Chapter 130 Returning to Qingling

Liu Xue sighed, the more she thought about it, the more headache she got, and she planned to go home after a while and ask her parents to see how they did it.

at dusk.

Liu Xue was already lying on the couch, but there was no sign of Su Tianling, which made her frowned slightly, and then got up to look for it.

On the roof of the sect's palace.

Su Tianling sat there, looking at the twinkling stars in the sky, with Su Xiaoke beside him.

"Brother, it's time for you to go back and accompany Sister Xue." Su Xiaoke said.

"Don't you stay together every day?" Su Tianling asked.

"That's different, the night belongs to you and Sister Xue." Su Xiaoke said.

"All right, all right." Su Tianling stood up, looked at Su Xiaoke and said, "You should go back and rest earlier."

"I practice." Su Xiaoke.

"The night is specially for sleeping, not for practicing, not to mention that you don't need to practice so diligently, with a brother covering you, just play obediently." Su Tianling said with a smile.

"..." Su Xiaoke.

"Okay, I'm going back." Su Tianling's figure flashed and appeared in the courtyard.

Then he saw Liu Xue walking out of the room.

"Where did you go just now?" Liu Xue looked at Su Tianling and asked.

"Looked at the stars for a while on the roof of the palace." Su Tianling.

"With Xiao Ke?" Liu Xue asked.

"Yes." Su Tianling.

"Take me with you next time." Liu Xue said.

"Okay." Su Tianling nodded slightly.

After the two entered the room.

Then he lay down on the couch.

Liu Xue shook Su Tianling's body and said softly, "Do you want to do it?"

"You were not like this before..." Su Tianling.

"The past was the past, and the present is the present." Liu Xue said.

"Then... let's do it." Su Tianling.

en route.

Liu Xue's gaze never moved away from Su Tianling's body for a moment.

Said in the book.

A couple who truly love each other can achieve the resonance between the soul and the body when doing the couple's affairs, and can feel the other's love for them.

At times like this, love cannot be concealed.

She saw Su Tianling's ferocity and might, but she didn't feel the slightest bit of love.

The book says that when a husband really likes his wife, he will kiss and caress, and his eyes will become extremely tender.

However, Su Tianling's eyes did not show any tenderness, and his behavior was more like completing a task.

This made her heart feel like falling into an ice cave, and it was like being pricked by a needle, which was extremely painful.

It turns out... Su Tianling doesn't love her.

After finishing, Su Tianling fell asleep.

Seeing this, Liu Xue felt more pain in her heart. According to the book, after finishing the work, the husband usually hugs his wife for a while, but Su Tianling falls asleep right away, which is exactly the same as completing the task.

Liu Xue glanced at him, then closed her eyes.

She recalled everything from the beginning.

From the beginning of her marriage with Su Tianling, she knew that Su Tianling agreed to marry because she gained more power to protect Xiaoke.

At that time, she knew that Su Tianling didn't like her, and she didn't like Su Tianling either, so she wanted to make do with it and treat each other like a guest.

Unexpectedly, she fell in love with Su Tianling during this period.

And Su Tianling hasn't fallen in love with her yet.

Liu Xue recalled how Su Tianling was angry when she was in the Beiming Academy, but now that she thinks about it carefully, she realizes that Su Tianling at that time was not jealous.

If it were her, even if she had no feelings for Su Tianling, if she knew that there was an excellent woman pursuing Su Tianling, she would be angry and angry.


Liu Xue understood.


The next morning.

After breakfast, Liu Xue looked at Li Ran and said, "Master, I want to go home, can you take me home?"

Li Ran looked puzzled, looked at Liu Xue and asked, "Homesick?"

"En." Liu Xue nodded lightly.

"Okay." Li Ran nodded slightly.

"Brother, let's go back too, I haven't seen Uncle Liu and Aunt Liu for a long time." Su Xiaoke said.

"No, I want to go back and be quiet." Liu Xue said hurriedly, she didn't want Su Tianling to follow.

Su Xiaoke and Su Tianling looked at Liu Xue suspiciously, and went back to be quiet?What is quiet?
Su Tianling took out some good wine and said to Liu Xue, "Father-in-law likes to drink, bring these wines to him."

"En." Liu Xue nodded lightly.

Then Li Ran took Liu Xue and left.

"Xiao Ranran left...I suddenly feel so bored." Ye Qingxuan blinked her eyes, she had been arguing with Li Ran since she was young, and she left suddenly, she missed her very much.

"Practice." Su Tianling.

"..." Ye Qingxuan.


en route.

Li Ran sensed that Liu Xue was not in a good mood, she was depressed all the time, so she couldn't help frowning, "What's the matter with you? Do you have something on your mind?"

Liu Xue shook her head lightly and remained silent for a long time.

Li Ran didn't ask any more, she was just curious, it was fine yesterday, why is it so bad today?
After a long time, Liu Xue asked aloud, "Master, if you know that the person you like doesn't like you, wouldn't it be very tiring to be together?"

"It's very tiring. If you are a teacher, it is impossible to be with someone who doesn't like you." After Li Ran finished speaking, her eyes flickered, she stared at Liu Xue, and asked with a frown, "Is there something wrong between you and Su Tianling?" what?"

"Yeah." Liu Xue didn't hide anything, and said slowly, "I found out that he doesn't like me."

"Don't like you? Shouldn't you?" Li Ran's eyes showed doubts. After such a long time of contact, she should like it.

"You don't have a Taoist partner, you don't understand." Liu Xue lightly shook her head.

"..." Li Ran.

"Then what are you going to do?" Li Ran asked with a frown.

"Instead of making do with this, it's better to get a divorce. I'll go back and ask my parents for their opinions." Liu Xue said softly.

Last night, she thought a lot.

She likes Su Tianling, but suddenly realizes that the person she likes doesn't like her, the pain is indescribable.

Seeing Su Tianling facing her every day as if she had completed a task, her heart hurt even more.

She wants to let go.

Maybe the only way to get rid of it is to let go.

When Li Ran heard this, her pupils froze slightly, divorce?

Has it gotten this serious?

"Xiaoxue, you must be careful about this!" Li Ran said in a deep voice.

"Think twice." Liu Xue shook her head lightly, and said slowly, "I will convince my parents and divorce."

Li Ran was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to do.

She thought for a long time, then frowned and said, "Xiaoxue, could it be your illusion? I think Su Tianling is pretty good."

"He's a nice person... just don't like me, what's the use? Watching him finish his tasks every day, must be a kind of torture for him." Liu Xue shook her head lightly.

"I think you need to communicate more with Su Tianling. As a teacher, you have traveled a lot these years and heard about some couples. Some couples broke up because of lack of communication." Li Ran.

"I will." Liu Xue whispered, she was in mid-air, looking at the scenery below, a mountain gradually appeared, the mountain was Qingling Mountain, and beside the mountain was Qingling Town.

Seeing this, for some reason, Liu Xue suddenly wanted to cry.

(End of this chapter)

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