The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 162 Abnormal Su Xiaoke

Chapter 162 Abnormal Su Xiaoke
After the two returned to the yard.

I saw Su Xiaoke was busy in the kitchen, and there were already more than ten dishes on the table.

"Xiao Ke, why are you cooking so many dishes?"

Su Tianling was puzzled.

"Of course it's eating." Su Xiaoke continued to work without turning her head.

"..." Su Tianling said, "There are so many dishes, I can't finish them all."

"Eat slowly." Su Xiaoke said.

"..." Su Tianling.

Liu Xue said with a smile, "If Xiao Ke wants to cook, let her do it."

"En." Su Tianling nodded lightly, and sat down with Liu Xue first.

After a while.

Su Xiaoke served a few dishes, then looked at Liu Xue and said, "Sister Xue, how about trying my dishes."

"Okay." Liu Xue picked up a piece of chopsticks and tasted it, and then praised, "It's delicious, no less than a chef in a restaurant."

"Then eat more." Su Xiaoke sat beside Liu Xue and brought some vegetables for Liu Xue.

"Well, you should eat more too." Liu Xue said.

en route.

Su Xiaoke kept adding vegetables to Liuxue, and poured tea attentively.

Such an abnormal behavior aroused the suspicion of Su Tianling and Liu Xue.

Su Tianling looked at Su Xiaoke, the younger sister kept talking to Liu Xue, and kept giving Liu Xue some vegetables, and never spoke to him again from the beginning to the end.

Why is that?
While eating, Liu Xue was thinking in her heart, Su Xiaoke's head lacks oxygen today?Keep picking vegetables, think she is a pig?
He also poured tea for her and served her attentively, better than the maids.

"Xiao Ke, do you need my help?" Liu Xue looked at her and asked.

"No, what can I do?" Su Xiaoke shook her head and denied, she blinked her eyes, got up and walked behind Liu Xue, pinching Liu Xue's shoulder.

"..." Liu Xue was full of doubts, although she felt that Su Xiaoke was abnormal and thought that Su Xiaoke had something to ask her, but she thought about it, what might Su Xiaoke have to ask her?

Whether it is cultivation or other aspects, there is no need to trouble her at all.

This made Liu Xue even more puzzled. Since she had nothing to ask, why was she so enthusiastic?

"Xiao Ke, stop pinching..." Liu Xue.

"Don't, I'll pinch it for you." Su Xiaoke said, pressing her hands on Liu Xue's shoulders, the strength was heavy and light at times, very professional.

Liu Xue was helpless, she thought about it again, did Su Xiao do something to sorry her?But after thinking about it, he directly denied it in his heart. What could Su Xiao do to feel sorry for her?
In this way, Su Xiaoke waited on Liu Xue all day, until the evening, Liu Xue couldn't help but say, "It's getting late, it's time to rest."

"Sister Xue, I'll sleep with you." Su Xiaoke blinked, took Liu Xue's arm, and said softly.

"..." Liu Xue.

Su Tianling looked at Su Xiaoke and said, "Then what should I do?"

"Can't you sleep alone?" Su Xiaoke looked at Su Tianling.

"?" Su Tianling looked at Su Xiaoke suspiciously, what's going on, why did he suddenly become so abnormal today?
"Then feel wronged tonight and sleep alone." Liu Xue looked at Su Tianling and said, she also wanted to know what the hell Su Xiaoke was up to, serving her all day, and now she wanted to sleep with her at night.

Maybe Su Xiaoke will say something tonight.

"That's fine." Su Tianling glared at Su Xiaoke reluctantly, even occupying his wife.


The room is on a couch.

Su Xiaoke hugged Liu Xue.

"?" Liu Xue didn't mind Su Xiaoke holding her, she frowned slightly, and asked, "Xiao Ke, what's the matter with you? Now it's just me and you, you can just say it, even if you did something wrong to me Based on our relationship, I will definitely forgive you."

"No." Su Xiaoke hugged Liu Xue and asked curiously, "Sister Xue, can you tell me about the relationship between men and women?"

"What do you mean?" Liu Xue asked puzzled.

"It's when you and your brother do that kind of thing, how does it feel?" Su Xiaoke blinked.

Liu Xue turned around, faced Su Xiaoke, and sized her up. Could it be because of that need?
"One word, cool." Liu Xue said simply and directly.

"One word explains everything?" Su Xiaoke raised an eyebrow.

"Yes." Liu Xue.

"Is that so?" Su Xiaoke became dishonest.

"You, don't touch me indiscriminately." Liu Xue pushed her away angrily.

"Sister Xue, take off your clothes, let me massage your whole body." Su Xiaoke said.

"No, go to sleep." Liu Xue said.

"Use." Su Xiaoke.

"No need." Liu Xue.


in the yard next door.

Su Tianling raised his brows, because he was curious, he kept paying attention to what Liu Xue and Su Xiaoke would talk about.

As a result, I saw this scene.

"Is this...too much curiosity?" Su Tianling felt speechless, so he stopped paying attention. He spread the emperor's thoughts and explored the entire time realm.


The imperial clans have already monitored the first-class to seventh-class regions, and soon even the eighth-class and ninth-class regions will be monitored.

"Each region has a great emperor sitting in charge, and the remaining great emperors still reside in the first-class regions. That is to say, there are at least ten more great emperors in the first-class regions. Among the remaining great emperors, there must be some who are guarding Parents."

Su Tianling's eyes narrowed slightly, after two days, he should start to do it.

Su Tianling inspected his injuries.

The injuries of the soul and body are constantly recovering.

"During the battle, the soul book does not have the slightest boost to the battle, the Tao book can only restore injuries, and only the time book can be used, which is almost enough."

Su Tianling murmured to himself, his thoughts of emperor continued to spread, mainly to the void, and wanted to find the empress from another world, but after searching, he did not find her figure.

Su Tianling didn't continue searching, closed his eyes and went to sleep.


The next morning.

Several people gathered together to eat breakfast.

"Sister Xue, eat more." Su Xiaoke looked at Liu Xue and said with a smile.

"..." Liu Xue stared at Su Xiaoke imperceptibly. Last night, Su Xiaoke acted like a hooligan, dishonest everywhere.

If she hadn't known that Su Xiaoke was a woman, she would have suspected that Su Xiaoke had fallen in love with her.

"Tian Ling, go out for a walk in a while?"

Liu Xue suggested.

"Okay." Su Tianling nodded. There is nothing to do these two days, and he doesn't need to practice. As for the cultivation of his sister and Liu Xue, he doesn't need to cultivate deliberately for the time being. After a period of time, he will be able to break through smoothly.

after eating.

The three left the sect.

As they left, two pairs of eyes kept watching them.

"Sister, shall we follow?" Dongfang Jian said.

Dongfang Yu looked at the back of Su Tianling and the others leaving, and immediately nodded slightly.

Although she was a little afraid of Su Tianling and knew that Su Tianling was a pervert, there was no doubt about Su Tianling's aptitude, and there was a great possibility that he would be able to win the title of emperor in the future.

Once he becomes an emperor, he will be a very powerful existence among the emperors.

She had to win over such a person.

(End of this chapter)

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