The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 318 Heart of Nature!

Chapter 318 Heart of Nature!
"Even so, you still can't make the law of time exert such a strong ability." Ye Qingxuan.

Su Tianling thought for a while, he still knew too little about this brand new world.

With a wave of his sleeves, he cut off all the demon kings and Su Luo's eyes and ears.

This made Su Luo and the others pale in fright.

Seeing this, Ye Qingxuan's pupils froze, and she took a step forward to stare at Su Tianling, her eyes were extremely sharp, and she said coldly, "If you dare to do something, even if you can use the powerful law of time, you will be killed!"

"What are you thinking about?" Su Tianling smiled, showing the lotus in his body completely, and let Ye Qingxuan see what it is.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the lotus in Su Tianling's body, and with just one glance, she trembled all over, her complexion changed drastically, her pupils condensed, and an unbelievable look burst out of her eyes.

"This... this is..." Ye Qingxuan's voice trembled, her eyes fixed on the lotus.

"What is this thing?" Seeing Ye Qingxuan's expression changed drastically, Su Tianling knew that Ye Qingxuan must know what this thing was.

Ye Qingxuan was taken aback when she heard the words, looked at Su Tianling, and asked in doubt, "You don't know what this is?"

"If I knew, would I still need to ask you?" Su Tianling said angrily.

Ye Qingxuan stared deeply into Su Tianling's eyes, and seeing that Su Tianling didn't seem to be lying, she took a deep breath to calm down the shock in her heart, and said tremblingly, "This is... this is the heart of nature."

"The heart of nature? What is it?" Su Tianling looked puzzled. When he was in Xiandao, he looked through all the books in Zangshu Pavilion, but he never found a book that recorded this lotus.

As for the heart of nature, he didn't understand it even more.

Ye Qingxuan took another deep breath, staring at the lotus flower, her eyes couldn't hide her envy and jealousy.

That is the heart of nature!
Looking at the three thousand avenue masters, there is no one who does not covet the heart of nature. The value of this thing surpasses any avenue throne!

"Do you know what the collective name of the Three Thousand Ways and the Three Thousand Laws is?" Ye Qingxuan stared into his eyes and asked with a trembling voice.

"Nature's way!"

Su Tianling suddenly remembered that when he comprehended all the soul books, a few words appeared at the end of the soul books.

The Three Thousand Ways and the Three Thousand Laws are collectively referred to as the Way of Nature.

All Taos are part of nature.

The natural world is all-encompassing.

Wind and cloud, metal, wood, water, fire, earth, time, life, and reincarnation are all part of nature.

Controlling the Three Thousand Ways is equivalent to controlling the way of nature.

"That's right!" Ye Qingxuan stared at Su Tianling, her voice could not conceal the shock, "The lotus in your body is called the heart of nature. With the heart of nature, you can control the most powerful three thousand laws in the world!"

After hearing this, Su Tianling was more excited than full of doubts.

He died with the incarnation of heaven.

How can there be an extra heart of nature in the body?
He looked at Ye Qingxuan and asked, "You mean, I can use all the three thousand rules now?"

"Can't you?" Ye Qingxuan stared blankly, looking at Su Tianling puzzled.

"This... I haven't tried it..." Su Tianling raised his eyebrows, since he woke up, he hasn't used the Three Thousand Rules yet.

Su Tianling raised his hand, and with a bang, the entire tree path was empty, and the wind and clouds danced wildly. The Three Thousand Laws were like a flood breaking a bank, all gathered in the void.

But, just this time.

Su Tianling's energy and spirit instantly became sluggish, he frowned, his face was pale, which made him want to sleep very much.

far away.

Ye Qingxuan was stunned, the three thousand rules!
Suddenly, a person came to her mind.

That person can also easily condense the Three Thousand Laws.

But the only difference is.

In the ancient times, the source of nature was only recovered a little bit, and the Three Thousand Laws that that person cast was weaker than it is now.

When thinking of that person, Ye Qingxuan's eyes showed a gloomy look. She looked at the man in the distance and thought to herself, if Su Tianling hadn't died with the incarnation of Heaven.

Perhaps Su Tianling at this time, like the man in front of him, can control the strongest three thousand laws.

Su Tianling's eyelids were fighting up and down. He tried his best not to let himself fall asleep immediately. Looking at Ye Qingxuan, he asked feebly, "Since I woke up, every time I make a move, I feel sleepy...Why?"

Ye Qingxuan stared at him. Seeing that Su Tianling seemed sleepy, she raised her eyebrows and guessed, "The avenue of heaven and earth is still slowly recovering. The heart of nature in your body has already merged with you. It is already your body." As part of it, you need to supplement the source of the Great Dao..."

Ye Qingxuan explained again, "The heart of nature has been hungry and thirsty for too long, and needs to eat something to recover. The food of the heart of nature is the source of every avenue."

"That's it..." Su Tianling nodded lightly, knowing why he was often mentally exhausted.

At this moment, Su Tianling looked at Ye Qingxuan, and said with a faint smile, "If I said, I am Su Tianling, would you believe me?"

When Ye Qingxuan heard this, endless killing intent flashed in her pupils. She stared at Su Tianling sharply, and said coldly, "Don't think that you can pretend to be Su Tianling because you can control the Three Thousand Laws!"


Just then.

above the void.

A beautiful figure appeared. This woman was tall and slender, and she belonged to a woman who could attract people's attention at a glance when she was placed in the crowd.

Su Tianling raised his head slightly and looked at the woman in the void.

Li Ran.

Li Ranling stood in the void, her beautiful eyes glanced down, at the frail Su Tianling, and then at Ye Qingxuan.

"Qingxuan, have you obtained the Throne of the Tree Path?" Li Ran's beautiful figure descended beside Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan shook her head lightly. She first removed the barrier behind Su Luo and the others. She stared at Su Tianling in the distance, with killing intent in her eyes, and said to Li Ran in a deep voice, "Another pretending to be Su Tianling!"

"What!" Hearing this, Li Ran frowned, her eyes were like lightning, and she looked coldly into the distance!


Su Luo's face was full of frost, staring coldly at Su Tianling, another one pretending to be her father!
Ye Qingxuan said coldly, "The Throne of Tree Path was taken away by him!"

"What!" Li Ran's face changed, she stared at Su Tianling in the distance, and said coldly, "The Throne of the Tree Path is not yours! I advise you to hand over the Throne of the Tree Path now, and I will only abolish your cultivation! I won't kill you !"

Ye Qingxuan glanced at Li Ran, and said in a deep voice, "The tree throne is not important!"

Li Ran stared blankly, and looked at Ye Qingxuan suspiciously, the tree throne is not important, so what is the most important?

Ye Qingxuan said in a deep voice, "He has the heart of nature, he is very weak now, he can't use the three thousand laws, at most he can only use a very few laws, and because of his current weak state, even if he uses the laws, the power of the laws It will be weak too!"

(End of this chapter)

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