The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 184 Xia Qingran's Name

Chapter 184 Xia Qingran's Name

In front of the gate of the sect stood a large round stone, with several powerful characters engraved on the stone.

Yue Lanzong!
Su Tianling looked at the entire Yuelanzong, and his thoughts went back to the distant past.

He stayed in Yuelanzong for a while back then, when he killed the forces that besieged him and Xia Qingran, that forces were very strong for him at that time.

Therefore, he became a disciple of Yuelanzong.

During this period, that force found his whereabouts, and some strong men came to Yuelanzong, trying to take him away.

Later, Chu Yuelan, the patriarch of the Yuelan Sect, came forward to save his life.

"Xia Qingran, I'm here."

Su Tianling walked over.

"Stop! Who is it!" Two disciples guarding the sect stood at the gate of the sect, and they looked at Su Tianling with scrutiny.

"I want to join the Yuelan Sect to practice."

Su Tianling looked at the two disciples.

"The sect hasn't recruited new disciples yet!"

The tall young man's voice was cold.

The skinny young man looked at Su Tianling, and said to the tall young man, "He doesn't even know when the Yuelan Sect will recruit disciples, and he probably came from far away."

The tall young man glanced at Su Tianling, and said scornfully to the skinny young man, "You see, he looks like a dog in his clothes, do you think that we will make us think highly of him? He is the son of a small family in a distant place." , People from such a small family also want to practice in Yuelanzong? How is this different from daydreaming?"

The skinny young man laughed, holding his chin, and teased Su Tianling, "It's not impossible to join the Yuelan Sect to practice, unless you have a certain talent in martial arts."

"Do you think he has a certain talent in martial arts?" The tall young man sneered, "If he really has a high talent, with his appearance and age, he would have been accepted as a disciple by a big force a long time ago, so it wouldn't be too late. At this time, enter the Moon Orchid Sect to practice!"

"That's right." The skinny young man nodded in agreement.

"Fuck off! Where do you come from, where do you go, a child of a small family like you is not qualified to directly enter the sect to practice, and you will come to the sect for the assessment next year when the sect is assessed." The tall young man yelled at Su Tianling.

Su Tianling looked at the tall young man. He remembered that this tall young man was bullying and fearing hard, and often took bribes from new disciples, and he didn't do anything. To be precise, he cheated those new disciples of their money.

He even let some women who wanted to enter the sect to practice and let those women serve this tall young man.

The tall young man trembled all over, and his martial arts skills collapsed.


The tall young man suddenly slumped on the ground, his face was pale, and his eyes showed bewilderment and horror.

" cultivation base..." The tall young man realized that his cultivation base had suddenly disappeared, and he panicked.

Seeing this, the thin young man looked at the tall young man in bewilderment, his good cultivation suddenly disappeared inexplicably?

In the end what happened?
Su Tianling ignored the two of them, and walked straight into the sect. There are many areas in the sect!
Each area has many disciples.

When those disciples saw that Su Tianling was not wearing the Taoist uniform of the sect, their eyes showed doubts. The sect has rules, and the disciples and even the elders of the sect must wear the special Taoist uniforms made by the sect.

Su Tianling ignored the gazes of these people and came to the Enrollment Pavilion of the Zongmen. Outside the Enrollment Pavilion, there was an old man lying on a chair with his eyes closed and fell asleep.

At this time.

An eight-star sword soul burst out from Su Tianling's body, and the unique aura emanating from the eight-star sword soul awakened the old man instantly.

The old man sat up abruptly, staring at the eight-star sword soul above Su Tianling's head, his eyes were full of shock, his mouth opened in shock, and he could stuff an egg.

"Eight-star... Eight-star Absolute Shadow Sword Soul!"

The old man's heart is overwhelming, the eight-star absolute shadow sword soul, the ability of this sword soul can make the sword light form a variety of afterimages, the afterimage sword is false and real, true and false, it can cause headaches to the enemy during the battle.

"With my talent, can I enter Yuelanzong to practice?"

Su Tianling looked at the old man with a smile. In his memory, this old man was the most leisurely. He hardly did anything in the sect. He seemed to regard Yuelan Sect as a place to retire.

"Can...can...can..." The old man kept nodding his head like a chicken pecking at rice. He looked at Su Tianling, his eyes sparkled. The talent of Eight-Star Sword Soul is really outstanding!

"What's your name? Where do you come from? By the way, with such a high talent, why would you want to practice in the Yuelan Sect?"

Before Su Tianling could respond, the old man automatically made up his mind, looked at Su Tianling with a meaningful smile and said, "Did you come here for Xia Qing?"

"Xia Qingran?" Su Tianling's eyes were slightly startled. After Xia Qingran's rebirth, not only did his appearance not change, but even his name remained the same.

Xia Qingran's parents in this life didn't name her?
Did Xia Qingran change her original name again?

"You don't know Xia Qingran?" The old man was stunned for a moment, Xia Qingran's name, in the whole Xiazhou, who doesn't know, who doesn't know?
"I really don't know, what's so special about her?"

Su Tianling asked lightly.

The old man looked at Su Tianling with a strange expression, but he didn't know Xia Qingran's name. The old man got up and circled around Su Tianling, saying excitedly, "Xia Qingran is the daughter of the Lord of Xiazhou. You know the Lord of Xiazhou, right? That's the peak." Wu Zong, Xia Qingran is backed by Wu Zong, and she is also the young suzerain of Yue Lan Zong. Not only that, when she was born 18 years ago, she was shrouded in divine light, and was called a goddess by the people of Xiazhou back then. Before she awakened her martial soul, she awakened three eight-star martial souls! The talent is unparalleled!"

The old man took a breath and continued to cheer up, "Not only that, since Xia Qingran awakened her martial soul, she has broken through as a martial artist in one month, reached the peak martial artist in two months, reached the level of a general in half a year, and reached the level of a martial king in a year. Now she , her cultivation is already the pinnacle martial king, her understanding of martial arts surpasses anyone else, because of her peerless beauty and peerless martial arts talent, she is called the future empress by the entire Xiazhou people!"

"How is it? Are you shocked? Such a proud girl, do you feel itchy in your heart and want to get her?" The old man didn't wait for Su Tianling to respond, he thumped Su Tianling's chest and said, "If you want to marry Xia Qingran, I'm afraid it will be very difficult, she has an aloof personality, and she doesn't take the pride of the world seriously. On weekdays, she only cultivates, which is like cultivating a madman. Humiliated the arrogant man that day in public, saying that the arrogant man was a toad who wanted to eat swan meat! He also said that the arrogant man was a waste, and you said that Xia Qingran was lonely or not? Such a goddess is too difficult to get close to."

Su Tianling smiled and said nothing.

Xia Qingran was just re-cultivating, and it was normal for her to practice at a rapid pace. For Xia Qingran, re-cultivating at most 50 years would bring her back to her peak.

(End of this chapter)

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