The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 186 I Just Want to Marry Her!

Chapter 186 I Just Want to Marry Her!
Especially the elders of Yinzong, their expressions changed drastically. Xia Qingran's pupils bloomed with spiritual power, which was extremely sharp!


The elders of Yinzong are all in the realm of the Martial Emperor, and they guard their souls one after another to resist Xia Qingran's attack!

Their soul defenses were very strong, but when Xia Qingran's spiritual power spread, their soul defenses collapsed instantly like a flood breaking a bank.



Elder Yinzong felt as if his soul was forcibly torn apart by a pair of powerful hands, making them fascinated by the pain!
The nine elders of Yinzong trembled violently, their pupils became dilated, their breathing stopped immediately, and then they fell to the ground with a plop.

"Depend on!"

"The elders of Yinzong are all genuine Wuhuang, but they were killed by the young master!"


Yue Lanzong gathered thousands of disciples from top to bottom, and each of them looked at Xia Qingran on the Martial Dao Stage in shock.

Xia Qingran is only a peak Martial King, but he can easily kill the elders of Yinzong. This invincible strength across a great realm makes people feel overwhelmed.

Mu Bai was lying on the ground at this moment, he was enduring great pain, he thought that the elder Yinzong could save him, but he was actually killed by Xia Qingran!
How dare Xia Qingran kill Elder Yinzong?
Aren't you afraid of causing a big war between the two sects?
"Xia...Xia killed the nine elders of the Martial Emperor of my sect, and I, the Yinzong, swear to you that I will never stop!" Mu Bai said angrily, gnashing his teeth.

Xia Qingran looked at Mu Bai indifferently, and the violent coercion instantly submerged Mu Bai, and Mu Bai felt this coercion like a mountain falling on his body.


When Mu Bai screamed in horror, his body burst into pieces!

Seeing this scene, the surrounding sect disciples turned pale and looked at Xia Qingran in horror.

In the past, many young talents challenged Xia Qingran, but Xia Qingran only severely injured them, and never killed them directly like now!
In particular, Xia Qingran killed the nine Wuhuang elders of the Yinzong, as well as Mu Bai, the young master of the Yinzong, which would inevitably lead to a war between the two sects.

"Young Sect Master killed the members of Yinzong, and now the two sects are going to fight." Li Jianqiu frowned, his voice revealing a dignified look.

As if Su Tianling didn't hear it, he walked towards the martial arts platform.

On the Martial Dao Stage, Xia Qingran glanced coldly at the disciples present, her voice revealed indifference, "If anyone disturbs me again, I will fight to the death. I win, and the other party dies! If the other party wins, I will marry you!"

Hearing this, everyone laughed wryly.

In two years, Xia Qingran's cultivation had already reached the realm of Martial King.

If it was placed in someone else's place, it would probably take hundreds of years to reach the Martial King Realm, and even for Tianjiao, it would take at least decades.

It took only two years for Xia Qingran to reach the peak of Martial King, coupled with the extremely high talent of Martial Soul, who can be Xia Qingran's opponent in the battle of the same realm?
"If that's the case, I'm afraid no one will be able to marry the Young Sect Master." A disciple shook his head lightly.

"That's right... the young suzerain is invincible in the same realm, I am afraid there is no man who can be worthy of the young suzerain."

"I really don't know what kind of talent is worthy of being the young suzerain."

"That must be a man who is worthy of the emperor to be worthy of the young suzerain."

"The qualifications of the great emperor..." All the disciples thought about it for a while, the young suzerain is so magnificent, only the great emperor can be worthy of it.

"I challenge you!"

Just as the disciples were discussing, a voice suddenly sounded, and everyone looked over.

Seeing that it was a young man who was not wearing the Taoist uniform of the sect, everyone frowned.

None of the disciples knew this person, so he probably came from outside.

"What is your identity? Are you worthy of challenging the young suzerain? The young suzerain is not something that a cat or a dog can challenge!"

"That's right, those who have been able to challenge the young suzerain in the past two years are all the strongest young people from all the forces in Xiazhou without exception, and you, who are you? What is your identity? Why have I never met you?"

All the disciples looked at Su Tianling and sneered.

"Go away! You are not qualified to challenge the Young Sovereign!"

A core disciple stepped forward and yelled at Su Tianling.

"Little bastard, keep your mouth clean!"

The few disciples who insulted Su Tianling just now were hit by an invisible slap, directly smashing the teeth in their mouths.

Li Jianqiu's figure flashed over, and he yelled at these disciples in a cold voice, "His name is Su Tianling! He has an eight-star absolute shadow sword soul, and he is already a peak martial king. If he is not qualified to challenge the young suzerain, who else can be qualified?" Challenge the Young Sovereign?"

Those disciples who were beaten covered their faces and did not dare to speak out. The person who beat them was Li Jianqiu, the core elder. They would not dare to confront Li Jianqiu even if they were given a hundred courage.

Thousands of disciples present, hearing Li Jianqiu's voice, looked at Su Tianling with shocked expressions.

Eight-star absolute shadow sword martial soul?
A peak Martial King's cultivation base?

Is Su Tianling's strength and talent so high!

Such a high talent made many disciples feel envious and jealous, but after thinking about it, even though Su Tianling was very talented, he was still far behind the young suzerain.

Su Tianling wants to defeat the young suzerain?Want to marry the young suzerain?

There is no possibility at all!

Thinking about it this way, the hearts of all the disciples are much more balanced. No matter how talented you are, it doesn't matter if you are like us, you can't marry the young suzerain?

"Ahem, Su Tianling, I think it's better to forget it."

Li Jianqiu stepped forward to block Su Tianling's way, and tried his best to dissuade him, "You are talented in martial arts, and you can marry beautiful beauties in the future, even if you marry dozens of beautiful wives, you should forget about it, young master."

Su Tianling looked at Li Jianqiu calmly, and said calmly, "I just want to marry her, and I want to sleep with her every day."


All the disciples turned pale with shock when they heard the words, Su Tianling actually said in public that he wanted to sleep with the young suzerain every day!

Although many people think so, it is absolutely impossible to say this. If you say it, you will be judged as the following criminal, insulting the young suzerain with words, which is a capital offense!

When Li Jianqiu heard Su Tianling's voice, he felt dizzy, sleeping master?Still sleeping every day...

Even if you have thoughts in this regard, you can't say it directly.

If you say it, you are looking for death.

"Apologize to the Young Sect Master! Otherwise, your life will be gone." Li Jianqiu said hastily. Su Tianling has an eight-star sword soul, and he is also his disciple who practices swordsmanship with him. He doesn't want such a disciple to die like this. .

Li Jianqiu panickedly looked at Xia Qingran on the Martial Dao Stage, fearing that Xia Qingran would immediately say that he would kill Su Tianling.

When he looked at Xia Qingran, he saw Xia Qingran's eyes staring at Su Tianling, which made Li Jianqiu's heart tremble. If Xia Qingran was angry, he would have no way to protect Su Tianling.

(End of this chapter)

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