The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 32 Call Me Husband, I'll Let You Go

Chapter 32 Call Me Husband, I'll Let You Go

Liu Xue's expression changed, and she panicked again.

Unexpectedly, Su Tianling actually controlled her body again!
Without waiting for her to think about it, she felt her soft red lips being invaded.

"Woo..." Liu Xue was so frightened by this scene that she burst into tears. If Su Tianling had deliberately teased her before, it must be true now.

"Call me Husband, I'll let you go, otherwise...I'll kiss you until dawn." Su Tianling whispered and continued.

"Woooooo..." Liu Xue cried, her body was trembling, she was really scared... The whole night, for her, was torture.

"Husband... Husband... let me go..." Liu Xue cried while trembling, hoping that Su Tianling would let her go.

"That's about the same." Su Tianling smiled, and let Liu Xue go.

Seeing that she was out of control, Liu Xue fled like flying, for fear that Su Tianling would suddenly change her mind.

"Su! God! Ling!" Not far away, Dongli's eyes were blood red, gushing endless killing intent!
In front of him, Su Tianling actually kissed the woman he liked!
Su Tianling heard the voice, glanced at Dongli, then ignored it and left here.

To him, what is Dongli?
It's just a clown, do you really think Liu Xue would like this kind of thing?

Soul Palace, Snow Court.

Liu Xue covered her head under the quilt, she was so angry that Su Tianling kissed her forcibly!Her first time, completely gone!
"This revenge! I, Liu Xue, will avenge it in the future!" Liu Xue gritted her teeth, wishing she could reach the cultivation level of King Wu immediately, and then beat Su Tianling Haiping.


Su Tianling returned to his residence. He lay back on the chair and looked at the stars in the sky.

"Am I going too far?" Su Tianling raised his eyebrows slightly.

After thinking for a while, Su Tianling shook his head lightly: "What's wrong with going too far? Since you choose to marry me, you should be ready to give me a baby, but it's just a kiss, and you cry like this."

Su Tianling shook his head again, then closed his eyes, as if he was about to fall asleep.

And in the dark.

A woman in white was peeping at Su Tianling, her eyes showed a cold look.

She had seen the scene of Su Tianling bullying Liu Xue before, and it was obvious that Liu Xue resisted fiercely.

But Su Tianling still bullied Liu Xue.

"Scum!" Bai Ruobing said coldly, with a solid killing intent twining in his eyes.

Su Tianling's bullying of Liu Xue is no different from the dandies in the imperial capital, forcibly robbing women!Regardless of the woman's wishes, forcibly bullying!

For this kind of person, after seeing Bai Ruobing, he would definitely take care of him!

But... Whether it is Su Tianling, Su Xiaoke, or Liu Xue, they are all very important to her.

Therefore, she chooses to be patient.

Bai Ruobing gave Su Tianling a cold look, then turned and left.

After Bai Ruobing left, Su Tianling opened his eyes, then closed them again. Bai Ruobing actually peeped at him and called him a scum.

Su Tianling really wanted to complain in front of her, do you know what sentiment is?People who don't like it at first glance.

Also, bullying one's wife is also called scum?

Is your brain hypoxic?

the next day.

The sky had just turned pale, and the sun was gradually rising. There were birds singing in the sky above Beiming Academy, which was very pleasant to the ear.

Su Tianling opened his eyes, he glanced at the sky, and said to himself: "It's dawn, do you want to go to Liu Xue?"

After thinking about it, Su Tianling lightly shook his head, what happened last night, Liu Xue would definitely avoid him, how could he come out to see him?
Su Tianling thought about it, and decided to take a casual walk in the Sword Palace, just to relax.

As he was walking, he stopped. He saw Bai Ruobing practicing sword skills!

Every sword skill is full of murderous intent!
Su Tianling looked at Bai Ruobing. When Bai Ruobing condensed his sword skills, the glazed sword soul had already contained a strong sword intent. It seemed that this glazed sword soul was fused with Bai Ruobing's killing intent, making it even stronger.


Bai Ruobing stared at Su Tianling with ice-cold eyes, and the glazed sword in his hand suddenly pierced through the air, a sword energy contained sword intent, directly passed through the air current, and passed by Su Tianling's ear!

"Who told you to come here!" Bai Ruobing said coldly.

Su Tianling looked at Bai Ruobing, and said indifferently: "Just passing by, after all, your murderous intent is too strong, who do you have a deep hatred with?"

"What does it have to do with you!" Bai Ruobing withdrew the glazed sword, and looked at Su Tianling coldly, because she witnessed Su Tianling bullying Liu Xue last night, and her impression of Su Tianling became very bad.

"Well, it has nothing to do with me." Su Tianling shrugged, turned and left.

Bai Ruobing looked at Su Tianling and snorted coldly.


When Su Tianling returned to his yard, he felt a little bored, so he scanned the entire imperial capital with his thoughts.

He saw that Su Xiaoke had just entered the gate of Beiming Academy, but Su Tianling saw a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy coming in with Su Xiaoke, and the boy was very courteous and said something to Su Xiaoke.

Seeing this, Su Tianling frowned slightly. Does this person like his sister?

Su Tianling walked towards the entrance of the Sword Palace and waited.

after a little while.

Su Tianling saw two figures approaching from a distance.

Su Xiaoke kept looking forward. She saw a familiar figure at the entrance of the Sword Palace, and ran over quickly.

Su Tianling looked at Su Xiaoke with a smile. Now her sister is a mid-term martial artist. It seems that she has practiced very hard in the past year.

"Brother." Su Xiaoke threw herself into Su Tianling's arms, like a little sheep, tears streaming down her face.

"Why are you crying? Like a child who hasn't grown up." Su Tianling said speechlessly.

"I never grew up." Su Xiaoke sobbed.

Su Tianling shook his head and was speechless.

And the young man also ran over, and when he saw Su Xiaoke pounced on Su Tianling, his expression became extremely ugly.

Who is this man!Why has he never seen it before!
"Let go of Xiao Ke!" Bai Han shouted, glaring at Su Tianling.

Su Tianling glanced at him, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said, "Are you blind? Didn't you see that Xiao Ke took the initiative to hug me?"

"You!" Bai Han's expression turned ugly. In the current scene, Su Xiaoke is indeed holding Su Tianling.

After Su Xiaoke stabilized her mind, she turned to look at Bai Han, and said, "This is my brother Su Tianling."

"Ah..." Bai Han was stunned, and made a big oolong, he knew Su Tianling's name, and knew that Su Tianling was Su Xiaoke's brother.

It turned out that they were brothers and sisters.

" misunderstood, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Bai Han quickly apologized.

"Xiao Ke, who is he? He doesn't look like a good person, you have to be careful." Su Tianling frowned.


Su Xiaoke couldn't help laughing. She looked at Su Tianling and said, "His name is Bai Han, and he is the cousin of the Palace Master."

"That's it." Su Tianling nodded lightly.

"Let's go." Su Tianling.

"Yes." Su Xiaoke.

"Well, can I follow?" Bai Han asked.

Su Tianling gave him a cold look and said, "No!"

"..." Bai Han was speechless.

If Su Tianling was someone else, he would definitely be very angry, but Su Tianling and Su Xiao are brothers and sisters...

(End of this chapter)

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