yawned, and then walked towards the meeting hall of the Liu Clan.

Liu Xue also followed, although she was very angry that Su Tianling was causing trouble everywhere, but no matter what, this matter involved the Liu family after all, so she still wanted to take a look.

The meeting hall of the Liu Clan.

at this time.

The elders of the Zhao family and the Bai family were standing there yelling at the third and fourth elders of the Liu family.

"Where is Liu Feng? Such a big thing happened, Liu Feng, as the patriarch of the Liu Clan, must give us an explanation!"

Zhao's parents said angrily.

"Hmph! It's fine if patriarch Liu didn't come, Liu Kong and Liu Baichuan didn't come, so what's the matter? Did he not take me seriously?" the second elder of the Zhao family said angrily.

"Hand over Su Tianling!" The elder of the Bai family said in a deep voice, Bai Yan has been abolished, if the Bai family doesn't come forward to ask for an explanation, then the dignity of the Bai family will be greatly reduced!
For this matter, the Liu family must pay a sufficient price!
The third and fourth elders of the Liu Clan smiled wryly. The reason why the patriarch Liu Feng didn't come was because he was injured by a teacher from the Beiming Academy, and he is recuperating now.

As for Liu Kong and Liu Baichuan not coming, it was because they were abolished by Su Tianling, how did they come?
The third elder and the fourth elder looked at each other. They have no control over this matter, and they can only let Su Tianling solve it by himself.

At this time.

Two figures walked in from outside the hall.

When the elders of the Zhao family and the Bai family saw Su Tianling, they were full of murderous intent, looked at Su Tianling coldly, and shouted in a deep voice: "Su Tianling! Do you admit that you abolished Zhao Wu and Bai Yan!"

"I ruined it." Su Tianling admitted frankly, then sat directly on a chair, picked up the freshly brewed tea, took a sip, felt the taste of the tea, and shook his head lightly: "This tea is not very good."

Seeing that Su Tianling was still in the mood to drink tea, the third and fourth elders of the Liu family looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Anyway, since Su Tianling is here, this matter will be settled easily.

They knew that Su Tianling was stronger than the teachers of Beiming Academy, so it would not be difficult to suppress the elders of the Bai and Zhao families.

"You! You are still in the mood to drink tea!" Bai's old-fashioned eyes burst out with murderous intent, this is too presumptuous!
A married son-in-law didn't pay attention to him!
"Do you care about drinking tea?" Su Tianling glanced at the elders of Bai's family, and said calmly: "Tell me, are you here to kill me, or what are you trying to do?"

"You abolished Bai Yan and Zhao Wu, we will abolish you too!"

The Zhao family elder said coldly, his eyes flashed coldly.

"Abandon me? Come... try to abolish one." Su Tianling glanced at him, sitting there playing with the teacup.

The elders of the Zhao family and the Bai family frowned, Su Tianling's reaction was too calm, this is too abnormal!

Logically speaking, Su Tianling should be afraid. What does such a reaction mean?For a moment, it made them feel at a loss.

Liu Xue stood aside, quietly watching this scene, Su Tianling had already proved King Wu's strength to her.

Not to mention the Zhao family and the Bai family, even if the lord of the Beiming Academy came in person, he would not be afraid.

She glanced at Su Tianling, she had played with her since she was a child, and now she is her husband, why did her temperament suddenly become like this?
Insufferable, extremely arrogant in his bones.

It can be said that it is very arrogant.

"It's not good, it's not good, the father and son of the first elder and the father and son of the second elder committed suicide."

Just when the atmosphere was deadlocked.

There was a cry from the clan.

When everyone heard this, their expressions suddenly changed.

Did Liu Kong and his son and Liu Baichuan commit suicide?
Is this... because she couldn't stand being a useless person and chose to commit suicide?

After Su Tianling heard this, his expression was calm. Some warriors were abolished and couldn't bear the psychological suffering, so they would choose to commit suicide. This is very common.

(End of this chapter)

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