The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 187 One Palm, Counting Disciples Kneeling

Chapter 187 One Palm, Thousands of Disciples Kneel

Many disciples looked at Su Tianling gloatingly. Su Tianling insulted Xia Qingran in public, and Xia Qingran would definitely kill Su Tianling.

On the martial arts stage.

Xia Qingran stared at Su Tianling with her eyes. She knew that Su Tianling had come to the world of death, but she didn't expect Su Tianling to find him so soon.

Eighteen years ago, she failed to break into the legendary realm, and was reborn against the sky through the birth book of the Nine Great Books of Heaven.

She originally wanted to lose her memory and be reborn, but because of Su Tianling's intervention, she was reborn with her memory, which made her hate Su Tianling to the core!
When she was dreaming on weekdays, she wished to vent her anger by cutting Su Tianling into pieces.

Su Tianling had already reached the Martial Dao Stage at this time, with his hands behind his back, he looked at Xia Qingran indifferently, "If you win, I will die, if I win, you will marry me!"

Xia Qingran's cold eyes flashed, and she shot at Su Tianling like a sharp sword, and said coldly, "If you have something to say, why beat around the bush!"

"I want to sleep with you, every day." Su Tianling.

Xia Qingran's heart was burning with anger!

sleep her!Still sleep every day!
Hearing this, all the disciples looked at Su Tianling angrily. If their eyes could kill, Su Tianling would have died thousands of times by now.

Su Tianling actually said that he wanted to sleep with Xia Qingran again. In their eyes, Xia Qingran was an inviolable goddess. Su Tianling's words were tarnishing the goddess in their hearts!

Hearing this, Li Jianqiu felt like he was breaking out in a cold sweat. He must have been too courageous. He dared to say that he wanted to sleep with the young suzerain!

On the martial arts stage.

Su Tianling took a step, and a terrifying force suddenly surged out of his body!This force swept across the space, with fire, thunder, swords and swords, and dozens of attribute forces flooded Xia Qingran.

Xia Qingran's face was extremely cold. After she was reborn, she could only cultivate again. With her current state, how could she defeat the Emperor's Su Tianling?
Xia Qingran threw out a long whip, and the long whip made an ear-piercing sonic boom. The tail of the whip exuded terrifying power, and the tail of the whip collided with dozens of attacking attribute forces in an instant.

Bang Ka!

The power of attribute blasted by Su Tianling collided with the long whip, and the power of the long whip gradually became weaker. Su Tianling's power of attribute was still extremely domineering. When the power of attribute completely destroyed the power of long whip, the power of attribute suddenly fell On Xia Qingran's body.

Xia Qingran was hit hard, her face turned pale, and a stream of blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth. She raised her head and looked at Su Tianling coldly. Now facing Su Tianling, she was like hitting a stone with an egg. Head-on confrontation will not end well.

"You lost! Prepare to marry me at a certain time."

Su Tianling looked at Xia Qingran calmly. He used the power of the peak Martial King to fight Xia Qingran just now.

He won.

He was not surprised by this.

Back then, when his emperor martial spirit was not awakened, he only had one-star spatula martial spirit. This kind of useless martial spirit made his cultivation path very bumpy.

Later, he tried to figure out various avenues, and when he first thought about a kind of avenue, he felt that it was as difficult as reaching the sky.

But when comprehending one kind of avenue, and then comprehending other avenues, it is found that the avenues are the same, and there is only one end point for each avenue.

Later, he continued to comprehend more avenues. After understanding various avenues, his understanding of the avenues became deeper and deeper, and it would be a hundred times easier to comprehend other avenues later.

Even when the emperor's martial spirit was awakened in the later period, he did not use the emperor's martial spirit to practice, and still chose to study various avenues of cultivation.

Therefore, he spent much longer in practice than others, but also because of this, his strength in the same realm is truly invincible!

Although Xia Qingran was very strong, and was rebuilt by the emperor, he didn't comprehend as many ways as he did, so it was only natural that he lost to him.

Su Tianling looked at Xia Qingran, and said leisurely, "Your team is very strong, the second strongest I have ever seen in my life!"

"Who is the strongest!" Xia Qingran stared at Su Tianling. She felt that Su Tianling used the power of the peak Martial King before. It was absolutely fair to fight her. Su Tianling did not bully her because of his high cultivation.

"Of course it's me." Su Tianling said lightly.

"..." Xia Qingran looked at Su Tianling. She had a battle with Su Tianling when she was in the Emperor Realm. She was surprised that Su Tianling could control a variety of Dao powers, but at that time Su Tianling was injured by the Dao and could not use all of his powers.

Now fight her fairly!
She is defeated!
In other words, Su Tianling is stronger than her!
Xia Qingran felt dejected in her heart. She lived a lonely life and traveled all over the world, but she didn't meet anyone who could defeat her.

Although she had heard of some invincible emperors in various realms, all of them had disappeared. She suspected that those emperors had already attained the realm of legend and left in shattering void.

Back then, she regretted not being able to fight those invincible emperors who disappeared, but now facing Su Tianling, she lost!
At this moment, Su Tianling looked at everyone present, and said lightly, "I defeated Xia Qingran. After a while, I will marry her. Now you elders are going to prepare for the wedding."

The elders present and thousands of disciples stood there in a daze.

Xia Qingran was defeated!
Was named the future empress of Xiazhou, but now she lost to Su Tianling!
There are many disciples who are reluctant. Xia Qingran is their goddess and cannot marry anyone.

A core disciple came out, and he stared at Su Tianling and said coldly, "Although the Young Sect Master said that he would marry whoever he lost, I think that's just what the Young Sect Master casually said, why should you take it seriously?"

"That's right, the young suzerain is just talking casually, if you take it seriously, you will lose."

"Young Sect Master won't marry you, you should die."

"Whether she marries me or not, it has nothing to do with you? What are you?" Su Tianling's eyes flashed, and he raised his hand and slapped Qian disciples on the field.


The terrifying light of thunder, pillar of light of fire, rain of ice, and sharp sword light all swept across the void and blasted at everyone.

"You're courting death! You want to beat thousands of us with one blow!"

All the disciples were furious, beating so many of them with their own strength, it was too disrespectful for them.


All the disciples fought back one after another, and in a short while, thousands of radiant forces rushed out, such a gorgeous scene, comparable to the amazing scene that can only appear during the two wars.

The brilliant light curtain collapsed suddenly, and the terrifying power descended on the bodies of the disciples, knocking them to their knees on the ground.

" is it possible..."

Seeing this scene, Li Jianqiu and all the elders were shocked. Su Tianling is the peak martial king, and the peak martial king can suppress thousands of disciples with one blow!
This must be too scary.

All the disciples knelt on the ground with ugly faces, they were beaten to the ground by Su Tianling.

On the martial arts stage.

Xia Qingran stared at Su Tianling coldly. Su Tianling said he wanted to marry her?
She didn't believe that it was as simple as Su Tianling just wanting to marry her!
[Old books have blocked chapters, busy revising, many books will be blocked recently, to get through this month, drive carefully]

(End of this chapter)

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