The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 342 How to Resist?

Chapter 342 How to Resist?

The kings and kings were stunned for a moment when they heard Xianjun Yuefeng's self-talk, and they thought about it.

Huang Qianbai, Feng Ze, Yun Xuan, and Jun Ying Die, these four people indeed have deep hatred for Su Tianling.

It was impossible for these four people to aspire to the throne at all, but now all of them have aspired to the throne.

this means!
Mother Nature is always laying out!

In the situation laid out, whoever most wants to kill the variables, Mother Nature will bestow enough power on them!
Think about it this way.

Each one's eyes became hot.

At this moment, they just want to find the variable immediately and kill it!
As long as you kill the variables, you will be valued by Mother Nature!

Whoever kills the most variables may be rewarded by Mother Nature!
Thinking of the reward, everyone's heart was surging, their blood was surging, and they wished to find some variables immediately and kill them!
Seeing the expressions of the kings, Yue Feng Xianjun couldn't help secretly admiring the mother of nature.

before this.

Although the kings also wanted to kill the variable.

But these kings will not take risks, and will only kill variables when they are certain.

Like before, people from the Su family were killing everywhere. However, because they were concerned about the strength of the Su family, all the kings swallowed their anger one by one and did not dare to do anything excessive.

For these kings, living is the first!
Killing variables is a second priority.

But now...

The kings understand that only the more you want to kill variables, you will be reused by the mother of nature!
Once reused by Mother Nature, their future is boundless.

Even, it can break through to the realm above the fairy king!
In addition to being able to break through the realm!
Being valued by the mother of nature is equivalent to having an extra amulet, so you can be proud wherever you go.

Immortal Yue Feng was amazed again, the mother of nature has mobilized the enthusiasm of the kings, and also mobilized the cautious character of the kings into interests, and wanted to take risks.

Void in the distance.

Ling stood a woman in white, she was extremely beautiful, needless to say, there is no ugly person among all practitioners.

If there are ugly ones, they must be ugly on purpose.

This woman in white is Jun Yuxin's younger sister, Jun Yingdi.

Under Jun Yingdie's feet, there was a thick piece of ice, which occupied the void with a radius of tens of thousands of miles.


All the people in the ice world knelt down to the ground one after another. They bowed to Jun Yingdie and said respectfully, "See Bing Jun."

Jun Yingdie glanced down coldly. Up to this moment, she was still in shock.

She turned out to be the master of the ice world, controlling the monarchy of the ice world!
Her realm has also directly reached the peak of Bingjun.

She looked at Huang Qianbai and the others, who were now masters of the Dao.

Huang Qianbai looked at Jun Yingdie, smiled and cupped his hands, "Congratulations."

Feng Ze and Yun Xuan also bowed their hands to her, "Congratulations."

Jun Yingdish looked at Huang Qianbai and the others, all of them had blood feud with Su Tianling!
And her sister was killed by Su Tianling, and she also has a blood feud with Su Tianling!
Before that, her strength was mediocre. Even if she wanted revenge in her heart, due to her strength, she couldn't help the Su family at all.

But it's different now.

She is the master of the ice world!
Her strength has surpassed the kings of all ages!

She looked directly at Xiang Fengze and the others, "Join hands! Deal with the Su family! Do you dare!"

"Why don't you dare?" Huang Qianbai looked at her and said, "We are here because we want to join hands with you to deal with the people of the Su family!"

Jun Yingdie nodded lightly, so she didn't need to waste her words.

At this moment, her cold eyes turned to the distant place, which is the avenue controlled by the Su family!
There!There is no movement yet!
"Wait!" Jun Yingdie said indifferently.

Huang Qianbai and the others nodded lightly, there is still no movement on the avenue controlled by the Su family.

Think about it soon!
The kings in the distance looked at Jun Yingdie and the others, their eyes turned red with envy. Just because they had a big enmity with Su Tianling, they were favored by the mother of nature, and directly aspired to the Dao monarchy!
Everyone waited for a long time.

However, other avenues did not give birth to monarchy again, which made many people anxious.

Why were there only four monarchies born?What about other sovereign rights?

Yue Feng Xianjun's eyes were full of thought, and he guessed in his heart.

The pattern laid out by Mother Nature is nothing more than to deal with Su Tianling and deal with all variables.

Now Mother Nature has curbed the realm of variables and enhanced the strength of those who want to kill variables.

this game.

Mother Nature will win, and variables will definitely lose!

"It seems... the game between the big devil and the mother of nature is about to come to an end in ancient times. As long as the variables die, the three thousand ways will be peaceful." Yue Feng Xianjun looked at the kings at this time, and said in a deep voice Said, "The last battle! Be sure to do your best! Only in this way can you be valued by Mother Nature!"

When everyone heard this, their faces turned red and their eyes were excited, revealing their excitement.

The last battle!

It is a battle that can serve Mother Nature!
After this battle, they will not have the opportunity to serve Mother Nature in the future. If they miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, they will regret it for life.

Because, this is an opportunity for them to flourish!
Although this opportunity comes with a little risk!
But looking at the current situation, it seems that there is no risk!
"Why didn't the monarchy of Heaven, Immortal, and Devil have been born? Or, it has already been born, but Xia Qingran and the others haven't been exposed?"

A king frowned and asked.

"Send someone to investigate!"

Someone suggested.

"Okay!" Everyone nodded, and they all agreed to send someone to the fairyland to inquire about the news first, to see if Xia Qingran and others have aspired to the monarchy. As long as Xia Qingran and others don't ask about the monarchy, they can directly come to the fairyland and slaughter all the Su family man!

As for women... naturally keep them for enjoyment!

When you get tired of playing, kill again.


No.30 Three Heavens.

Xia Qingran and others gathered in a palace, their brows were tightly frowned, their expressions solemn.

They already know that Fengyun and Bing and Yao have already aspired to the kingship of the Great Dao!
Moreover, the four people who aspire to the monarchy all have enmity with Su Tianling!

"I heard that Tianling was forcibly dragged in by the enchantment vortex, and now his life and death are unknown, and now there are four more people who have aspired to the throne of the Great Dao, and these four people have great enemies with Tianling, now we have to think of a way, think about how to deal with it Huang Qianbai and the others!" Su Xiaoyao looked at everyone and said in a concentrated voice.

Of course.

After hearing this, everyone frowned even deeper.


How to resist?

The four Huang Qianbai aspired to the throne!

And they just aspired to the throne, and the gap between the throne and the monarchy is very big.

Even if all members of the Su family join forces, it will be difficult to compete.


At this time, a voice sounded outside the palace, and the man said directly, "According to the news from the undercover agent, the kings sent people into the fairy world to find out if the kingship of the fairy world has come out."

(End of this chapter)

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