Chapter 131 Divorce
The Liu Family in Qingling Town.

Xie Yujie and Liu Feng were staying in the yard, drinking and chatting.

"Daughter-in-law, give me a drink." Liu Feng said.

"All right, all right... my high official." Xie Yujie took a sip of wine, and kissed Liu Feng with red lips.

Liu Feng tasted the fragrance of orchids contained in the wine, and couldn't help showing intoxication, "It's cool..."

"Look how beautiful you are." Xie Yujie said with a smile.

This scene.

Li Ran and Liu Xue, who were descending, noticed it.

Li Ran couldn't bear to look directly at her, why is she so affectionate?
Looking at this scene, Liu Xue wanted to cry and laugh at the same time.

What I want to laugh about is that her parents are really loving, even after so many years, they are still very loving.

What makes her want to cry is that she and Su Tianling have never been like this before.

"Huh? Xiaoxue?"

Xie Yujie noticed that someone was there, and immediately looked over, feeling a little puzzled in her heart, why did her daughter come back?
During this period of time, she stayed at Liu's house and did not spread the holy thoughts, paying attention to Liu Xue and the others.

With Su Tianling here, there is no need for her to protect in secret.

"Father, mother." Liu Xue landed and hugged Xie Yujie.

As a mother, Xie Yujie, who watched Liu Xue grow up, immediately realized that something was wrong with her daughter.

"What's going on?" Xie Yujie frowned.

"Girl, what's the matter? Why are your eyes red?" Liu Feng raised his eyebrows and looked at Liu Xue.

"It's nothing, I just miss my parents too much." Liu Xue shook her head lightly, not intending to say it right now.

With Li Ran at the side, she said, "Xiaoxue is going to divorce Su Tianling."

"What! Divorce?" Liu Feng was taken aback when he heard the words, looked at Liu Xue, and asked, "Why are you going to get a divorce? You shouldn't just start messing around and end up giving up."

"Shut up!" Xie Yujie glared at Liu Feng, then looked at Liu Xue, and asked, "What's going on, did Tianling bully you?"

"No." Liu Xue shook her head lightly, mist appeared in her eyes, and she couldn't help but flowed down directly.

"What's going on? You want to kill us in a hurry." Liu Feng was in a hurry.

"Xiaoxue, don't cry, what's going on?" Xie Yujie pulled Liu Xue to sit down.

After Liu Xue calmed down a little, she briefly talked about some things that happened in the past few days.

After hearing this, Liu Feng raised his eyebrows and said, "It shouldn't be. You are so beautiful and have high martial arts talent. That boy Tianling has no reason not to like you. Could it be your illusion?"

Xie Yujie showed a thoughtful look on the contrary, she knew that Su Tianling encountered a heart demon when he attacked the legendary realm, so she wanted to make up for it.

Make it up... make it up just to make her daughter happy, but not to like her daughter.

This made her frown slightly, and she didn't know what to do for a while.

"Mom, I want to divorce him, so that he doesn't have to force himself to be with me every day." Liu Xue said with eyes full of mist.

"This matter..." Xie Yujie had a headache.

So far, how can we just leave.

"We'll talk about this matter tomorrow." Xie Yujie said softly.


Xie Yujie's figure appeared in the void of the eighth-rank region.

Su Tianling's figure appeared beside Xie Yujie, and said with a smile, "I have already comprehended the contents of the two pages of the soul book, and I will create more martial souls for you."

After all, Su Tianling shaped many eight-star martial spirits in Xie Yujie's body.

Xie Yujie's expression remained calm, and she was not shocked by the fact that there were many eight-star martial souls in her body.

"It's done." Su Tianling said with a smile, and found that Xie Yujie's face was calm all the time, and he kept looking at him, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and asked, "Mother-in-law... why are you always looking at me like this?"

Xie Yujie turned her head away, put her hands behind her back, and said, "Xiaoxue wants to divorce you."

"Divorce?" Hearing this, Su Tianling frowned, with puzzled eyes, "Why?"

"She feels that you don't like her!" Xie Yujie.

Su Tianling was speechless for a while, his eyes were looking at the void, but he was still seen...

Although at the beginning, he tried his best to hide that he had no love for Liu Xue, but after a long time, Su Tianling felt too tired, and wanted to rest when he was tired...

During this period of time, Liu Xue should have noticed something.

Xie Yujie stared into Su Tianling's eyes, and said in a condensed voice, "Tell me! Your so-called guilt towards Xiaoxue is to let her fall in love with you, and you just make do with her, right?"

"At that time, I could only erase 10 years at the most, and that time just stayed after getting married. If it stayed before getting married, I would definitely not marry her. Later, I asked her if she wanted a divorce. If she I agreed to divorce, and I went to discuss it with you. At that time, she didn't agree, so I thought about how to make up for the guilt, and there was no other way to make up for it except to make her fall in love with me."

Su Tianling showed bitterness, and sighed, "I thought that making her fall in love with me and seeing her happy every day was enough to make up for it. I also wanted to have a long-term relationship, experience is different from hers. There is not much common language, so even after a long time, I have not been able to fall in love with her, and now she feels it... I don't know what to do."

Xie Yujie was silent.

This incident was not Su Tianling's fault, and she couldn't say anything.

But when I think of my daughter's uncomfortable appearance, I feel uncomfortable for a while.

"She wants a divorce! Divorce!" Xie Yujie stared at Su Tianling.

"She wants to leave, so let's leave... It's better to let this kind of thing take its course." Su Tianling thought for a while and said, what a practitioner cultivates is also the heart, just follow the heart.

"If it's a divorce! Will you allow her to marry someone else!"

Xie Yujie!
Su Tianling frowned slightly, thought for a while and said, "Not allowed."

"Why!" Xie Yujie.

Su Tianling asked her heart, and said, "Maybe it's because, in my heart, she can only be mine. Even if she's divorced, she can't be touched by others."

"I understand! Let's leave then."

Xie Yujie's figure disappeared out of thin air, and when she disappeared far away, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, "Based on your thoughts, sooner or later you will still get back together, just need to temper each other, need a deep stimulation."

After Xie Yujie returned to Liu's house, she immediately said to Liu Xue and Liu Feng, "Let's leave then."

"Do you really want to leave?" Liu Feng frowned deeply upon hearing this.

"Well, I really want to leave." Xie Yujie.

Some time passed.

Su Tianling came to Liu's house, in the yard.

Liu Xue and the others were all there.

Su Tianling looked at Liu Xue, with mixed feelings in his heart, are he going to leave...

"Press your fingerprints." Xie Yujie handed out a piece of paper, which was a marriage agreement. She looked at Su Tianling and said, "After the fingerprints are pressed, you will be officially divorced. If your parents show up in the future, this agreement will Give them a purpose too."

[Reminder, the protagonist has nothing to do with the scumbag, it's just that the relationship between the two of them is not that good, they need to sharpen and get back together soon]

(End of this chapter)

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