The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 319 The old man meets his father-in-law Liu Feng

Chapter 319 The old man meets his father-in-law Liu Feng
"So..." Ye Qingxuan stared at Su Tianling in the distance, and said to Li Ran in a deep voice, "He has the heart of nature, and if we want to control the resurrection of Su Tianling in three thousand ways, we must kill this person!"

"Okay!" Li Ran's eyes narrowed.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Su Tianling couldn't help shaking his head lightly. Sure enough, no one would believe him.



Countless swords appeared between the sky and the earth, and these swords were densely distributed in the entire void, and the tip of each sword was aimed at Su Tianling.



The sky and the earth were densely covered with breathtaking lightning, and the lightning completely enveloped the entire void layer. The roar of thunder and the flickering blue lightning were like the end of the world.

The people in the lower heaven couldn't see the situation in the upper heaven, but when they sensed the terrifying aura of law emanating from the upper heaven, they fell to the ground in fright.



Ye Qingxuan and Li Ran uttered an extremely cold voice at the same time.

Fall with the sound.


The endless sword pierced directly through the void, stabbing towards Su Tianling.

The sky was densely covered with lightning, which instantly condensed into a thousand-meter-thick electric column.

A click.

The electric column is split directly from the top, where the electric column passes, the void is directly exploded!

Su Tianling's face was extremely pale at the moment. He mobilized all the power in his body to condense the law of time and the law of space.

The law of time is densely covered in the air. When the endless sword hangs down and the electric column strikes down, there is a short stagnation.

"See you tomorrow!"

Su Tianling's figure was entwined by the law of space, and this space was instantly cut, directly moving Su Tianling to a far away place.

"Chasing!" Ye Qingxuan's pupils froze, if she didn't kill this man at this moment, what awaited them would be doomsday!
Li Ran and Ye Qingxuan searched for the remaining breath, and they shuttled outside the tree path.

In the void, there is the residual breath of Su Tianling.


Ye Qingxuan held a sword in her hand, and slashed along the void where the breath remained.

Click click!

The void that spread for millions of miles was instantly cut with a crack!
Li Ran's face turned cold, staring at the empty space in the distance, frowned and said, "Let him escape!"

"Looks like we're going to take control of more thrones as soon as possible!" Ye Qingxuan said with a grim expression.

This time they offended an enemy with the heart of nature, and they wanted to fight unless they controlled more avenue thrones!

far away.

Many avenue masters looked at Ye Qingxuan and Li Ran who were far away.

"Ye Qingxuan and Li Ran seem to be chasing someone."

"Who are you chasing after?" A master asked with a look of doubt.

None of the masters can guess it.

In the void.

Su Tianling was extremely exhausted mentally. He now knew that how powerful he could exert depended entirely on his mental state.

The mental state is not enough, and can only emit very little power.

His figure was still moving quickly, and he thought he was almost safe.

His mind suddenly froze, and he barely opened his eyes and looked over.

far away.

There is an extremely enchanting woman, dressed in a red coat, with red hair fluttering in the wind.


The woman in red stared at Su Tianling coldly with beautiful eyes.

Between heaven and earth, endless petals suddenly appeared!These petals contain a variety of law powers, and these petals directly follow a straight line in the void, spreading towards Su Tianling!
Seeing this, Su Tianling felt extremely depressed.

This is the first time I met Ye Qingxuan, Li Ran, and Hua Qingcheng after waking up, and it turned out to be like this!
You were all my disciples once! ! !

far away.

Ye Qingxuan and Li Ran felt the energy fluctuations in the distance, and their gazes immediately penetrated there.


"Qingcheng! Stop him!"

Ye Qingxuan shouted loudly.

The figures of the two flew directly to the past!
Su Tianling was very angry. Apart from being angry, he also felt a sense of danger.

If he had enough energy, he would naturally not be afraid of Ye Qingxuan and the others.

But not long ago, he used the power of three thousand laws, directly draining all his energy.


Su Tianling's will condensed the lotus in his body, and the petals of the lotus in his body trembled instantly.


Su Tianling opened his arms, and nine dragons suddenly sprang out from his chest, and the nine dragons let out a majestic roar.

Seeing the nine dragons, those hidden avenue masters changed their faces in surprise, and said in a voiceless voice, "Heavenly way! Tianlongwei!"

Everyone's hearts trembled, and their eyes stared at the void in the distance. Everyone knows that there used to be nine heavenly dragons in the Dao of Heaven.

The handsome man in the sky has nine dragons!
"Isn't the Dao of Heaven still asleep?" A master frowned.

"Master of Heaven!"

Some masters focused their eyes, and their thoughts went back to a long, long time ago.

"Heavenly Dao used to be the head of the Dao, and Tiandao controlled the nine taboo laws! Now that the master of the Heavenly Dao appears, this person should control the nine taboo laws of the Heavenly Dao!"

Thinking of the taboo law, the masters' eyes flickered.

Time, space, life, death, illusion, thought, Tao, soul, body, nine kinds of taboo laws!
Back then, the main reason why Tiandao was able to become the top of the Three Thousand Ways was because Tiandao controlled the nine taboo laws!

Create and destroy!
life, death,

Swallowing, space, and other taboo laws!

These laws are things that countless people want to obtain!
Everyone stared at Su Tianling, wondering if Su Tianling could use these nine taboo laws!

If you can use...

The Three Thousand Avenues will be reshuffled again.




Ye Qingxuan, Li Ran, and Hua Qingcheng all burst out with the most terrifying power, spreading the void, trying to drown Su Tianling.



Nine heavenly dragons surrounded Su Tianling and guarded Su Tianling. They bared their teeth and claws, and swung their [-]-meter-long tails towards the spreading laws of thunder, swordsmanship, and flower arrangement!
Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!
one strike.

Shocking scars appeared on the tails of the nine heavenly dragons.


Jiutiaotian let out an angry roar, and directly stretched out its sharp claws, slapping the terrifying law that spread, and for a while, the sound of collision resounded throughout the world.

Many rulers in the world were alarmed, and they all paid attention to this scene.

"Withdraw!" Su Tianling conveyed his thoughts to the nine heavenly dragons.

The nine dragons roared angrily, and then sank into Su Tianling's body.


Su Tianling raised his hand, and the law of time spread wildly in all directions!

The terrifying power in the void stagnated for a short time.

Su Tianling took the opportunity and immediately used the law of space to leave.

As soon as he moved to a far away place, Su Tianling felt a sense of crisis again. He looked around and couldn't help being startled.

father in law!Liu Feng!
Su Tianling was stunned, Liu Feng had also become the master of the Dao! ! !
It's hard to believe...

Liu Feng came across the void with a serious look on his face. He stared at Su Tianling and uttered a line of poetry, "Thousands of miles in the void are all for my heart!"

(End of this chapter)

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