Chapter 28 Bai Ruobing

After the cold girl thought twice, she looked at Su Tianling on the Martial Dao Stage, and said, "I am Bai Ruobing, the master of the Sword Palace, and I will accept you as my disciple."

When everyone heard the words, all of them looked at Bai Ruobing. Bai Ruobing's majestic appearance and cool personality gave people a feeling that strangers should not get close to him.

However, Bai Ruobing not only has an eye-catching beauty, but also one thing that attracts the most attention.

Bai Ruobing is from the Bai family.

The Bai family was once the real ruler of Dongsheng Kingdom.

Later, because the emperor passed away suddenly, he was replaced by the boss!
The former country was also renamed Dongsheng Country.

It can be said that if the emperor had not died back then, this Bai Ruobing would undoubtedly be a princess today.

The third prince Dongli's eyes flickered with a cold light, looked at Bai Ruobing, and said in a deep voice: "Are you sure you want to accept him as a disciple?"

Bai Ruobing took a cold look at Dongli, and said coldly, "What? My majestic Master of the Sword Hall of Beiming Academy, accepting a disciple, the Third Prince, and still wanting to intervene?"

"Of course I won't interfere." Dongli said coldly, looking at Bai Ruobing, he was a little puzzled, why did Bai Ruobing accept Su Tianling as his disciple?

Su Tianling looked at Bai Ruobing, and said calmly, "Then let's go."

Bai Ruobing looked at Su Tianling: "Come with me."

Before Su Tianling left, he smiled and reminded Liu Xue who was below: "Remember what I said before, otherwise... I want you to look good!"

Liu Xue snorted coldly, turned her head away, and ignored Su Tianling. Although she felt a little upset that Su Tianling was always teasing her, looking at the situation, Dongli and Bing Mochou, the master of the Ice Palace, might secretly target Su Tianling. It made her feel a little worried.

"Xue, let's go." Dongli looked at Liu Xue and said.

Liu Xue ignored Dong Li and left first.

Dongli followed closely, for Liu Xue, he was sure to win!
Prime Minister Liu once calculated the destiny for Liu Xue, and calculated that Liu Xue was the fate of the empress. Dongli believed in this very much.

In this world, there is a kind of Martial Spirit called Destiny Martial Spirit, which can measure human life, and the result of normal calculation is very close to the result.

If he could get Liu Xue, his position as emperor would be secure.

Not only for the emperor's position, he also really likes Liu Xue, with her natural beauty and unparalleled talent in martial arts, such a woman will be bombarded and robbed no matter where she is placed.

With the departure of Su Tianling and others, the people present also left here one after another, but they were all discussing what happened today.

Regarding Su Tianling's ability to crush a half-step general with an early stage martial artist, everyone speculated that there must be a treasure on Su Tianling's body, and this treasure could not be detected even by the strong in the academy.

Only this explanation can convince their hearts, otherwise, how could a waste martial soul owner crush half-step generals across realms?

Sword Palace.

There are all kinds of swords hanging on the walls of the sword hall, long swords, short swords, soft swords, blunt swords, heavy swords... There are almost all kinds of swords.

The backyard of the Sword Palace.

Bai Ruobing made a pot of tea, and sat down with Su Tianling around a small table.

Su Tianling looked at Bai Ruobing. Bai Ruobing's appearance was extremely beautiful, not inferior to Liu Xue's, and his temperament was very cold, giving people a feeling that he was inaccessible.

Her eyes are also a little cold. People with such eyes in normal circumstances must have a bad past.

Su Tianling looked at Bai Ruobing, and said calmly: "The lord knows that the third prince Dongli wants to kill me, and the lord of the Ice Palace, Bing Mochou, also wants to kill me, so why did the lord accept me as his disciple?"

Bai Ruobing glanced at Su Tianling with cold eyes: "Your sister Su Xiaoke is my disciple now, since the other palace masters don't accept you, I will accept you."

"In other words, you accepted me as a disciple because of my sister." Su Tianling.

"Yes." Bai Ruobing.

Su Tianling nodded slightly, and he asked, "Where is my sister?"

Previously, Su Tianling scanned the entire Beiming Academy with his thoughts of the emperor, but did not find Su Xiaoke.

"She went to a ruin, and she will be back in a few days." Bai Ruobing.

Su Tianling nodded slightly.

Bai Ruobing poured himself a cup of tea, looked at Su Tianling, and asked, "You married into the Liu family, how is the relationship between you and Liu Xue?"

"Of course it's very good, can't you see it?" Su Tianling said.

"I didn't see it." Bai Ruobing said.

"..." Su Tianling was speechless, Bai Ruobing didn't see it, but as the person involved, he could feel that Liu Xue cared about him.

The relationship between him and Liu Xue is not like those Taoist couples who kiss me and me all day long, but Liu Xue has expressed concern about him in various things that happened before, and being able to worry about him is also a kind of caring.

"You can do whatever you want in the Sword Palace, I'll go to practice." Bai Ruobing left after saying this.

Su Tianling thought it didn't matter, he lay on his back in the small yard, basking in the sun.

He is now Emperor Wu, except for the fact that he has not won the championship in the realm of legends, it is difficult to have an opponent at the level of Emperor Wu. Now he has Shishu, one of the nine heavenly books, so it can be said that he is invincible as the emperor.

However, Emperor Wu is only Emperor Wu after all, and he cannot reach the legendary realm. He is still just an ant in the vast sea of ​​people, but a powerful ant.

He wants to aspire to the legendary realm, and wants to see the splendor of the legendary realm. However, to enter the legendary realm, he needs to go through the inner demon tribulation.

The heart demon tribulation is an insurmountable hurdle for him.

He wants to see his younger sister live happily for the rest of her life, he doesn't want her to reach a high level, but only wants her to meet the man she loves and spend the rest of her life together.

At this point, the guilt in his heart can be eliminated.

As for Liu Xue.

Since he and Liu Xue are already husband and wife, he will make Liu Xue fall in love with him, so that Liu Xue will not regret marrying him.

And his parents... He wanted to see his parents very much. Why did his parents have Shishu, one of the nine heavenly books?
He was very puzzled and wanted to know.

"When my sister married,

When Liu Xue fell in love with me,

When I was reunited with my parents,

It's time for me to aspire to the realm of legends! "

Su Tianling's gaze pierced through layers of void. As a martial arts practitioner, how could he not regret seeing the last Tianwaitian?
The realm of legends has become Su Tianling's pursuit!
Su Tianling slowly closed his eyes, the most important thing for him right now is to recover from his injuries, his body and soul are actually broken.

He traveled through time and was discovered by the law of heaven and earth, and the law of heaven and earth descended upon him with a terrifying thunder calamity.

He was seriously injured.

"The thunder calamity condensed by the laws of heaven and earth, if you want to recover from this injury, there is no one that has been around for 800 years. I am afraid it will be difficult to recover, unless..."

Su Tianling suddenly opened his eyes, and said to himself: "Unless you can get the Taoist scripture, one of the nine heavenly scriptures!"

Daoist book.

Thinking of the Taoist scriptures, Su Tianling shook his head lightly. Any of the nine heavenly scriptures are extremely rare, and some of the scriptures have long since disappeared, as if they had disappeared into the long river of time, and they went nowhere.

There is no trace of this Taoist book at all. If you want to get a Taoist book, you can only dream about it.

It seems that he can only spend a thousand years recovering from his injuries, and these 1000 years are enough to make Liu Xue fall in love with him, and to see his younger sister marry as a wife.

As for the parents, he will see them too.

(End of this chapter)

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