The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 183 Dead Realm, Here Comes My Chapter

Chapter 183 Dead Realm, I'm Back

A full month has passed.

Liu Xue was still full of energy, without any signs of fatigue.

When you reach Wuzong's realm, you won't be exhausted because of husband and wife affairs.

Seeing this, Su Tianling directly used the magic power that he had used before. This magic power can increase the sensitivity of the woman's body to a hundred times, and can consume the woman's energy and energy!
Half a day passed.

Liu Xue passed out.

Su Tianling dressed her, covered her with a quilt, and then walked out of the room. He saw Su Xiaoke sitting there.

Seeing Su Tianling, Su Xiaoke said speechlessly, "I've been waiting for you for a month!!!"

"What do you want to say." Su Tianling looked at Su Xiaoke, before leaving, he had to say goodbye to Su Xiaoke.

"You're leaving. Is there anything you want to tell me?" Su Xiaoke looked at Su Tianling.

Su Tianling smiled lightly, looked into her eyes, and asked seriously, "Is it because I am not the one to marry in this life?"

"Yes!" Su Xiaoke looked over.

Su Tianling walked over, pressed her head with both hands, and tapped her lips lightly.

Immediately, the figure disappeared out of thin air.

Su Xiaoke stood there in a daze, Su Tianling kissed her!
sealed with a kiss!
She looked up into the void, tears streaming down her face.

After decades of waiting, she finally got the desired result.


Su Tianling came to Qingling Mountain. He was in Qingling Mountain when he accidentally entered the passage leading to the realm of death.

This passage is very hidden, among the mountains and rivers.

Su Tianling accurately found the location of the passage according to his previous memory, and then jumped in.

When it reappeared, Su Tianling had already entered the passage, and there was nothingness in the passage, and he could only feel that he was moving like lightning.


Su Tianling muttered to himself.

He recalled that in the past month, he had been staying on the couch with Liu Xue, without getting off the couch for a moment.

He made Liu Xue faint, and he didn't want to see Liu Xue shed tears when parting.

As for Su Xiaoke.

Su Tianling didn't want her to wait any longer, since he had to marry, then he would accept it!
At this moment, a crack suddenly appeared at the end of the passage, and Su Tianling's figure fell out of the cracked hole.


"Dead Realm, I'm back."

There was a white robed figure standing in the void, his long ink-like hair was fluttering in the wind, his eyes were deep and mixed with vicissitudes of life, looking at the various regions below, as well as many creatures.

"I stayed in the world of death for a full 10 years, and my practice was bumpy all the way, and my practice was slower than others, but by virtue of my study of various avenues, I was the only one who was invincible in the same situation!
Qingran!Back then you used me as a tool to aspire to the realm of legend, now that I am back, prepare to meet the wrath of me, Su! "

The terrifying Emperor Thought surged out from the white-robed youth's body, spreading in all directions like a storm.

This imperial thought is mixed with the terrifying imperial prestige, where the imperial prestige sweeps across, countless creatures feel their souls tremble violently, like falling into an ice cave.

Even the Emperor Clan area!
Many great emperors felt this terrifying imperial prestige, their pupils contracted rapidly, and their eyes penetrated into the void, trying to find the great emperor who exuded this powerful imperial prestige.

But after a quick scan, nothing was found.

"What a terrifying coercion! I have an urge to surrender!"

" too..."

"This too heavy..."

Countless creatures in the world of death, those who are cultivating, all with pale faces, and those who are wielding knives to kill people, all of them stopped killing one after another, and their eyes became extremely horrified.

The husband and wife who were engaged in the affairs of husband and wife felt the coercion and trembled in fright. The man was scared and shrank on the spot, and the woman was scared and trembled on the spot.

When the faces of many creatures changed drastically, their eyes showed horror, and they felt fear in their hearts.

In a sect that looked like a fairyland in the Dead Realm, there was a beautiful woman. She stood on the edge of a cliff, her eyes froze suddenly, her heart tightened suddenly, and she became dignified.

"Diwei! His Diwei! He is here!"

The beautiful woman's face was slightly pale. Back then, Su Tianling laughed inexplicably and showed her cruel eyes. When she was reborn against the sky, Su Tianling interfered with her again!

Originally, she could live her whole life without memory, so that she would be able to have feelings for men and excellent men like ordinary women, so that she could experience emotional things.

Because of Su Tianling's intervention, she was not able to lose her memory and be reborn, but was reborn with her memory!
This made her fly into a rage!
She has all the memories!Her character, her temper, haven't changed at all!

Now, how could she fall in love with other men?
other men!In her eyes, it is like garbage!
You need martial arts talent but no martial arts talent!

And most men, who obviously have no strength, like to brag, especially in front of her, using some childish means to win her heart, she just thinks those men are fools!

speak childishly
childish behavior
She has lived for tens of thousands of years, looking at a person, through a few small things, a little detail, she can see through the essence of those people!

Those essences, those men!
She can't see anything!
She doesn't like anything, how can she develop feelings for a man!
If she can't have feelings, how can she survive the catastrophe of love?
"Su! God! Ling!" Xia Qingran was burning with anger, her face covered with frost!
All because of Su Tianling!

Su Tianling ruined her!

Let her not aspire to the realm of legends!

She practiced all her life, just to reach a higher level!

Her desire for realm surpasses everything else!
Destroy her way!

It is more unacceptable than killing her!
more importantly!
If she can't experience emotional things!

She can only practice step by step!

Instead of restoring peak cultivation immediately!
Only experienced emotional things!
Only then can she immediately recover her peak cultivation!
Now she wants to waste a lot of time in vain to return to the Great Emperor Realm, just thinking about it gives her the urge to tear Su Tianling into pieces!


in the void.

Su Tianling looked down, and he looked down at the edge of a sect cliff, where a beautiful woman stood.

"Xia Qingran... After you were reborn, you didn't even change your appearance at all. I guess it's because of the book."

Su Tianling looked at Xia Qingran who was on the edge of the cliff, with a cruel expression on the corner of his mouth, "I said that after 18 years, you will experience what despair is! Now that you have grown up, you are so beautiful, I don't know how to insult you by pressing on your body , a cold-blooded and ruthless empress like you, will you howl in anger, show your teeth and claws, let out a heart-piercing cry of collapse, will you shed tears of despair..."

"You regard living beings as ants! You regard me as a tool! I, Su Tianling, will repay you a hundred times and a thousand times for what you did to me in the past!"

Su Tianling took one step, one step into the galaxy, and when the figure reappeared, it had already appeared not far from the sect.

(End of this chapter)

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