The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 302 Spirit Emperor Demon Emperor

Chapter 302 Spirit Emperor Demon Emperor
Su Liyuan stretched out her hand and patted Su Yi's head, and said angrily, "Why are you asking this?"

Su Yi looked at Su Liyuan and said, "Why can't you ask?"

"If you can't, you can't!" Su Liyuan said.

Su Yi smiled slightly, but didn't say anything.

He looked at Su Tianling and asked curiously, "As far as I know, Brother Su is not the master of the Three Thousand Avenues, right?"

"No." Su Tianling.

"Then how can we fight against the masters of the spiritual and demon ways?" Su Yi's heart sank for a while, and he thought that Brother Su's words were very confident, and he should be quite powerful.

But if it wasn't for a master, it would be impossible to snatch the marriage.

Su Tianling looked directly at him and said, "Let's not talk about my strength, I'll just ask you, even if your mother and the others are not here, won't your heart hurt when you see the person you like marrying someone else?"

"Yes!" Su Yi said directly without hesitation. He frowned and said in a deep voice, "But without my mother and the others, I wouldn't be able to snatch it. What I did would be futile!"

"It's futile?" Su Tianling stared at him and asked, "Even if you know it's futile, let me ask you, would you snatch a kiss?"

Su Yi thought about it seriously for a while, if he really saw the person he likes marrying someone else, he would have difficulty restraining his emotions on the spot.

"Yes!" After Su Yi finished speaking, he shook his head dejectedly, "Even if I snatch the marriage, it's still futile, and Ling'er will still be married to Huang Qianbai!"

"As long as you know how to do it, that's fine." Su Tianling said, this at least shows how important Linger is in Su Yi's heart.

If it is not heavy enough, he will not help to grab it.

If it is heavy enough, he will help grab it!
Su Tianling asked, "Tell me about you and Linger."

Su Yi didn't refuse, at this moment he also wanted to talk, he looked up at the beautiful scenery in the distance, his thoughts seemed to go back a long time ago.

With a smile in his mouth, he said slowly, "Last year I went to the knife world to play, and she and I accidentally broke into a dangerous secret realm. In that secret realm, I chatted with her a lot. After a long time, I fell in love with her , and I can feel that she likes me too."

"At the beginning of this year, I expressed my heart to her, but she didn't accept it. I asked the reason, and later I found out that she had a marriage contract with Huang Qianbai, the son of the master of the demon way!" Su Yi said here, the smile on his face had disappeared, and he turned And it became a bit dignified.

He said in a deep voice, "Later, I asked Linger to tell her mother Linghuang first, and the answer I got was that Linger grounded Linger! And just last month, the wedding date of Linger and Huang Qianbai was announced! "

Su Tianling nodded lightly, and didn't ask any more questions. He just wanted to know whether the Ling'er that Su Yi was talking about was worth letting him snatch the marriage.

If this Ling'er didn't have deep affection for Su Yi, he wouldn't make a move.

"I'm going to attend the wedding banquet in three days, I'll sleep first." Su Tianling said to Su Yi and Su Liyuan.

Then, Su Tianling's figure flashed and disappeared out of thin air.

Su Yi still looked at the scenery in the distance, and he felt that he had no chance of winning in the matter of snatching the marriage three days later.

Su Liyuan has no idea.

Although as far as she knows, her father is very strong.

But that was very strong in the early days of ancient times.

Now is the ancient times.

Her father's realm back then, logically speaking, can only be compared with the first realm of the Immortal Realm, the Immortal Realm.

Before Biyou was suppressed by Su Tianling, it can be seen that Su Tianling's strength is very strong, even in today's modern and ancient times, he is also a strong man.

But she didn't know what step Su Tianling's cultivation level had reached, even Su Tianling already had the strength comparable to the peak Immortal Emperor.

The strength of any avenue master surpasses that of the Immortal Emperor!

not to mention!
This is the territory of Lingdao.

If Linghuang uses the power of judgment of Lingdao, how will her father resist?


three days later.

The spiritual path is in the upper realm of heaven, and the spiritual dynasty is in the middle.

Up and down, everyone stopped what they were doing and went to participate in the happy event between Princess Linger and Huang Qianbai.

This spiritual dynasty is very large, occupying millions of miles.

There are millions of tables in this land of millions of miles, each table has ten people, and tens of millions of people participated in this wedding banquet.

In the mid-air of Lingchao.

There is a red ladder leading to the cloud tower, and there are two people standing on the cloud tower.

When the two stood there.

Everyone fell silent. They knew that the two people on the tower represented the supreme power and were the masters of the spiritual and demon ways.

Of the two, the one on the left is a woman, dressed in a golden robe with a very long cloak, a full ten meters long.

The cloak fluttered with the wind, showing that this woman is graceful and luxurious. She has a beautiful face and the aura of a mother who looks like a mother to the world. For 500 years, Lingdao has always been a loner, and among the three thousand avenues, the overall strength ranks in the top [-]. Today, the emperor officially announced that Lingdao and Yaodao have formed an alliance!"

After listening to the tens of thousands of people present, each of them was full of emotions and cheered!
Spiritual Dao and Yao Dao form an alliance, and the overall strength will become stronger!
If someone dares to target one of them, the other will do its best to help the other, this is an alliance!
Next to Linghuang was a middle-aged man. He stood there, not angry and majestic. Even though his face was calm and he was smiling, he still had a domineering aura, shocking everyone.

This middle-aged man is the ruler of the demon world, the demon emperor!

The Demon Emperor glanced at everyone, and then said lightly, "From today onwards, the Demon Dao will open the passage of the Spiritual Dao. Any creature of the Spiritual Dao can enter and leave the Demon Realm at will, and can also marry with the creatures of the Demon Realm."

After everyone heard this, their hearts trembled.

Can you marry a creature from the demon world?

This is equivalent to not distinguishing each other.

At all times, there will be demons in the spiritual way, and there will be spirits in the demon way.

At this time, Linghuang said, "The alliance has been announced, let Ling'er and Huang Qianbai get married now."

The voice fell.

Below the ladder, six figures suddenly appeared.

The first two are a young man and woman.

The man is extremely handsome and has a noble temperament.

The woman has an amazing figure, and her head is covered with a red cloth, which makes people unable to see her face clearly at the moment, but everyone knows that this woman is Ling'er, the daughter of Emperor Ling!

And that man is Huang Qianbai, the son of the Demon Emperor.

Seeing this, everyone started discussing, "His Royal Highness Huang inherits the bloodline of the divine beast Phoenix. It is said that the bloodline is [-]% pure. His Highness Phoenix's future height will definitely be comparable to that of the Demon Emperor."

"The marriage between the person with the highest talent in the demon way and the person with the highest talent in the spiritual way will further strengthen the alliance between the two ways!"

"I heard that Su Yi is also here, has he gone?"

Everyone scanned the scene one after another, but they didn't see Su Yi's figure.

They all smiled and said, "Su Yi should have been taken away by Su Liyuan."

"I thought Su Yi would snatch the marriage." Some people shook their heads and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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