The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 30 Storage Ring?

Chapter 30 Storage Ring?

Su Tianling didn't bother to pay attention to him, and with a wave of his hand, a chair appeared out of thin air, and then he lay lazily on the chair.

When everyone saw Su Tianling flicking his sleeves, a chair appeared out of thin air, and everyone stared round.

"You have a storage ring." A student lost his voice, his eyes full of shock.

Storage Rings!

Not even the strong generals.

That is to say, the lord of the academy has a storage ring.

One can imagine how precious a storage ring is.

"Storage ring!" Qin Ze stared at Su Tianling, with a hint of greed in the depths of his eyes.

He had investigated Su Tianling, and knew that Su Tianling's cultivation base was improved by taking the treasures of heaven, material and earth. In addition to improving his cultivation base, he also obtained treasures that could make him stronger.

Now there is a storage ring again!

Qin Ze is 100% sure that Su Tianling must have obtained some relic, perhaps it is the relic left by King Wu!

Thinking of this, Qin Ze became more and more greedy, wanting to snatch all the relics that Su Tianling got.

Bai Ruobing was not far away, she looked at Su Tianling, Su Tianling was carrying a treasure, such a storage ring is so precious, only the patriarch of the Bai family has such a storage ring.

Bai Ruobing raised her eyebrows. She looked at Su Tianling's hands, but she didn't find that Su Tianling was wearing a ring on his finger. Where was the storage ring hidden?

Su Tianling glanced at Qin Ze, closed his eyes, and lazily responded.

Storage rings?

As early as when he was the Martial Emperor, he didn't need a storage ring. When a warrior reached a certain level, he could open up an inner space in his body and store things directly.

Even those who are in the realm of King Wu and below will regard the storage ring as a treasure.

Qin Ze withdrew his gaze, looked at Bai Ruobing, and said, "I want to learn sword skills with Su Tianling, but he didn't want to, and just lay down on the chair. He didn't pay attention to you!"

Bai Ruobing looked at Su Tianling, and said coldly, "Although you don't have the talent for sword soul, you are very strong, and you can compete with Qin Ze."

"Competition?" Su Tianling opened his eyes, glanced at Qin Ze, shook his head at Bai Ruobing and said, "He is not qualified to compete with me."

Hearing this, Qin Ze's face turned ugly, his eyes stared at Su Tianling coldly, and said coldly: "As long as you use sword skills, you should be unqualified to compete with me!"

Although Su Tianling has shown great strength, but this is the kendo class, the battle can only use sword energy, only sword energy, how can Su Tianling be his opponent?
Su Tianling glanced at him, slowly raised his hand, and then pointed at Qin Ze, a sharp sword aura shot out with a whimper, and the sword aura magnified infinitely in Qin Ze's eyes, when he was very close to Qin Ze.

Qin Ze's complexion changed slightly, how could Su Tianling gather sword energy?

He couldn't help but think too much, Qin Ze snorted coldly, condensed a sword energy all over his body, and shot directly at the attacking sword energy.


Qin Ze's face changed drastically, his pupils shrank rapidly, and his sword energy collapsed like an egg hitting a rock!
And the attacking sword energy directly shot through his shoulder!

Qin Ze snorted, blood dripping from his shoulder.

"Let me tell you, you are not qualified to compete with me." Su Tianling closed his eyes, and said nothing more lazily.

And everyone's complexion changed, they could see very clearly that what Su Tianling used was sword energy!
But, Su Tianling obviously doesn't have the talent of sword soul, how did he condense the sword energy?And this sword energy is extremely sharp, as sharp as a real sharp sword.

Qin Ze's face was gloomy, but his heart was also overwhelmed. Su Tianling didn't have a sword soul, so how did he gather his sword energy?And the sword energy is much stronger than his sword energy.

Qin Ze's thoughts wandered, and he stared at Su Tianling. It must be because of the treasure Su Tianling got!

Storage Rings!

A heavy weapon that can easily kill generals!

It can also destroy the sword energy!

These are treasures among treasures!
Qin Ze looked at Bai Ruobing, and said in a deep voice, "Hallmaster, I'm not feeling well, and I need to go back to my family to recuperate!"

Bai Ruobing nodded lightly, looked at Su Tianling, and said softly, "Come with me!"

Su Tianling opened his eyes. Before he lay down for a while, he had to get up again. It was really annoying...

Su Tianling followed, he wanted to see what Bai Ruobing wanted to do.

Soul Sword Hall, the backyard.

Bai Ruobing and Su Tianling sat down around a table, Bai Ruobing stared at Su Tianling with beautiful eyes, and said coldly: "You have a treasure, don't you?"

"So what if it is, so what if it's not?" Su Tianling glanced at her lazily.

"Do you know what Qin Ze will do when he returns to the General's Mansion!" Bai Ruobing said.

"It has nothing to do with me." Su Tianling closed his eyes.

Bai Ruobing said coldly: "When he returns to the General's Mansion, he will definitely send people to arrest you. He wants to get the treasure on your body!"

Su Tianling ignored Bai Ruobing and closed his eyes, as if he had fallen asleep.

Bai Ruobing frowned, feeling very displeased, she had already said it so clearly, yet Su Tianling was still unmoved!
"Qin Ze's father is the Half-Step Martial King!" Bai Ruobing got up and left here. She has said what she should say, there is no need to stay here anymore.

Su Tianling was still asleep. As far as he was concerned, he didn't pay much attention to a general's mansion, and sleep was the most important right now.


Qin Mansion.

The Qin mansion is the general's mansion, and there is a great general named Qin Zhan in the general's mansion.

Qin Zhan commanded half of Dongsheng Kingdom's army, and held a high position in Dongsheng Kingdom!

Qin Ze returned to the Qin Mansion and immediately asked his servants, "Where is my father?"

The servant said: "The general is in the palace, and he may not be back in a few days."

"Understood." Qin Ze's face was ugly, his eyes were dark, and he said through gnashing of teeth, "I'll let you live a little longer!"


at dusk.

Su Tianling went to the Soul Palace to look for Liu Xue. When he arrived at the Soul Palace, the people in the Soul Palace looked at Su Tianling and said coldly: "Liu Xue is in retreat, no one is here!"

"Really?" Su Tianling glanced at him, his eyes flashed sharply, under the shadow of his emperor's thought, Liu Xue was clearly at the residence.

He sent Liu Xue out via voice transmission in secret.

"Hurry up and leave? The Academy is not a place for you to flirt with each other!" the person from the Soul Palace said coldly.

Su Tianling looked at him and said softly: "I won't leave today, what can you do to me?"

The face of the soul palace man turned red and he was annoyed, but he was also very afraid when he thought that Su Tianling was carrying a treasure that could easily kill generals.

"Hmph! Since you want to stand here, then just keep standing. In short, you won't be able to wait for Liu Xue!" the person from Soul Hall said coldly.

His voice fell.

I saw Liu Xue in white clothes coming out, his face was ugly, why did Liu Xue come out?
According to the past life rules, Liu Xue would never come out in the evening.

Liu Xue looked at Su Tianling with beautiful eyes, and asked, "What can you do with me?"

"It's very important." Su Tianling said with a sullen face.

Liu Xue raised her eyebrows slightly, seeing that Su Tianling's face seemed very serious, she couldn't help feeling tense, did something happen?
(End of this chapter)

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