Chapter 31 Angry
"Follow me." Su Tianling turned around and walked ahead.

Liu Xue followed.

The person in the Soul Palace looked at the back of Su Tianling and Liu Xue leaving, his face was gloomy, and he said to himself: "You must tell the third prince immediately."

Immediately, the people from Soul Palace turned and left.

There is a calm lake on the edge of the school, and there are some pavilions near the lake. In one of the pavilions, there are two figures standing there. These two people are Su Tianling and Liu Xue.

Su Tianling stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the calm lake outside the pavilion, but didn't speak.

Standing behind him, Liu Xue saw that Su Tianling had been silent, and frowned slightly: "What happened? Are you worried that the third prince Dongli will target you?"

Su Tianling didn't respond to her, his eyes were still looking at the calm lake, as if he didn't hear Liu Xue's voice.

Seeing that Su Tianling didn't speak, Liu Xue couldn't help feeling anxious, and she urged: "Say it!"

Su Tianling turned around at this moment, staring at Liu Xue's eyes, but still didn't speak.

Liu Xue and Su Tianling looked at each other.

After staring at each other for quite a while, Liu Xue looked away first, and said coldly: "If you don't say anything, I'll go back."

"Where are you going?" Su Tianling looked at her.

"Soul Hall." Liu Xue replied.

"My mother-in-law gave me an order to make you conceive twins within a year. This is a difficult task. Tell me, what should you do?" Su Tianling looked at Liu Xue with calm eyes.

"Impossible!" Liu Xue frowned slightly, this was an unreasonable order at all.

Let’s not talk about whether you can get pregnant, even if you can, it’s impossible to be pregnant with twins, right?
not to mention!
The relationship between her and Su Tianling has not yet reached that level!

What if Su Tianling gave birth to a child at this time!

She will be very upset!
And she wouldn't agree at all!

Even if the mother said it herself, she would not agree!
Su Tianling was silent, he sat down, a jug of wine appeared in his hand, and drank slowly.

After taking a few sips, Su Tianling looked into Liu Xue's eyes and said slowly: "As a wife, is it my duty to bear children for me?"

"Obligation? Why did this become an obligation?" Liu Xue said.

"Then why do you get married? Since you chose to marry me, you should have already prepared for it. Now you won't let me touch it. What do you mean? Do you still want to keep your perfect body and marry Dongli?" Su Tianling After taking a sip of wine, he didn't look at Liu Xue.

"Don't spout blood!" Liu Xue frowned. She looked at Su Tianling coldly, and said coldly, "I won't marry Dongli! Besides... You have figured out one thing! You are married! I can only favor you ! It's not that you favor me!"

"Favorite?" Su Tianling looked at Liu Xue, and said lightly: "You have figured out one thing. Although I am married, but... I am the King of Martial Arts now. In terms of strength, I can crush you with one finger. You Have you ever seen a man whose cultivation base is higher than his wife's? So... it's not you who favor me, but I favor you!"

Say it.

With a wave of Su Tianling's sleeve, a vast force enveloped Liu Xue, preventing Liu Xue from moving.

Su Tianling stood up and approached Liu Xue.

"You...what do you want to do?" Liu Xue was flustered, Su Tianling's cultivation was much stronger than hers, her body was under control now, if Su Tianling bullied her, she would have no ability to resist at all.

"Guess what I want to do?" Su Tianling drank wine, looked at Liu Xue, approached her ear, and deliberately threatened, "Believe it or not, I will take you back right now, and let you conceive my child. "

"You! Why are you like this!" Liu Xue's face paled slightly, her voice was angry and panicked.

What is angry is that Su Tianling treats her like this!

Anyway, they are also husband and wife!
What's the deal with keeping her under control?

The panic is that she is afraid that Su Tianling will really do something to her!And her mother will agree with both hands, and will not help her at all!

"What about me? Are you married to me? Now that you are married to me, is there any problem with giving birth to me? Could it be that you still want to get married and not have children? Then why are you married? Do you believe it or not? When I go back, I will tell my mother-in-law that you don't want to have a baby for me!" Su Tianling.

"You!" Liu Xue's face darkened, if she could, she really wanted to beat up Su Tianling, and would sue her mother every now and then!
But her mother is still facing Su Tianling!
"What are you?" Su Tianling said with a smile, "You and I have been together as a husband and wife. Until now, I haven't kissed you once. Can you say it?"

"No! OK!" Liu Xue said.

"No? Yes? Is it right? Or is it okay? Well... then let's do it." Su Tianling.

"Really! No!" Liu Xue explained urgently, she was afraid that if she explained later, Su Tianling would take it seriously!
Of course, the next moment.

There was a sudden silence.

Liu Xue was stunned, her face was kissed by Su Tianling!This is the first time she has been kissed in more than ten years!

At this time, Su Tianling removed the spiritual power wrapped around her body, smiled suavely and said, "How do you feel?"

"Ah! I'll bite you to death!" Liu Xue came back to her senses and saw Su Tianling looking at her with a smile, which made her angry from embarrassment, opened her mouth directly, and bit Su Tianling's shoulder fiercely.

Su Tianling let her bite, anyway, the skin was rough and fleshy, so it didn't hurt at all.

Liu Xue bit, trying to vent the anger in her heart, but...biting and biting, the tears in Liu Xue's eyes flowed down continuously as if she didn't want money.

She sobbed, feeling very wronged in her heart. She had lived for 18 years, and she had never been bullied like this before.

"Su Tianling! What did you do to Liu Xue!"

Suddenly, a stern shout sounded like a thunderclap, and in this silent night, the sound continued to spread.

Su Tianling looked over, the third prince Dongli?
Dongli walked quickly and saw Liu Xue crying, his face was gloomy, he stared at Su Tianling fiercely, and said sharply: "You dare to bully her, I will kill you!"

A domineering aura surged from Dongli's body, and his whole body seemed to have turned into a Fangtian painting halberd, domineering and mighty!

He raised his fist and smashed at Su Tianling with explosive force!
"Get out!" Su Tianling glanced at him, his voice was accompanied by a tyrannical force, and Dong Li was sent flying backwards.

Dongli fell to the ground, his face flushed red, he was sent flying upside down by a rolling word from Su Tianling!
Su Tianling looked at Dongli indifferently, and said coldly: "It's none of your business if I bully my wife, if you meddle in other things, it will kill you!"

Dongli stared fixedly at Su Tianling, but didn't speak again, and he wasn't about to leave either. He stood up with difficulty and looked at Liu Xue.

Liu Xue's tears had stopped, she looked at Su Tianling with red eyes, and gnashed her teeth angrily: "What happened today! When I reach King Wu, I will report it!"

"Report?" Su Tianling waved his hand, restrained Liu Xue again, with his hands behind his back, walked slowly around Liu Xue, and said: "In this case, then I have to bully you well, otherwise I will wait Your strength is stronger than mine, am I going to be unlucky?"

(End of this chapter)

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