The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 123 The Magic Ape

Chapter 123 The Magic Ape
Hearing Donghuang's voice, Jin Bao's brows stretched out. Even though the three of them have the ability to hide, how can they contend against so many Wu Wang?

In the sky, ten martial kings were suddenly swept by a sword light, and their throats were instantly sealed.


"not good!"

The kings of martial arts were shocked, and a strange power suddenly appeared, killing them with one blow.


There were many sword lights again, followed by another group of people falling from the sky.


Then, a terrifying spiritual arrow rushed over, piercing their souls instantly.

Boom boom boom!
Row after row of corpses fell from mid-air.

Everyone looked at this scene, all dumbfounded.

What's the situation!It was simply a one-sided massacre.

far away.

Jin Leopard, Hua Yekong, Donghuang and the others looked extremely ugly. Their Martial Kings died row after row.

Su Tianling lay lazily on the chair, looked at Donghuang and the others, and said leisurely, "It's time for us to start."

Su Tianling's figure instantly appeared in the void, standing with his hands behind his back, looking down at Donghuang and others below.

"Kill!" Golden Leopard and the eleven Martial Emperors saw that Su Tianling couldn't wait any longer, and cold killing intent gushed out of their eyes, and then rushed into the void with terrifying power.

"Useless!" Su Tianling's feet moved slightly, and the bodies of the eleven Martial Emperors who were rushing up trembled violently.

Immediately, they all vomited blood and fell to the ground from mid-air.

Everyone looked at this scene with horror in their eyes.

"What's the situation, it was just abolished?"

"It's indeed abolished!" From some forces in the distance, a strong Martial Emperor stared at Jin Bao and the others. He could tell that the cultivation base of Jin Bao and the others had been abolished along with their martial souls!

The giants of the various forces who were watching stared at Su Tianling with solemn eyes, and with a powerful shout, they abolished Jin Bao and others. It is conceivable how powerful Su Tianling is.

"Su Tianling is Wuzong! Only Wuzong! Can easily abolish so many Wuhuangs!" A giant said in a concentrated voice, and then smiled bitterly. It turns out that Su Tianling is not Wuzong, but the realm of Wuzong.

Jin Bao and the others crashed to the ground, and found that their cultivation base and martial soul had all been abolished. They couldn't accept it, and roared up to the sky, "No..."

Su Tianling still looked down, looked at Jin Bao and the others, and said leisurely, "You want to do something to someone I care about? Then try the torture that is more cruel than abolishing cultivation bases and destroying martial souls!"

With one big hand, Su Tianling captured more than a dozen demonic apes from far away. Demonic apes are a kind of monsters. This kind of monsters like to spoil women the most. When necessary, men will not let them go.

Su Tianling took out pills, popped them into the mouth of the demon ape, and then waved his hand, a barrier enveloped Jin Bao and the others.

"Roar!" After being fed the Charming Pill, the eyes of many demon apes were full of greed, their burly bodies and swollen muscles were full of explosive power.

Many demon apes rushed towards Jin Bao, Hua Yekong and others immediately.

"No..." Jin Bao and the Martial Emperor all had pale faces, and their eyes revealed a deep look of horror.

Although it is difficult for them to accept being abolished and their martial soul destroyed, it is even more difficult to accept compared to being ruined by these demonic apes.


"Hoho!" The big claws of the demon ape tore apart the clothes of the Golden Leopard and other Martial Emperors, and began to ravage inhumanely!
"Ah...Su Tianling!...Ah..."

Donghuang and the others roared hysterically... tears have already flowed out, they are majestic, majestic matter what happens, they will not shed tears, but now, they are crying...

The people in the distance looked at this scene, all of them turned pale...

These demonic apes are all male, and they seem to have gone crazy at the moment, ruthlessly ravaging Jin Bao and others...

far away.

Seeing this scene, Jin Cheng, Hua Ze, and Dong Bai all turned pale, feeling tired of being trampled by the demon ape!Who can bear this...

Even a Buddhist with a detached mind may not be able to bear it!


When Jin Cheng and the others lost their minds, Liu Xue and Su Xiaoke attacked at the same time. The combination of spiritual power and kendo power instantly crippled the cultivation of Jin Cheng and the others!
"It's all useless..." Su Tianling looked down, smiled lightly, and said to Jin Cheng and the others, "If you want to touch my people, then experience the consequences."

Su Tianling opened his hand, and Jin Cheng and others below were immediately thrown into the enveloping barrier.

Seeing that it was delicious again, the demon ape immediately beat its chest and stomped its feet, roared to the sky, then stared at its feet, and jumped out with its burly body, instantly crushing Jin Cheng and others to the ground.

The demon ape's eyes were greedy, the corners of his mouth were drooling, and his claws suddenly tore apart the clothes of Jin Cheng, Dong Bai, and Hua Ze...

"Oh no……"


The war is over.

Millions of people watched this scene in the distance, watching Jin Bao and others roaring hysterically, weeping in despair, and enduring the torture of the demon ape, each of them trembled and turned pale.

Why do they think of the scene where they were tortured by the devil ape when they saw such a scene!


There were also many people who couldn't bear the visual impact and began to vomit directly. They vomited for a long time, and many of them were about to collapse.

not far away.

Seeing this scene, Liu Xue, Su Xiaoke, and Hua Qingcheng vomited all the bitter water in their stomachs.

Such a disgusting scene is even more unacceptable than the waste of martial soul and destruction of cultivation base.

Zong door.

Li Ran and Ye Qingxuan frowned tightly, and there was a conflict of wanting to vomit, but their eyes still kept looking forward.

It seems that because this scene is too rare to want to miss such an unforgettable scene.

It's been a long time.

Jin Bao, Dong Huang and others died.

It was not killed, but ravaged to death by the demon ape.

Su Tianling glanced down, and with a wave of his hand, cleaned up all the messy things on the ground.

"Return to the sect." Su Tianling looked at Su Xiaoke and the others and said.

Su Xiaoke and the others hurried back to the sect.


The faces of the millions of people in the distance are still pale. Compared with the shock of Jin Bao and others being deposed, this scene of the demon ape ravaging the emperors is even more shocking to the soul.

"In the future, if you see someone who destroys Tianzong, hide as much as you can!"

"Whoever provokes Tianzong in the future, I will be the first to kill whoever!"

For a while, the giants of various forces warned the people under their command in deep voices.

Everyone nodded.

After this incident, who would dare to provoke the disciples of Mie Tianzong?
Unless it is tired of life.

dark place.

There was a middle-aged man who witnessed this scene, his eyes looked in the direction of Mie Tianzong, and his eyes looked very calm.

"The sect covered by that woman is also very strong. I'm afraid it's no longer inferior to me." The middle-aged man let out a long voice, and his figure disappeared.

In the Heavenly Sect.

The girls couldn't come back to their senses for a long time, and the scene just now kept reappearing in their heads. Compared with being abolished, the martial soul was destroyed, and being tortured to death by the demon ape, life was really worse than death.

[The strongest son-in-law, the QN chat number: 521411537, the recent card text, book friends have suggestions on how to write the follow-up plot, you can enter the group discussion]

(End of this chapter)

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