The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 29 Bai Ruobing's Lecture

Chapter 29 Bai Ruobing's Lecture

Day two.

Su Tianling opened his eyes. He lay down in the yard overnight. According to the regulations of Beiming Academy, every student has to go to class unless he has asked for personal leave in advance.

otherwise!will be dealt with severely.

Su Tianling does as the Romans do, and has nothing to do when he is free. It is quite interesting to listen to lectures.

In the southern area of ​​Beiming Xuegong, there is a building.

There are many classes in the building.

Spiritual classes, kendo classes, knife classes, spear classes, etc...

Su Tianling went to the kendo class. He is a martial artist, so he went to the kendo class at the martial artist level.

As soon as he entered the kendo class, many pairs of eyes looked at Su Tianling, because of what happened yesterday, Su Tianling's name has spread throughout the school.

There are thousands of people in Beiming Academy, and most of them have heard of Su Tianling's name.

Su Tianling glanced at these people indifferently, and found that there was actually a swordsman who was competing with him in the martial arts stage.

Su Tianling didn't say anything, just found a seat and sat down.

Everyone didn't say anything, they were still very afraid of Su Tianling's strange strength.

At this time.

A young man walked in. He glanced around, and when he saw Su Tianling, his eyes became cold.

"Su Tianling, you don't have a sword martial soul, what's the use of you coming here to attend lectures?" The young man walked in and looked at Su Tianling.

Su Tianling glanced at the young man, he remembered that this young man was Qin Ze, the son of the Great General of Dongsheng Kingdom, and also a martial artist.

"It's none of your business." Su Tianling glanced at Qin Ze, and then didn't look again.

Qin Ze's face was ugly, he glared at Su Tianling, and said coldly: "I am the son of a great general, how dare you talk to me like that!"

"Is the son of the great general very powerful? I haven't said that my daughter-in-law is a six-star martial spirit. Compared to your father, my daughter-in-law's future martial arts achievements will be much higher than your father." Su Tianling said disdainfully.

"You!" Qin Ze was furious, but thinking that getting angry would be useless, he took a deep breath, managed to calm down, looked at Su Tianling, and sneered, "My father will always be my father, but your wife may not always be your wife! "

"My daughter-in-law will always be my daughter-in-law, but... your father may not really be your real father." Su Tianling responded lightly.

"You fart!" Qin Ze's face turned red with anger, his fists were clenched tightly, and he fixed his eyes on Su Tianling. What did Su Tianling mean by this?Are you saying that his biological mother gave his father a cuckold?

"Then just pass it like a fart." Su Tianling said flatly.

"I will tell my father what you said! You offended the general of Dongsheng Kingdom by what you said. This is a felony!" Qin Ze said coldly, and walked to a position with a flick of his sleeves.

There was a cold light in his eyes, and he dared to insult his parents with words, which is a serious crime in Dongsheng Country!
Officials of Dongsheng Kingdom are not allowed to be insulted!

Insulter, die!
Seeing this scene, all the students shook their heads in their hearts. Qin Ze belongs to the third prince Dongli, and Dongli wanted to kill Su Tianling yesterday. Now that Su Tianling has the right to speak, Qin Ze will definitely be in this regard. Make a big fuss.

At that time, Su Tianling will be unlucky.

after a little while.

A cold woman walked in. As soon as she entered the class, there was a scent of only a virgin.

Everyone took a deep breath intoxicated, this smells so good.

They looked at the woman standing on the lecture platform, and said respectfully: "I have seen the palace master."

"Sit down." This person was Bai Ruobing.

In Beiming Academy.

The Martial Master Realm teaches to the Martial Artist Realm.

The general gave lectures to the martial masters, and as the master of the Sword Palace, Bai Ruobing taught the lectures himself.

Bai Ruobing wore a long white dress today, coupled with her beautiful face and graceful figure, coupled with the fragrance emanating from her body, it attracted the attention of everyone in the class.

There was only liking in their eyes, without a hint of evil. Apart from liking, there was also a hint of fear.

Because, Bai Ruobing has long been appointed by the eldest prince of Dongsheng Kingdom!
If someone dared to show a little greed to Bai Ruobing, or get too close, they would probably be suppressed.

Su Tianling looked at Bai Ruobing and was a little surprised. It's very rare that the dignified palace master actually came to teach in person.

Bai Ruobing stood there, glanced at Su Tianling with her beautiful eyes, and then said coldly to everyone: "You are all sword cultivators at the martial master level, how many of you can turn the sword soul into sword energy and shoot it out?"

Everyone was silent when they heard the words.

The Martial Artist Realm is to infuse the power of the martial soul into any part of the body, or infuse the power of the martial soul into the weapon, which can increase the strength.

The Martial Master Realm can release power from a distance, but this requires tempering one's Martial Soul sufficiently.

Only when the martial soul is condensed can it be transformed into sword energy, which can be shot out as killing power!
Martial spirit is not solid enough, and the attack is not as good as close combat.

However, if you want to condense the sharp sword energy, it needs long-term accumulation.

"I can." Qin Ze said at this moment.

Bai Ruobing glanced at Qin Ze, Qin Ze, the son of General Qin, was extremely talented, so it was not surprising that he could do this.

Bai Ruobing said lightly, "You are sword cultivators. If you have a sword in your heart and a sword in your heart, you can resonate with your own sword soul. After resonating, the sword soul can become more solid and increase your strength. The first lesson is mainly to tell you that only when you have a sword in your heart can you resonate with the soul of the sword, and if you don't have a sword in your heart, it will be difficult to achieve success in the way of the sword."

"Hallmaster, I have a sword in my heart, why can't I still gather the sword energy? It doesn't appear to resonate with the sword soul?" A student asked.

"That's because you don't have enough swords." Bai Ruobing looked at the student, and said slowly, "If you only have [-]% swords in your heart, [-]% of them will be divided by power, fame, wealth, and beauties. It is impossible for such a heart to have a sword." Let you resonate with your own sword soul, if you want to reach the level of resonance with your own martial soul, first discard the things outside your body."

The student was speechless.

Abandoning the things outside the body, how is it possible.

Whether it's beauty, fame, fortune, or power, who wouldn't want to have it?
If you want to abandon these things and only have the sword in your heart, then what's the point of living?
Su Tianling glanced at Bai Ruobing, Bai Ruobing's theory of swordsmanship was not wrong, he saw Bai Ruobing's talent for sword soul at this glance.

It is the five-star glazed sword soul!
This kind of talent is also very good.

At this time.

Bai Ruobing said: "Come with me to the practice field now, two people in a group, we can only use sword energy to compete!"

When everyone heard the words, they didn't know what to say.

Sword energy...the sword energy they condensed is too loose, at most it can only kill a chicken.

training ground.

In groups of two.

Qin Ze looked at Su Tianling, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, "How about we compete? Only use sword energy."

"Not interested." Su Tianling glanced at him, practicing against Qin Ze?He was not interested at all.

Unless it's with my sister or Liu Xue, I can be a little interested.

Upon hearing this, Qin Ze shook his head and said, "Don't worry, I'll be gentle and won't hurt you."

(End of this chapter)

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