The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 163 Top Sky Silk Satin

Chapter 163 Top Sky Silk Satin
Leyue City.

Leyue City is the most prosperous city in the fifth-class region, bar none.

This city is not controlled by any power in the fifth-class region, but behind this city is the shadow of a fourth-class region force, which makes many people stay in this city and dare not mess around.

Leyue City is huge and extremely prosperous.

There are all sorts of pleasure-seeking places in the city.

There are gambling houses, kilns, art houses, and black markets.

Whether it is a place for men to have fun, or a place for women to have fun, there are all of them.

Su Tianling, Liu Xue, and Su Xiaoke were walking on the streets in the city.

"There are so many places to play here." Su Xiaoke held Liu Xue's arm, looking very intimate.

"Yeah." Liu Xue nodded lightly, walking down the road, there are places to play everywhere.

When passing by the brothel, Su Xiaoke raised her eyebrows slightly, looked at it curiously, and then asked Su Tianling, "Brother, have you ever visited a brothel?"

"No!" Su Tianling said unhappily, "What's there to visit in the kiln? They are all a bunch of rouge and vulgar fans. Even if there are very beautiful ones, they have already been touched by countless men."

On the side, Liu Xue lightly shook her head and said, "There's nothing to see, let's go."

"Yeah." Su Xiaoke nodded.

"Brother Su, if you haven't visited a brothel, how can I not believe it?"

At this moment, a voice sounded.

The three of Su Tianling turned around and looked.

When I saw Dongfang Sword and Dongfangyu.

Su Xiaoke stared at Dongfang Jian with cold eyes, and said coldly, "If my brother says he hasn't been there, he hasn't been there! Do you believe it or not, it's none of our business?"

"Do you know who you are talking to? I am the emperor!" Dongfang Jian held his hands behind his back, looked extremely arrogant, looked at Su Xiaoke, and said indifferently, "If anyone dared to talk to me like that, I would have killed him a long time ago. He's gone! For the sake of you being a woman, I won't argue with you!"

"Emperor?" Su Xiaoke sneered, "Your strength should be the same as that of your sister, right? Even your sister, the emperor, can't beat my brother. You, the emperor, are not worth anything. Emperor's son? If you don't rely on the emperor's family, what are you?"

Dongfang Jian's eyes became sharper, he stared sharply at Su Xiaoke, and said coldly, "It's enough for me to rely on the imperial family, believe it or not, as long as I give an order, I can put you in a place of eternal doom!"

"Back on the family's trash, you have the face to say it! You have the ability to single out!" Su Xiaoke.

Dongfang Jian stared at Su Xiaoke, and said coldly, "If I win, you will sleep with me, if you win, I will let you handle it! Do you dare to fight me!"

"Shut up!" Dongfang Yu's expression turned ugly, and he yelled at Dongfang Jian.

"Why should I shut up?" Dongfang Jian raised his brows, stared at Dongfangyu, and said in a deep voice, "I am an emperor, someone offends me, can I bear it? If I endure it, other emperors and emperors will know about it." What the hell do I have to be called the emperor?"

Dongfang Yu shot suddenly, slapped Dongfang Jian on the face, and said coldly, "If you say this again, I can only tell the elders in the clan!"

"You!" Dongfang Jian's expression turned ugly.

Dongfangyu ignored Dongfangjian, she looked at Su Tianling and said, "I want to chat with you."

"Let's talk? You still want me to join the Dongfang Imperial Clan?" Su Tianling looked at Dongfangyu.

Dongfangyu's scalp felt numb after being read, she hurriedly said, "I don't want to."

Thinking of what happened the day before yesterday, she felt a chill in her heart. If she really married Su Tianling, wouldn't she be tortured every night with Su Tianling's perverted hobby?

"Then what are you talking about?" Su Tianling said calmly.

"It's not suitable for conversation here, change to another place." Oriental.

Inside the restaurant box.

Several people were seated.

When Liu Xue and Su Xiaoke learned that Dongfangyu wanted Su Tianling to join the Dongfang Imperial Clan, their faces were very ugly, and they kept staring at Dongfangyu unkindly.

"Speak." Su Tianling looked at Dongfangyu.

"Change the conditions this time! As long as you join the Eastern Imperial Clan, the Eastern Imperial Clan will definitely do their best to train you!" Dongfang Yu said, looking into Su Tianling's eyes.

"Aren't you going to marry me?" Su Tianling raised his eyebrows.

Dongfang Yu glanced at Liu Xue, and then said to Su Tianling, "I think Liu Xue is a good match for you, so I'm not good at playing mandarin ducks."

"Sister!" Dongfang Jian couldn't help crying out when he heard that Dongfangyu asked Liu Xue to continue following Su Tianling.

Dongfang Yu glared at Dongfang Jian coldly, and said in a secret voice, "Su Tianling's aptitude is very high. If he can join the Dongfang Imperial Clan, he will be able to make our Dongfang Imperial Clan the overlord of the time realm after aspiring to the throne! As for you, Do you have to stare at Liu Xue? There are so many women, except for her, you can get your hands on anyone! Brother! I hope you can distinguish between the light and the light, and don't miss out on such a potential person because of your selfish desires!"

Dongfang Jian was upset when he heard the words, that he had to tie his hands and feet when he was doing things like a majestic emperor!
He asked in a secret voice transmission, "I promised you to marry Su Tianling before, why did you suddenly go back on it?"

"If you want me to die! I'll marry him!" Dongfang Yu's face was very ugly. With Su Tianling's perverted hobby, if she got married, how could she have a good life in the future?
Dongfang Jian frowned, not understanding the meaning of Dongfang, but didn't say anything else.

"Okay, I agree." Su Tianling said lightly. He went to the Su tribe to investigate where his parents were detained, but found nothing in the end. Perhaps Dongfangyu knew where his parents were detained.

After listening to Dongfangyu, his eyes brightened a little. He thought Su Tianling would refuse, but he didn't expect to agree directly.

Although at first she wanted to marry Su Tianling to stabilize the relationship, but during the period she found that Su Tianling had unbearable hobbies, so she could only make a retreat and let Su Tianling directly join the Eastern Imperial Clan.

But this is still not right.

Dongfang Yu's eyes flickered, she couldn't bear Su Tianling's hobby, but it didn't mean the rest of the family couldn't bear it.


Dongfang Jian and Dongfangyu left.

The three of Su Tianling ate a little, and then wandered around the city.

On the way, many passers-by were discussing, "The auction house is auctioning the top-grade sky silk satin. I heard that all the emperors and emperors have gone."

"Top-level silk satin?" One person was shocked when he heard the words, and said in surprise, "How can there be top-level silk satin in Leyue City?"

Everyone shook their heads, no one knew where the top-grade silk satin came from.

Su Tianling, who was walking on the road, couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he heard that the silk satin was about to be auctioned.

The sky silk satin is mainly the silk weaves needed to make clothes. The top-level sky silk satin is the silk condensed from some kind of holy beast. Due to the talent of this kind of monster, it is difficult to reach the holy realm. It is conceivable that the top-level silk satin How precious is the tencel silk satin.

He looked at Liu Xue and Su Xiaoke. Although the clothes worn by the two women were very good, they were still much worse than the top-grade sky silk satin.

"Let's go to the auction house." Su Tianling said.

"You want to take pictures and buy something?" Liu Xue asked curiously.

"Yeah." Su Tianling looked at the two and said, "Come with me."

(End of this chapter)

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