The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 34 Men are not allowed around you!

Chapter 34 Men are not allowed around you!

"Hallmaster, you came just in time, let's have a meal together." Su Xiaoke said.

Bai Ruobing nodded slightly, walked over, and then sat down.

Su Tianling looked at Bai Ruobing, and said lightly: "The Palace Master came here just to find me? I don't know what's the matter."

"I'm looking for Xiao Ke." Bai Ruobing said.

"Okay, I was thinking too much." Su Tianling shrugged, put some Jiaolong kidney slices in Liu Xue's bowl, and said, "Nourishing yin and tonifying yang."

Liu Xue stared at Su Tianling imperceptibly, nourishing yin and nourishing yang?Do I need zi!
But she still ate it, she was afraid that Su Tianling would bully her again if she didn't eat it.

Bai Ruobing saw this scene in his eyes, and he couldn't understand why Liu Xue's attitude today was completely different from yesterday?In the end what happened?
Also, Su Tianling's chopsticks are obviously drooling, but Liu Xue doesn't mind?
Bai Ruobing frowned slightly, saying that women know women best, she really doesn't understand why Liu Xue behaved like this, she should be angry.

"Hallmaster, what do you want from me?" Su Xiaoke asked curiously.

"Tomorrow there will be a martial arts meeting in the academy. All the students who have returned from training will compete with each other, and they will also compete with students who have not gone to training." Bai Ruobing said slowly.

"Understood." Su Xiaoke nodded lightly, not paying attention to this.

Afterwards, several people ate, and after the meal, Su Tianling looked at Liu Xue and said lightly: "Go to the room to chat?"

With a cold face, Liu Xue said to Su Xiaoke: "I'm going back."

"Go back so soon?" Su Xiaoke blinked.

Liu Xue ignored it and left directly, thinking that if she stayed here, something might happen.

Bai Ruobing took a meaningful look at Su Tianling's brother and sister. In today's scene, the relationship between Su Tianling's brother and sister is very good, and the relationship with Liu Xue is also okay.

As far as she knew, the third prince Dongli once wanted to dine with Liu Xue, but was rejected by Liu Xue. Liu Xue was able to eat here and didn't mind eating Su Tianling's food, which is enough to explain a lot.

It's just that she didn't understand why yesterday's Liu Xue and today's Liu Xue seemed very different.

"I'm going back too." Bai Ruobing got up and left.

Only Su Tianling and Su Xiaoke were left in the yard. Su Tianling looked at Su Xiaoke and said, "Tomorrow you will be competing in the Martial Arts Arena. Let me see your strength and give me some pointers."

Su Xiaoke blinked his eyes, although Su Tianling is the King of Wu, but it was eaten by heavenly materials and earthly treasures...

I really want to talk about giving pointers, and I mean giving pointers to the way of the sword... Isn't it too far-fetched?


Vertical sun!

The students of the entire Beiming Academy gathered at the martial arts platform in the central area, which was the largest martial arts platform in the entire school. There were some seats around the martial arts platform, and many people would sit there and watch.

among them.

The viewing seats are divided into nine areas.

Each area corresponds to the nine halls.

Soul Palace, Sword Palace, Ice Palace, etc...

Sword Hall area.

Su Tianling and Su Xiaoke sat in a high position in the back row.

Many people looked at Su Tianling and Su Xiaoke.

Many people know Su Tianling, and only some students who have just returned from training are not familiar with Su Tianling.

"Who is that person? He actually sat with Su Xiaoke?"

Some students frowned, their eyes slightly cold.

The person beside him explained: "His name is Su Tianling, and he is Su Xiaoke's brother,"

The student frowned, it turned out to be his own brother.

"It is said that Su Tianling is Liu Xue's husband. When Su Tianling came here, did he have any conflicts with the third prince?" the student asked in a low voice. He just came back from training yesterday, and he is not clear about what happened in the academy recently.

"Indeed, but this Su Tianling is very strong, easily crushing a half-step general at the early stage of martial arts." The man said.

