Chapter 124 Master
Time passed gradually, and March passed in a blink of an eye.

In the past three months, the eighth-class area was calm, and there were no incidents. The major forces were also far away from Mie Tianzong, and they did not dare to get close to anyone in Mie Tianzong, so as not to cause trouble.

In this March.

Li Ran and Ye Qingxuan broke through to the mid-stage Martial Emperor Realm.

Liu Xue, Su Xiaoke, and Hua Qingcheng are still the early Martial Kings.

In the past three months, Su Tianling taught several people to practice from time to time, so that each of them got a certain increase in strength.

On this day, the sky was clear, and three figures appeared in the void, two of which were graceful and extremely beautiful, and one was a young man.

"I heard from the insiders of the sect that Ran'er is here." The graceful woman looked around with her beautiful eyes and said slowly.

"Qingxuan is also here. I heard from people in the sect that Qingxuan and Ran'er established a sect in the eighth-class region." Another beautiful woman in plain clothes said with a smile.

"My lord, Ran'er and Qingxuan are very talented. If they can assist you, they will definitely be your right-hand men." The graceful woman said to the white-clothed man beside her.

The man in white nodded slightly, smiled and said, "If the two of them are good, I will train them to practice, but right now..."

Speaking of this, the man in white looked serious, and said in a deep voice, "The most important thing right now is to find the clues of those two golden lights!"

The woman in plain clothes raised her eyebrows and said, "According to the people in the sect, one of the golden lights descended on the ninth-class area. At that time, Qingxuan, Li Ran and other Martial Emperors of other forces went to look for it. Now the Martial Emperors of those forces They are all dead, and only by finding Qingxuan and Liran can we know more clues about that golden light."

"Go and find out where your disciples are." The man in white said.

The woman in plain clothes nodded, "With the strength and looks of Qingxuan and Liran, they should be well-known in these eighth-class regions. I'll go and find out."

After all, the figure of the plain-clothed woman swept towards a sect below, easily passed through the sect's protective formation, and appeared in front of the sect's master.

"Who!" The suzerain noticed that someone had suddenly appeared, his expression changed drastically, his aura became violent, and he looked at the plain-clothed woman vigilantly with his eyes.

"Don't be nervous, I'm just asking you something." The plain-clothed woman's voice was accompanied by terrifying power, instantly crushing the suzerain's entire body.

Seeing the woman in plain clothes crushing his aura easily, the suzerain's heart trembled violently. He is the pinnacle Martial Emperor, and the person who can crush his aura so easily is at least Wu Zong!And it is very likely that he has reached a very high level at the Wuzong level.

"What's the matter?" the suzerain said in a deep voice.

The plain-clothed woman raised her slender hand, condensing two portraits.

The suzerain frowned when he saw the two women in the portrait, "Li Ran, Ye Qingxuan."

"You know them! Where are they!" the woman in plain clothes asked hurriedly.

"They are in the Mietian Sect in the westernmost part of the eighth-class area."

The suzerain said.

When the woman in plain clothes heard the words, her eyes flickered, Mie Tianzong... the sect her disciple and Li Ran founded together was actually called Mie Tianzong.

Mietian... This ambition is really ambitious.

The figure of the woman in plain clothes disappeared immediately, and the suzerain murmured to himself with puzzled eyes, "Who is this Wuzong woman? Why have I never seen it before? Why are you looking for Li Ran and Ye Qingxuan?"


The plain-clothed woman said to the graceful woman and the white-clothed man, "Qingxuan and Liran are in Mietianzong in the westernmost region."

"That is to say, the sect established by Ran'er and Qingxuan is called Mie Tianzong." The graceful woman nodded with a smile.

Hearing this, the man in white frowned slightly and said, "The westernmost region? The spiritual energy there is not very good. It seems that Mietian Sect is ranked at the bottom of the eighth-class region."

"My lord, after all, Qingxuan and I have just arrived in the eighth-class region for more than a year. It is already very good to be able to take root in the eighth-class region for more than a year." The graceful woman said.

"Let's go find them first." The man in white said.

The three of them fled to the west, and a sect force gradually appeared in the sight of the three of them. On the plaque of the sect, there were three characters "Mie Tianzong" engraved on it.

A beautiful woman stood at the gate of the sect.

"Huh? This woman's strength is the early stage Wuwang. Gengu is 29 years old. At this age, she is already an early stage Wuwang. I think she is very talented." The woman in plain clothes looked at Hua Qingcheng who was standing in the sect, and said to the man in white , "My apprentice Qingxuan has taken in a direct disciple, and this woman may be Su Xiaoke, the young master of Zhijianzong."

The graceful woman raised her eyebrows and said, "It could also be Liu Xue, my disciple of Tu Er Ran Er."

The man in white looked at Hua Qingcheng below, showed a faint smile, and said, "This woman can reach the stage of early Martial King at the age of 29. I think her talent is very good. If she can follow me, she will be my daughter in the future." right-hand man."

The woman in plain clothes said with a smile, "If Qingxuan and Liran both follow you, their disciples will naturally follow, and then you will have new right-hand men."

"Hehe." The man in white showed a faint smile, and then said, "Go, go down."

The three swept down and appeared at the gate of the sect in an instant.

As the disciple guarding the gate, Hua Qingcheng stared at the three people in front of her with beautiful eyes, and said indifferently, "What are you doing!"

Hua Qingcheng couldn't see the cultivation base of the three people, and it seemed that these three people didn't want to become disciples of the sect.

The woman in plain clothes looked at Hua Qingcheng, and asked with a smile, "Is your name Su Xiaoke, or Liu Xue?"

"Not at all!" Hua Qingcheng frowned slightly, looked at the woman in plain clothes, and said calmly, "What are you guys doing to destroy Tianzong!"

The woman in plain clothes froze for a moment, her name was neither Liu Xue nor Su Xiaoke, could she be the new disciple of Mie Tianzong?

"My name is Chu Yue, and I am the master of your suzerain Ye Qingxuan." The woman in plain clothes looked at Hua Qingcheng and said, "Go and report, Qingxuan knows my name and will come here."

"My name is Lin Chan, and I'm Li Ran's master. Let Li Ran come out to see me too," said the graceful woman.

Hua Qingcheng frowned slightly when she heard the words, Li Ran and Ye Qingxuan's master, then she really had to report.

Before leaving, he looked at Lin Chan and Chu Yue and corrected him, "Li Ran and Ye Qingxuan are not the sect masters, they are the sect's enforcers!"

Lin Chan and Chu Yue frowned when they heard the words, their disciple was not the suzerain of Mietian sect, so who is the suzerain of this sect?

Inside the sect.

After Li Ran and Ye Qingxuan got the news, they rushed out immediately, seeing Lin Chan and Chu Yue, shed tears excitedly, "Master."


"Of course."

The four master and apprentice embraced each other with tears in their eyes.

The man in white looked at Li Ran and Ye Qingxuan, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes. He had seen portraits of the two women before, although the portraits were beautiful, but now that he saw real people, he realized that real people are more beautiful than the portraits.

(End of this chapter)

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