The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 303 Arranged Marriage!

Chapter 303 Arranged Marriage!

Everyone laughed.

People in Ling Dynasty only knew that Su Yi liked Ling'er, but they didn't know that Ling'er also liked Su Yi.

Everyone in Lingchao thinks that Su Yi is just unrequited love.

down the ladder.

Ling'er's sad eyes glanced around through the red cloth, and when she didn't find the figure she wanted to see, she felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Let's go." Huang Qianbai was dressed in a big red robe, with a crown of hair and a handsome face. He looked at Ling'er and smiled.

Ling'er didn't say anything, and climbed up the ladder silently.

On the cloud pagoda, Linghuang saw this scene with a slight smile on his mouth. When Linger and Huang Qianbai got married, the alliance between the two would be even more perfect.

Step by step, Ling'er climbed the ladder slowly, every time she climbed a step, she felt like a knife was twisting her heart and felt extremely uncomfortable.

His face also became paler and paler.

As far as she knew, Su Yi had been staying here all this time, why didn't he show up today, did he give up?
Linger's eyes became moist, until when she climbed the cloud tower, she looked at her mother Linghuang.

She told Linghuang about herself and Su Yi before, but Linghuang directly rejected her!And ground her!
Linghuang could see Ling'er's face through the red cloth. Seeing that Ling'er's eyes were moist and her face was pale, the depth of her eyes flickered slightly. She knew that Ling'er was unwilling to marry Huang Qianbai.

The engagement was made a long time ago.

If the marriage is destroyed, Lingdao will completely offend Yaodao!
So, she could only refuse.

Linghuang looked at Ling'er, and whispered softly, "Ling'er, after you get married and have a child, you will slowly put Su Yi down. Now the pain is only a temporary pain, mother hopes you can bear it , to contribute to the alliance between the Spiritual Dao and the Demon Dao."

Ling'er didn't say anything, just kept silent.

She knows the situation of Lingdao at the moment, and how chaotic the Three Thousand Dao is now!
Given Lingdao's current situation, foreign aid is urgently needed.

And as the most outstanding person of the younger generation of Lingdao, she must sacrifice her own personal happiness to help the entire Lingdao being.

Seeing Linger crying, the Demon Emperor thought that Linger was reluctant to leave Linghuang, so he smiled and comforted him, "Although you are married to Qianbai, it doesn't mean you will live in the Demon Realm, you can still stay with your mother .”

Ling'er just nodded slightly and didn't say anything.

At this time, a powerful voice sounded, "Princess Ling'er and His Royal Highness Huang, please toast to everyone present!"

Ling'er's face turned even paler when he heard this voice, during Lingdao's marriage ceremony.

Newlyweds need to toast all visitors!
At this time.

There were two golden wine glasses that appeared in front of Ling'er and Huang Qianbai out of thin air.

Huang Qianbai took the wine glass directly.

Ling'er looked at the wine glass in front of her, but didn't reach for it for a moment.

"Ling'er!" Linghuang looked at her and reminded.

Ling'er's face was pale without a trace of blood, she slowly raised her hand, and felt that when she raised her hand, the weight was pressing on her hand, making it difficult for her to lift it up.

She knew that once she took the wine glass, she would have to toast and complete the first ceremony of the marriage ceremony.

When her hand was about to touch the cup, a familiar voice suddenly sounded.


Ling'er trembled slightly when she heard the sound. She looked at the source of the sound through the red cloth.

When she saw Su Yi who was ten miles away, the tears accumulated in her eyes couldn't help but drip down directly.

Linghuang's gaze immediately pierced through it, and when he saw Su Yi, a chill flickered in his eyes!
Today is the day of the two alliances!
If Su Yi makes trouble at this time!
she does not mind……

Linghuang's thoughts stopped abruptly.

What can she do?

Su Yi is the son of Queen Xueyin.

Empress Xueyin has a very good relationship with Qingran Immortal Emperor, Su Niangniang, Qingxuan Sword Emperor, and Li Emperor!

What will happen to Su Yi if she really messes with Su Yi.

Empress Xueyin, the master of the five realms, didn't they join hands to target her?

Even if the Demon Emperor helps her at that time, she will still suffer a miserable defeat!

Everyone looked at Su Yi one after another, frowning, with disgust in their eyes.

Su Yi has been unrequitedly in love with their princess!

Now on the day of the princess's wedding, Su Yi actually wants to get married!

far away.

Su Yi looked at Ling'er who was on the cloud tower in the distance, clenched his fists tightly, stared at Ling'er, and said in a deep voice, "I'll take you away! I'll marry you!"

As soon as these words came out, countless terrifying chills enveloped Su Yi!
When Ling'er heard Su Yi's words, she kept struggling in her heart, what if she suddenly ran away from marriage at this moment!

Will completely offend the demon way!

Moreover, this matter is a spiritual failure!

But if she doesn't escape the marriage, her happiness in this life will be ruined!

On the cloud tower.

The Demon Emperor stared at Su Yi indifferently, how dare he get married at a time like this!
Huang Qianbai's face was gloomy at the moment, he knew Su Yi's unrequited love for Ling'er long ago, but he didn't expect Su Yi to come and make trouble on his wedding day!

Huang Qianbai took a step forward. With thunder and lightning in his eyes, he stared at Su Yi and shouted coldly, "Su Yi! Ling'er doesn't like you at all! It's just your unrequited love! If you insist on making trouble, even if you are Queen Xueyin Son! Don’t blame me for punishing you!”

Su Yi glanced at Huang Qianbai coldly, and said coldly, "Ling'er and I have hit it off as early as the first half of the year!"

This statement came out.

The people present were furious.

When did Princess Ling'er fall in love with Su Yi?

How could they not know?
Huang Qianbai's face changed, he stared at Ling'er, and said in a deep voice, "What's going on!"

"Ling'er!" Linghuang frowned, and whispered to Ling'er, reminding her to be careful!

Ling'er was struggling in her heart, should she say it or not!
far away.

Su Yi said in a deep voice, "Ling'er! Have you forgotten what happened in those few months when we were trapped in the secret realm last year!"

"Shut up!" Linghuang stared at Su Yi with sharp eyes like a knife and shouted, "Today is my daughter's big day! If you continue to make trouble, don't blame me for not giving your mother face!"

Su Yi stared at Linghuang coldly, and spoke sharply, "You are willing to sacrifice Ling'er's happiness in order to form an alliance with the Yao Dao. A person like you is not worthy of being a mother at all!"

A cold light flashed in Linghuang's eyes, and he said coldly, "Ling'er and Qianbai have a marriage contract for a long time. Since it is a marriage contract, we must keep our promise! Even if you and Ling'er really hit it off, Ling'er will marry Huang Qianbai today!"

"If I insist on grabbing it!" Su Yi stared at her.

"Come on!" Linghuang said coldly.


Immediately, a figure appeared in mid-air, and he raised his hand to pat Su Yi!
Beside Su Yi, Su Tianling raised his hand, and tapped lightly on the incoming force.

The attacking power suddenly collapsed!
When it collapsed, there wasn't even a single energy fluctuation!

This... this is weird!
Su Tianling took a step forward at this moment, and now he understood that Ling'er and his son were in love with each other, only Linghuang and Ling'er knew about it, and no one else knew about it.

Even the master of the demon way doesn't know.

(End of this chapter)

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