"So strong?" The student frowned.

"Hehe... What is strong is not his own strength, what is strong is the hidden treasure in his body, which cannot be found out." The man said humanely.

Such scenes have appeared in various regions, and some students who have returned from the experience are very unfamiliar with Su Tianling.

Knowing that it was Su Xiaoke's own brother, each of them understood in their hearts.

Besides Su Tianling, who else would dare to sit beside Su Xiaoke?
Don't dare, no one dares.

A year ago, when Su Xiaoke and Liu Xue had just entered the palace and detected the six-star martial soul talent, it immediately caused a shock in the entire Dongsheng Kingdom's elite forces.

Such a proud daughter of heaven, power must want her.

Among them, Liu Xue was reserved by the third prince Dongli.

Although Su Xiaoke hasn't been reserved yet, with Su Xiaoke's talent in martial arts, he will definitely be scrambled by the royal family. Maybe those princes are fighting, and the winner in the end will be able to reserve Su Xiaoke.

Now Su Xiaoke hasn't been booked yet, it may be that the princes haven't decided a winner yet.

Regarding Su Xiaoke, besides the prince who dared to ask for it, who else would dare?
No one dared at all.

Ice Palace area.

Many martial arts students stared coldly at Su Tianling in the area of ​​the Sword Palace. Su Tianling abolished the man of their palace master, which made the students of the Ice Palace extremely dissatisfied with Su Tianling.

In addition to the Ice Hall, the students of the War Spear Hall also looked at Su Tianling coldly. The Lord Yang that Su Tianling abolished was the Lord of their War Spear Hall.

The abolishment of the Hall Master directly reduced the prestige of their War Spear Hall, all because of Su Tianling.

Soul Hall area.

Liu Xue was sitting at the back, and beside her was the third prince Dongli. In the last row, there were only Dongli and Liu Xue.

In the area of ​​the Sword Palace, Su Tianling frowned slightly when he saw this scene. This Dongli knew that he and Liu Xue were husband and wife, but he kept trying to separate him and Liu Xue. Su Tianling's eyes showed a cold light.

Just a clown!

Also worthy of breaking him and Liu Xue?

"Liu Xue, come to me!" Su Tianling said, his voice was not loud, but it spread throughout the martial arts field.

Everyone looked at Su Tianling, Su Tianling actually asked Liu Xue to sit in the Sword Palace area!

Everyone knew that Su Tianling must have been dissatisfied seeing Dongli and Liu Xue sitting in the last row.

Upon hearing this, Liu Xue looked at Su Tianling, was she jealous?
On the side, Dongli looked at Su Tianling indifferently, and said in a low voice: "Liu Xue is a student of the Soul Palace, this is the area of ​​the Soul Palace, Liu Xue can only sit here."

Su Tianling glanced at Dongli, fixed his eyes on Liu Xue, and said, "Sit in another seat! You can only sit on the front, back, left, and right sides of women!"

After hearing this, many female students in the academy thought that Su Tianling was so domineering that only female students could sit in the front, back, left, and right sides. This was to prevent Liu Xue from getting close to any men.

Hearing this, Liu Xue nodded lightly, walked down, and changed places with a student.

Seeing that Liu Xue actually did what he did, everyone stared blankly...Liu Xue actually listened to Su Tianling's words...

This is blatantly slapping Dongli in the face, who doesn't know that Dongli likes Liu Xue, who doesn't know that Dongli wants to kill Su Tianling.

It is self-evident what Liu Xue's move means.


Dongli's face was slightly calm, his fists were clenched tightly, and his eyes were fixed on Su Tianling, if possible!

He really wanted to kill Su Tianling immediately.

But now the princes of the royal family are vying for the position of the crown prince. If he can't occupy the righteous position and kill Su Tianling, he will definitely be made a big fuss by other princes in this regard!
"I'll bear it!" Dongli took a deep breath, and when he was made the crown prince, it would be Su Tianling's death!
(End of this chapter)

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