The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 317 Looks like I want to pick it up myself!

Chapter 317 Looks like I want to pick it up myself!

Seeing this, the two emperors of Fengyun changed their expressions greatly, and their white hair flew directly.



The law of wind and cloud suddenly surged out from the bodies of the two emperors of Fengyun, and the law of wind and cloud rushed straight into the sky, colliding with the law of time.

The two laws of wind and cloud are very strong. Wherever they pass, the space collapses, and a big hole directly appears.

But when it collided with the law of time, the two laws of Fengyun stopped instantly.

Seeing this, the two emperors of Fengyun turned pale in an instant. The laws of Fengyun and Yun are combined, so they can't beat the law of time!

The law of time in the sky continued to fall crazily, covering Feng Yun and Feng Yun in an instant, causing Feng and Yun to struggle in time.

Su Tianling looked at the two emperors of Fengyun and shook his head, "Three thousand ways represent three thousand laws, the law of time ranks in the top ten of the three thousand laws, and the law of Fengyun... just like that..."

The two emperors of Fengyun were swaying in the storm of time. When they heard Su Tianling's voice, their hearts sank suddenly.

As the masters of both worlds, they naturally know the horror of the law of time!
In the avenue they control, the law of time can also be used, but when they step out of the avenue they are in, they can no longer use the law of time.

The two emperors of Fengyun stared at Su Tianling, and said in a deep voice, "We are willing to give up the tree throne!"

The situation is extremely unfavorable to them at this moment, so if they take a step back, maybe there will be a turning point.

"Then what?" Su Tianling took a few sips with his wine jug raised.

"Let us go!" The two emperors of Fengyun stared at Su Tianling and said in a deep voice. After saying this, the two of them showed a sense of depression. Not long ago, they were arrogant, thinking that they could easily kill Su Tianling and take away the tree path throne .

Never thought that they would lose so completely in such a short period of time.

"Hehe..." Su Tianling glanced at them indifferently, the law of time accelerated instantly, and the law of space directly cut the positions of the two emperors.

A click.

The law of space moved the space, and directly divided the bodies of Fengyun and Fengyun into two, and directly cut their souls into two halves.

Of course.

The two emperors of Fengyun did not die.

Although the body has been divided into two halves, they can still move.

The Emperor Feng was terrified, and stared at Su Tianling in horror, begging for mercy in a trembling voice, "Don't... don't kill us!"

"do not……"

Click, click, click!

The law of space manipulates the space, cutting through it like an endless blade, instantly dismembering the bodies of Fengyun and Yunhuang, and their souls were cut into pieces, and soon turned into nothingness.

far away.

Su Luo was frightened by this scene and subconsciously took a few steps back. She stared at Su Tianling in the distance, her face was slightly pale, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

The law of time!

And it is still a very strong law of time!
This kind of law far exceeds Ye Qingxuan's law of swordsmanship!
Ye Qingxuan's eyes became serious, she didn't pay attention to Su Tianling, nor did she pay attention to the two emperors, but now, she had to pay attention to it.

far away.

After the death of the Fengyun Emperors, the Fengyun Throne controlled by the two suddenly flashed out and flew across the sky, as if they wanted to return to the Fengyun Liangdao.

Su Tianling raised his hand, raised his finger, and the Fengyun Throne stopped immediately. With his palm turned, the laws of space in the distance automatically condensed, directly manipulated the space, and moved the Fengyun Throne in front of him.

A dazzling golden light suddenly bloomed from Su Tianling's chest, directly swallowing the Fengyun Throne into the lotus flower.

Su Tianling looked at Ye Qingxuan and the others in the distance.

This directly made Su Luo, the beautiful woman in black and other demon kings take a few steps back in fright.

Ye Qingxuan slowly put down her wine glass, her sword was darting all over her body, her eyes were looking into the distance, her eyes were extremely sharp, and there seemed to be endless sword principles in her pupils that were about to flash out.

She stared at Su Tianling in the distance, but didn't make a sound.

Seeing that she was very nervous, Su Tianling couldn't help thinking of teasing Ye Qingxuan.

Holding the jug in his left hand, he looked at Ye Qingxuan indifferently, "Will you take the initiative to give me the sword throne, or do you want me to get it myself!"

Ye Qingxuan's eyes flashed sharply, and countless swords suddenly appeared in the world!

Su Tianling glanced at the void indifferently, there were nearly a thousand kinds of swords in the void, and the breath of each sword was very strong.

"It seems that I want to get it myself." Su Tianling's eyes narrowed slightly, and then, his big hand suddenly slapped towards the void.

In the void, there is a storm of time and the laws of space condense in an instant!
Ye Qingxuan narrowed her eyes coldly, the endless laws of swordsmanship between the heavens and the earth fell madly, colliding with the laws of time and space.

Dangdang Dangdang!
Click click!

In an instant, some swords fell into the long river of time and finally disappeared completely.

Some swords were directly cut by the law of space, instantly turning into two halves!
In just a few breaths, all the principles of kendo collapsed.

Seeing this, Ye Qingxuan stared at Su Tianling in the distance.

I was extremely puzzled.

Although Su Tianling controls the throne of the tree path and can manipulate the law of time of the tree path, but... this law of time has limited effects, and it is impossible to work on people in the same realm.

However, Su Tianling's law of time is very powerful!
She stared at Su Tianling, and said in a deep voice, "I can give you the throne of swordsmanship, but I want to know what's going on with your law of time!"

Su Tianling raised his eyebrows and asked in confusion, "What's wrong with the law of time?"

Ye Qingxuan frowned, did this person not want to talk, or what happened?

But it looks like the other party doesn't understand.

Ye Qingxuan stared into his eyes and asked leisurely, "You don't seem to understand these three thousand worlds at all."

"I just woke up not long ago, why don't you tell me? Maybe I'm in a good mood, so I don't want your sword throne." Su Tianling said with a smile. He was also very puzzled. Seeing Ye Qingxuan like this, something seemed wrong.

Ye Qingxuan took a deep look at Su Tianling, just woke up?
Who is so strong when he wakes up?

She couldn't figure it out.

She looked at Su Tianling and said leisurely, "Every master can control all the laws of his own avenue, but the time laws he controls, etc., are all small time laws. Once he leaves his own avenue, these time laws cannot be used. unless……"

"Unless what?" Su Tianling looked at her. He also wanted to solve the mystery of his body, especially the lotus in his body. He guessed that the petals in the lotus corresponded to the Three Thousand Ways, that is, they corresponded to the Three Thousand Laws.

Ever since the petals of the lotus ate the thrones of the trees and winds and clouds, he felt that his energy was much stronger, and his combat power could last longer.

In the beginning, just moving his hands and feet casually made him very tired, and he really wanted to sleep.

Ye Qingxuan stared at Su Tianling, and said in a concentrated voice, "Unless you control the throne of the Avenue of Time, but the Avenue of Time has not yet awakened, it is impossible for you to control the Throne of Time!"

Su Tianling shrugged, "I don't control the Throne of Time, but... I have already understood the law of time clearly."

(End of this chapter)

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