The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 35 I'm Lazy With You

Chapter 35 Lazy Talking Nonsense With You
Su Tianling nodded in satisfaction. If Liu Xue didn't listen to him, he would definitely teach Liu Xue a lesson.

If you don't support your husband, you don't know how powerful he is.

At this time.

An old man with white hair and a childlike face appeared on the Martial Dao Platform. When everyone saw him, they all became quiet and did not dare to make trouble.

Even the many palace masters present fell silent.

Although this old man is not the lord of the Beiming Academy, he is the second lord of the academy. Normally, the lord is not around, and all matters are handled by the second lord.

Lei Zhentian, the lord of the second palace, glanced at everyone present, and said slowly: "After a year, all the disciples who have gone to practice have returned. This martial arts competition is very important to many students present. , if you perform outstandingly, you can enter the royal family."

When everyone heard the words, their hearts were lifted.

Entering the royal family means that this martial arts competition is actually a time for the royal family to select talents.

In Dongsheng Kingdom, the Beiming Academy focuses on cultivating outstanding students, with the ultimate goal of introducing geniuses to the royal family and serving them.

If they can find an official position, for many people, they can live comfortably in this life.

It can be said that this martial arts competition is a turning point in the lives of the students present. As long as they can be selected by the royal family, they will flourish from then on!

Many people trembled in their hearts. In this martial arts competition, everyone will fight with all their strength.

"Let's start the martial arts competition now." After Lei Zhentian said, his figure flew up into the air, suspended in mid-air.

Seeing this scene, everyone's pupils contracted, and they lost their voices: "The second palace master is already a half-step martial king?"

"Being able to fly under the control of Qi is indeed a sign of the Martial King, and now it looks like a half-step Martial King." Someone said.

Seeing everyone's shock, Lei Zhentian smiled faintly. He had been in seclusion for some time, and finally won the title of Half-Step Martial King. From then on, he was able to soar, widening the gap with many others.

Now he, even if he looked at the entire Dongsheng Kingdom, he could be called the strong one.

"Hall of Soul, Hall of Sword, Hall of War Spear, Hall of Ice, Hall of Shadows... each select a student with acceptable strength to go to the Martial Arts Arena and be the master!"

Lei Zhentian glanced at the hall masters with his old eyes.

The palace masters nodded lightly.

Soul Hall area.

The Hall Master of the Hall of Souls looked at Dongli with a gloomy face, and said, "Third Prince, you should be the ring master of the Hall of Souls."

Dongli nodded lightly, his gaze coldly swept to Su Tianling in the area of ​​the Sword Palace, and then walked up to the Martial Dao Stage in full view of everyone.

Seeing this, the students of the Soul Hall began to discuss one by one: "The third prince is already a mid-stage martial artist, and his real strength can defeat a late-stage martial artist. In the same situation, it is difficult to have an opponent."

"The third prince will definitely be able to defend the arena of the Soul Palace!"

Soul Palace students said one after another.

Everyone knows the rules of martial arts this time, students from other halls will challenge the masters from other halls.

And Dongli is guarding the arena of Soul Palace, who can defeat Dongli?


Ice Palace area.

The master of the hall, Bing Mochou, glanced coldly at Su Tianling in the area of ​​the Sword Palace, and then said to his own disciple: "Yaofei, you go!"

"Yes, Hall Master."

Concubine Yao is an extremely coquettish woman who has received Bing Mochou's true biography and is the strongest among the many students in the Bing Temple.

Concubine Yao walked towards the Martial Dao Stage, her eyes were a bit cold, she looked at Su Tianling in the area of ​​the Sword Palace, she knew that the Palace Master had a big enmity with Su Tianling, this time she was the master of the Ice Palace, if she had the chance to meet Su Tianling , will definitely destroy an arm, and charge some interest.

Bing Mochou looked at one of the students in the War Gun Hall: "Ye Xiao, you go!"

"Yes, Master." Ye Xiao got up and walked towards the Martial Dao Stage.

Because the Lord Yang of the War Spear Hall was abolished by Su Tianling, there is currently no one in the War Spear Hall as the Hall Master.

And Bing Mochou and Yang Dianzhu are husband and wife, and Bing Mochou will be in charge of the War Spear Hall for the time being.

When everyone saw that Bing Mochou had Ye Xiao and Yao Fei as the ringleaders, they all knew it well.

Su Tianling is a student of Sword Palace.

Ye Xiao and Yao Fei will definitely target the students of Sword Palace to collect some interest!
At the same time, it was also suppressing Bai Ruobing.

No one dared to accept Su Tianling as a disciple before, but Bai Ruobing accepted Su Tianling. In the eyes of many people, Bai Ruobing was openly opposing the Bingdian and the God of War.

Sword Hall area.

Bai Ruobing frowned slightly, who should be the champion of the Sword Palace?
Su Tianling?
Bai Ruobing shook his head lightly. Rumor has it that Su Tianling is carrying a treasure that cannot be used at this Martial Dao Stage. Once he uses it, the consequences will be very serious.

Qin Ze?

Bai Ruobing shook his head lightly, Qin Ze was still in the Qin Mansion to cultivate, and did not come here.

Bai Ruobing looked at Su Xiaoke, Su Xiaoke was already a mid-term martial artist, and his strength was beyond doubt.

"Su Xiaoke, you go to the Martial Arts Arena and become the master of the Sword Palace!"

Bai Ruobing said.

"En." Su Xiaoke glanced at Bai Ruobing.Then go to the Martial Arts Platform.

Su Tianling saw that Su Xiaoke was going up to the martial arts stage, and said nothing. With Su Xiaoke's current strength, no one could hurt her in this martial arts competition.

Martial Arts Platform.

Every hall has its master.

Over the sky.

Lei Zhentian said: "Students in the audience can challenge whoever wants to challenge by themselves. Everyone must challenge once."

The voice fell.

The students of Ice Palace and Battle Spear Palace looked at Su Xiaoke coldly. Su Xiaoke and Su Tianling are brothers and sisters. If so, they will collect some interest from Su Xiaoke first.

In the Ice Palace, a martial artist student jumped towards the arena of the Sword Palace!

He looked at Su Xiaoke, and said coldly: "For what your brother does, let's collect some interest from you first."

Su Xiaoke glanced at him, and said coldly: "I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you, let's do it!"

The young man directly sacrificed his ice-sculpted martial soul, and the terrifying power of ice spread continuously in his fists, as if everything he passed seemed to be frozen.

Seeing this, everyone's hearts froze slightly. This young man is also one of the best martial artists in the Ice Palace. Now he has directly used his ultimate move to freeze Su Xiaoke. How can Su Xiaoke resist?

The next moment, everyone's pupils froze.

I saw Su Xiaoke suddenly moved, raised the Qingliu sword in his hand, and the tip of the sword pierced straight towards the spreading frozen power.


The ice, as if destroyed by a powerful force, directly collapsed.

The young man's pupils contracted, and he felt a sharp sword energy tearing through the air and attacking him.

"Seal!" The young man yelled, and the ice martial soul surged with ice power.

However, this sword energy directly destroyed the ice seal and pierced through the young man's shoulder!

"Ah..." The young man let out a scream, and was hit by another heavy blow, his body flew upside down and out of the ring!

"Su Xiaoke won!"

The students in the observation seats were all surprised. Everyone knew that the young man in the Ice Palace was a late-stage martial artist, but he was easily defeated by Su Xiaoke. It is conceivable how strong this Su Xiaoke is.

(End of this chapter)

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