The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 343 How Can You Still Come!

Chapter 343 How Can You Come Back!

Hearing this, everyone's eyes became serious.

Those people want to find out whether the monarchy of the fairy world has come out. This is already collecting information. As long as it is confirmed that no one in the Su family can claim the monarchy, then those kings will definitely overwhelm the land and come to the Su family!

Everyone looked at Xia Qingran. Among the people present, Xia Qingran was the strongest and had the highest right to speak.

Xia Qingran's eyes were serious and she felt a lot of pressure.

With the strength at this time, it is simply impossible to resist.

For the current plan, we can only withdraw.

Just, where to withdraw?
Xia Qingran looked up at the sky, there was no shelter in the Three Thousand Avenues, and if he wanted to evacuate with the Su family, he could only go outside the barrier.

However, it is rumored that no one who entered the barrier can return here.

When everyone's mind is dignified.


Xia Qingran trembled all over, her body directly broke through the palace, piercing the palace into a hole.

Her body stood proudly in mid-air.

There is a black mist covering the whole body, and this black mist is full of death, even if this black mist does not cover everyone.

But everyone can still feel that this black mist is filled with a strong dead air, and there is a feeling of lifelessness.


The black mist entered Xia Qingran's body in an instant, and Xia Qingran felt that the black mist caused her pain. She frowned and bit her lips.

"What's going on!" Figures of Liu Xue and others appeared in the air one after another, looking at Xia Qingran solemnly.

This sudden scene stunned everyone present.

Everyone shook their heads, they didn't know what happened.



Xia Qingran's body suddenly gushed out a dark aura. This dark aura seemed to come from the abyss of hell, full of eerie aura.

This breath spread to everyone.

Everyone's expressions changed, and their eyes were fixed on Xia Qingran.

far away.

Feeling this breath, all the kings concentrated their minds, and said in shock, "Immortal Dao, has someone aspired to the throne of the Immortal Dao! This power is even stronger than that of Huang Qianbai and the others."

"It seems that someone has indeed aspired to the throne."

Everyone's eyes narrowed.

If only one person aspires to the throne, that's fine.

But if this monarchy is the way of heaven, or the monarchy of immortals and demons, then it will be troublesome!

With Huang Qianbai and the other four, it might be difficult to crush the Su family.

Huang Qianbai and the others arrived here at this time, and their eyes were fixed on the immortal way in the distance.

Someone has aspired to the throne of the Immortal Dao?
Huang Qianbai looked at Fengze, Yunxuan, and Jun Yingdish and said in a deep voice, "I'll go test it out first!"

"We will be with you." Feng Ze said, his gaze coldly looked at the location of Xian Dao.

Su Tianling killed his younger brother and father, and he wants to pay the debt directly to the members of the Su family.

"Go!" Yun Xuan and Jun Ying Die said at the same time.

humming sound.

The figures of the four people appeared outside the fairy road in an instant.

They stared at the enchantment of the immortal way, and shouted coldly, "People of the Su family, all get out and die!"

This loud shout directly caused cracks to appear in the enchantment of Immortal Dao!
"People from the Su family! Get out and die!" Yun Xuan took a step forward and yelled at the fairy world.


This stern shout directly shattered the barrier that had been split!

Everyone can now see all the creatures in the Immortal Dao.

The creatures in the Immortal Dao trembled one by one, looking at the sky in horror.

on the sky.

There are thousands of kings, among whom Huang Qianbai is the leader.

Huang Qianbai and the others looked coldly at the place where the Su family was located, and saw the members of the Su family staring at him coldly.

He sneered, staring at Su Yi and Su Liyuan, and said coldly, "You snatched my relative back then! I can't do anything! Now I am the master of the demon way! I want to get Ling'er in front of your faces!"

Su Yi and Su Liyuan stared at Huang Qianbai indifferently, and said coldly, "Ling'er doesn't like you at all!"

"It doesn't matter whether she likes me or not! What's important is that I like it!" Huang Qianbai's eyes turned cold, he raised his hand, and all the spirits of the demons gathered in the palm of his hand.

It was as if there was the power of ten thousand demons, all gathered in his hands.

"Kill the rest of your Su family first!" Huang Qianbai's eyes sharpened, and he slapped down fiercely on the gathering place of the Su family with his palm!

Everyone in the Su family looked at Huang Qianbai indifferently, without any fear, and even showed a hint of joking.

Huang Qianbai saw that the members of the Su family were indifferent and staring at him playfully, he couldn't help but freeze up, feeling vigilant,

Could it be that someone from the Su family really aspired to the great monarchy in the present and ancient times?

Yunxuan, Fengze, and Jun Yingdie were also watching the Su family vigilantly, ready to strike at any moment!
When Huang Qianbai's palm was about to hit the members of the Su family, suddenly, a terrifying force flew straight up, colliding with Huang Qianbai's palm.


Huang Qianbai's power immediately dispersed.

When it collapsed, there was not even the slightest aftermath!

Such a scene.

It directly stunned everyone!
Haven't waited for them to think about it.

I saw that terrifying force directly blasting towards Huang Qianbai.

"Shoot!" Huang Qianbai exclaimed in shock, he raised his fist and threw it towards the terrifying force.

Yun Xuan also made a move immediately, and the ultimate law of the cloud condensed into a cirrus cloud, directly blasting towards the terrifying force!
Feng Ze and Jun Ying Die also shot at the same time!

"Go!" Immortal Yuefeng shouted to the kings at this time.

"Kill!" The kings shouted coldly, one by one bursting out with terrifying power, thousands of rainbow lights, like shooting stars, pierced through the void, blasting towards that terrifying power!

The absolute power of the two parties collided, and the power of the collision swept in all directions!

The kings couldn't bear the aftermath at all, their bodies trembled, and they were thrown backwards by the aftermath.

Huang Qianbai and the others were mainly targeted by this terrifying force, each of them trembled, and their faces instantly turned pale, with blood dripping from the corners of their mouths.

"how is this possible!"

Huang Qianbai and the others stared down in disbelief. How could that terrifying force be so strong?
Even if someone aspires to the throne of the Immortal Dao!It is also impossible to rely on one's own strength to injure the four masters who control the monarchy!

At this time.

In the Su family, there was a beautiful woman in a red dress soaring upwards. She stood in mid-air, looking at Huang Qianbai and the others indifferently.

"Xia Qingran!" Huang Qianbai stared at her, his eyes full of incomprehensible meaning, he asked in a trembling voice, "You are not asking for the throne of immortality!"

Xia Qingran ignored him, a black mist suddenly flashed on her chest, and the black mist disappeared in an instant.

Then, a man in white appeared.

"Su Tianling!" Seeing that it was Su Tianling, Huang Qianbai and the others subconsciously took a few steps back in shock.

"You! Didn't you enter the barrier! How could you come back!" Huang Qianbai couldn't understand.


All the strong people who have gone outside the barrier, no one can come back.

Now Su Tianling can come back!

(End of this chapter)

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