Chapter 301
Su Tianling also stopped and followed Su Liyuan's line of sight.

Ten miles away.

There is a table with only one person.

It was a young man, dressed in white, drinking wine. While drinking, his expression was slumped, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he seemed to be preoccupied.

This young man is his son, is Su Yi already?

"Let's go." Su Liyuan said.

The figures of the two appeared in front of Su Yi in an instant, but Su Yi didn't notice, he was still drinking there, as if he was preoccupied with something on his mind, and he no longer cared about or paid attention to the changes in the outside world.

The guests at the surrounding tables saw Su Liyuan suddenly appearing.

One by one lost their voices, "Su Liyuan is here too."

Everyone whispered to each other and started talking in low voices.

"Su Yi used wine to relieve his worries, what did Su Liyuan want to do here?"

"What can you do? It must be because I'm afraid that Su Yi will cause trouble."

Everyone nodded, three days later would be the big day for Princess Ling'er and Huang Qianbai, and then both the Demon Emperor and Ling Emperor would be there.

And at that time, if anyone dared to make trouble, it would be a slap in the face.

Whoever dares to make trouble that day will surely die!

Of course, if Su Yi caused trouble, the two Taoists of Ling Dao and Yao Dao would definitely have some scruples and would not dare to kill Su Yi.

But it is still possible to temporarily imprison Su Yi.

"Xiao Yi!" Seeing Su Yi drinking there decadently, Su Liyuan couldn't help shouting in a deep voice.

When Su Yi heard the voice, he immediately came back to his senses. He raised his head and glanced at Su Liyuan, but he was not surprised.

Instead, continue drinking.

Seeing this, Su Liyuan frowned, and snatched the flagon from Su Yi's hand.

Su Yi didn't say anything, another pot of wine appeared out of nowhere in his hand, and he continued to drink.

Seeing this, Su Liyuan frowned deeper, and said in a deep voice, "You look decadent now, you really don't look like a man!"

Su Yi didn't say anything, and continued drinking.

Seeing that Su Yi didn't speak, Su Liyuan was very angry. She raised her hand to look at Su Yi in the air, and a cyan brilliance burst out from her palm, covering Su Yi instantly.

humming sound.

Su Liyuan forcibly took Su Yi away, and Su Tianling followed immediately.

Seeing this, the surrounding guests shook their heads one by one and said, "It seems that Su Liyuan is going to forcibly take Su Yi away from the spirit world."

"It's good that way, so as not to cause trouble when time comes."


Spirit toward the lower realm.

On an inaccessible mountain range.

Su Yi stood on the edge of the cliff, his handsome face was facing the magnificent and beautiful scenery outside the cliff, his white clothes fluttered, and his long hair fluttered slightly.

He stared at the scenery outside the cliff in a daze, speechless for a moment.

Su Liyuan and Su Tianling stood beside him.

Neither of them said anything.

Su Tianling sized up Su Yi, this son is full of preoccupations, trapped by love...

After a while.

Su Yi was still looking at the scenery outside the cliff, he said softly, "Sister, do you know where mother and the others are?"

"What do you want?" Su Liyuan looked at him.

After hearing this, Su Yi's eyes gradually became determined, "I want to marry you!"

Su Liyuan frowned, "I don't know where Mother and the others have gone."

Su Yi's resolute gaze disappeared instantly.

His mother is not around, how can he snatch the marriage with his strength?
"If you want to grab a marriage, I can help you." Su Tianling said at this time.

Hearing this, Su Yi couldn't help but looked at Su Tianling, showing doubts, he only knew that this man came with his sister.

Who is this man, he does not know.

Su Liyuan blinked her eyes. She looked at Su Tianling and reminded, "This time the spirit world and the demon world are united on the surface, but they are actually two alliances. Both the master of the demon way and the master of the spirit way may be there."

"It's here." Su Tianling didn't care, and said with a smile, "Even if you can't fight at that time, you can snatch Princess Ling'er away first, and you will be safe when you arrive in the fairy world."

Su Liyuan frowned, if both masters were present, Su Tianling would make a move at the same time, and his life might be in danger.

If she lost her life, how could she explain to her mother and the others?
But if he doesn't make a move, what will his younger brother Xiaoyi do?
"Don't think too much, I'll make a move when the time comes." Su Tianling knew what Su Liyuan was thinking, so he directly made a decision first.

Su Liyuan looked at Su Tianling and said, "If the situation is not right, stop immediately."

Su Tianling smiled and said nothing.

Su Yi looked at Su Tianling, curious, the man in front of him sounded very confident.

Are you confident enough to compete with the two masters?
"Sister, let me introduce you." Su Yi looked at Su Liyuan.

"..." Su Liyuan thought about it, how should I introduce it?
If you just say that this is your father...

Su Yi probably wouldn't believe it either.

Su Tianling said first, "Miss Liyuan and I are friends, and my surname is Su."

Su Yi nodded lightly, looked at Su Tianling and said, "Brother Su, you...why did you help me?"

"It's nothing, I just feel that a lover can't be a family member, and it's just that I can't see it." Su Tianling smiled and said.

Su Yi absolutely didn't believe it, who would be willing to help him because of this?

He glanced at his sister, then at Su Tianling, and immediately understood what was going on.

What kind of friends are all nonsense.

There is no pure friendship between men and women.

Even if there is, it will soon develop into a Taoist relationship.

Su Yi looked at Su Liyuan, smiled and said, "Sister, congratulations."

"Congratulations on your size!" Su Liyuan rolled her eyes at him with black hair.

Su Yi smiled and said nothing.

He looked at the scenery in the distance. He was naturally very happy that his sister had a Taoist companion.

As for whether to test the character of this Su, he felt that there was no need to deliberately test it.

His sister has sharp eyes and can't make mistakes in judging people.

What's more, my sister's Taoist companion has to pass the test of my mother and the others.

Su Yi looked at Su Tianling, cupped his hands and said, "My surname is Su, and I have only one name, Yi. Brother Su said that he would help me snatch the marriage. I accept that. As for the snatching, let's forget it."

"I still want to grab it." Su Tianling smiled and said, "I know you think the risk is too great, and your life may be in danger. If you know something, others can know it, and I know it too. Since I dare to say it Naturally, I have the confidence to help you snatch a kiss."

Su Yi stared blankly, looking at Su Tianling, confidently...

That is the master of the demon way and the spirit way!

Even if his mother came here alone, she might not be able to hit two with one, let alone this is someone else's territory!

Where does Brother Su have the confidence to compete with the two masters?

"If the situation is not right, just stop." Su Liyuan said, "With the prestige of my mother and the others, these two masters really want to kill people, so they have to weigh whether they can bear the price of killing!"

After hearing this, Su Yi also breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, the two masters have to worry about his mother and the others.

Su Yi looked into Su Tianling's eyes, trying to see what was going on in Su Tianling's mind through his eyes, he asked, "Brother Su, you like my sister, right?"

"..." Su Tianling, what should he do?
(End of this chapter)

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