The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 129 Liu Xue's Probe

Chapter 129 Liu Xue's Probe

Su Tianling shook his head lightly, and didn't mention his realm, but said, "Cultivate well, and when the time is right, you will naturally conceive."

Liu Xue remained silent.

She looked at Su Tianling with beautiful eyes, and asked, "If I use the crown martial soul, can this gap in realm be resolved?"

"I haven't tried it." Su Tianling shook his head slightly, and he didn't know if it would work.

Even if he could do it, he would not let Liu Xue get pregnant.

"Then try it." Liu Xue's eyes showed excitement.

"Yes." Su Tianling nodded slightly.

After you're done.

Liu Xue sighed helplessly, "It still doesn't work."

Su Tianling didn't say anything, but closed his eyes, wanting to rest.

"Tianling... let's talk about something else." Liu Xue.

"Sleep." Su Tianling didn't want to say anything, and felt a little uncomfortable. He didn't have the slightest affection for Liu Xue. When he came back through time, he just felt that he owed Liu Xue. Now Liu Xue fell in love with him. Liu Xue lived every day. He was also very happy, he felt that making Liu Xue happy had already made up for Liu Xue.

He doesn't have that kind of affection for Liu Xue, he is an emperor, after a long time, there is no common language with Liu Xue.

What he can do is to fulfill the responsibility of a husband, protect Liu Xue, and make Liu Xue happy every day.

That's it, I always feel a little bit forced.

In general, he can make do with life.

"I have practiced to this level, so I don't need to sleep every day, right? You don't want to talk to me? Talk about when you were a child?" Liu Xue shook Su Tianling's body, and said softly, "Don't with me."

"What do you want to talk about?" Su Tianling opened his eyes helplessly.

"For example... Do you love me or not?" Liu Xue blinked.

"Love." Su Tianling.

"So perfunctory?" Liu Xue raised her eyebrows, dissatisfied.

"How is it not perfunctory?" Su Tianling asked.

"..." Liu Xue didn't know either.

"Hurry up and go to bed, it's getting dark." Su Tianling said speechlessly.

"En." Liu Xue nodded lightly.

Su Tianling closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

Looking at Su Tianling, Liu Xue always felt that something was wrong, she always felt that Su Tianling didn't treat her like a lover.

In her memory, her mother Xie Yujie and her father Liu Feng were glued together all day long.

When eating, they would give each other food, and they would also say some sweet words of love. When she was a child, she accidentally saw her mother taking a sip of wine, then kissed her father, and fed her the wine in her mouth daddy.

Besides, her mother and father were flirting all day long.

Although her father seemed to be strict with his wife on the surface and listened to her mother very much, but only she knew that her father was not strict with his wife, but respected her mother, liked her mother, and let her mother do everything.

She now feels that this is true love, the relationship between a man and a woman.

She is now a wife.

She often eats with Su Tianling and Su Xiaoke. She often picks up vegetables for Su Tianling, but Su Tianling never picks up vegetables for her, only for Su Xiaoke.

At that time, she thought that Su Tianling thought that Su Xiaoke was young and loved Xiaoke very much, so he brought the food.

But thinking about it now, I always feel that something is wrong.

She can understand to bring vegetables to Su Xiaoke. She knew that Su Tianling loved Su Xiaoke very much since she was a child.

But...why don't you give her some food?
With doubts, Liu Xue fell asleep.

Early morning the next day.

Liu Xue cooked a large table of dishes.

Five people ate together.

"Eat more, you're all skinny." Su Tianling took a piece of meat and put it in Su Xiaoke's bowl beside him.

"Brother, eat more too." Su Xiaoke blinked, and put a piece of fat in Su Tianling's bowl.

Su Tianling smiled and ate.

"Sister Xue, eat more too." Su Xiaoke said.

"En." Liu Xue nodded lightly, and she put a dish in Su Tianling's bowl.

"If you eat yours, I will pick it up." Su Tianling said to Liu Xue angrily.

When Liu Xue heard this, for some reason, she felt sore.

Su Xiaoke picked up food for Su Tianling, and Su Tianling smiled happily, his eyes full of love.

But when she served Su Tianling with food, she got such a response.

after eating.

Liu Xue and Su Xiaoke went to wash the dishes.

Su Tianling looked at Li Ran and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Go to the Martial Arts Field."

Li Ran and the two nodded lightly. After eating every day, they would compete in the Martial Arts Field. Su Tianling watched and pointed at the same time. The two girls have long been accustomed to this.

in the kitchen.

While washing the bowl, Liu Xue asked Su Xiaoke beside her, "Xiao Ke, how do you think the liking between men and women is expressed?"

"Between a man and a woman???" Su Xiaoke thought for a while and said, "It should be because he cares about the other party all the time. He wants to know how he is doing, whether he is happy, and if he is unhappy, try to make him happy. If his life is not good, we will find a way to make him live a good life, and then we just want to get tired of being together every day..."

"What about the details?" Liu Xue asked.

Su Xiaoke glanced at Liu Xue speechlessly, and then flipped through the inner space of the storage ring. There were many, many books in the inner space.

Su Xiaoke took out a book, handed it to Liu Xue, and said, "You will know it after reading this book."

Liu Xue nodded lightly.

After clearing away the dishes.

Liu Xue sat alone in the yard and read the book, wanting to see how the book described the relationship between men and women.

[-]. Involuntarily want to show affection.

Second, when in contact with a man, he will be jealous.

Three, you will know all your hobbies, what you like to eat, what color clothes you like to wear, what time you usually sleep, etc.

Liu Xue's eyes showed thinking, thinking back to the past.

"Show affection? Never showed it once."

"When you have contact with men, you will be jealous, which is true."

Liu Xue remembered that when she was in Beiming Academy, the third prince Dongli always created various opportunities to discuss martial arts, trying to get close to her.

Although she disliked the approach of the third prince Dongli, when she was in the Hall of Souls, almost everyone listened to the third prince, even the hall master listened to the third prince Dongli.

This made her feel helpless, so she could only perfunctorily discuss martial arts.

Later, when Su Tianling came to Beiming Academy, people in the academy reported that she and the third prince Dongli often discussed martial arts.

After Su Tianling learned about it, she was very angry, which she vividly remembered.

"This is jealousy." Liu Xue muttered to herself.

"My hobbies... When do I sleep... What do I like to eat?" Liu Xue raised her eyebrows. Su Tianling should know this since she is with her every day.

"Headache." Liu Xue gently rubbed her forehead, she always felt that Su Tianling didn't like her that much, but what happened in the past showed that Su Tianling liked her, why did it become like this now.

Could it be that before getting married and after getting married, the attitude will change drastically?

(End of this chapter)

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