The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 345 East Heaven Court South Cave Heaven West Buddha North Demon

Chapter 345 East Heaven Court South Cave Heaven West Buddha North Demon
On the edge of one of the tallest cliffs, there stood a handsome man in white clothes. The man had his hands behind his back, his eyes were deep, and he looked indifferently at the beautiful scenery in the distance.

He has been standing here for a long time, and he has maintained this posture for a long time without moving.

"Brother Su, what are you thinking?"

At this time, there was a sound as sweet as the sound of heaven, and the sound spread to the man in white along with a burst of fragrance.

Beside the man in white, there appeared a beautiful woman, who looked like a fairy in the painting, dressed in a white dress, with a soft temperament.

If someone saw this woman, they would definitely stare and tremble violently.

This woman is Lin Ruoxue, the younger generation of Taixu Dongtian among the 36 caves and 72 blessed lands.

The ancestor of Taixu Dongtian had high hopes for Lin Ruoxue, and wanted to train Lin Ruoxue to become the most powerful existence in Taixu Dongtian in the future.

When the man in white heard the voice, he didn't turn his head to look at her. His gaze was drawn back from a distance, and he said softly, "It's nothing."

Lin Ruoxue looked at the man in white. This man in white was a new disciple of Taixu Dongtian, and he had practiced in Taixu Dongtian for a year.

This man in white's understanding of Dao is simply terrifying, and even she feels ashamed of herself.

Others only know that she is the strongest existence of Taixu Dongtian's younger generation, but only she knows that she is not the strongest.

The strongest person is the man in white in front of him.

"I hope you can come to the honor banquet tomorrow." Lin Ruoxue looked at the man in white and pondered for a while, before summoning up the courage to speak out.

After she finished speaking, two blushes appeared on her pretty face instantly, and she looked a little shy.

"It depends." The man in white.

Lin Ruoxue didn't hear the reply she wanted to hear, she felt very disappointed in her heart, but this loss soon disappeared.

She knew the temperament of the man in white, and she had no interest in some banquets at all, as if such banquets were just a waste of time in the eyes of the man in white.

In the past six months, she also invited men in white clothes, but the men in white clothes declined politely.

This time I can reply "it depends on the situation", which is already very good.

"Then I won't bother you, Junior Brother Su." Lin Ruoxue looked at the man in white for a long time before leaving reluctantly.

when leaving.

Feeling very suspicious of my own charm.

Why did other young men try their best to strike up a conversation with her, but this man in white just gave her a lazy look...

Isn't she attractive?

After Lin Ruoxue left.

The eyes of the man in white revealed a bit of sharpness.

Today, the world has fully recovered.

No news other than Father Nature and Mother Nature.

The power that had been dormant in the prehistoric era has all awakened.

Times have now been redrawn.

The period when he died together with the incarnation of heaven has been divided into ancient times.

The period when he killed Huang Qianbai to control the monarchy and obliterate all the kings has been divided into the ancient times.

Now, it is divided into the ancient and modern times.

In the present and ancient times, the world has fully recovered, and it has already been able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the peak powers of the prehistoric period!
The only weakness is that there is no news of Mother Nature and Father Nature.

This ancient era is completely different from the past.

In the first two eras, the Three Thousand Ways were divided into three thousand camps, entrenched in the three thousand stars.

And in ancient times.

There are only East Heaven Dynasty, West Buddha, North Cave Heaven, and South Demon!
These are the four major forces in today's world.

Among them, among the three thousand avenues, many avenues are under the control of the Celestial Dynasty, that is to say, the Dao of Heaven is still a very powerful existence.

As for the Western Paradise, there are all Buddhas there, and it is one of the four major forces in today's world.

Beidongtian refers to 36 caves and 72 blessed places.

Nanmo, here is not referring to the strong demons, but variables!
The variables of the present and ancient times are very powerful, and they are already one of the four major forces in today's world.

Su Tianling ignored the scenery in the distance. In ancient times, his main purpose was to kill all those who wanted to kill the variable!

Whenever he thought of what happened in ancient times, he hated Mother Nature to the extreme, wishing he could pin Mother Nature to the ground and ruthlessly trample her a thousand times!

If he didn't come back in time that day, his wife and everyone he cared about would probably die at the hands of those kings.

Even, his wife, his daughter, might be insulted!

Therefore, his hatred of Mother Nature reached its peak.

He was born to be a variable!Because of this, everyone wants to kill him!
Su Tianling stood for a while, then he turned around and glanced at the Taixu Cave.

This Great Void Cave, is his current starting place.

The breath of variables in him has completely converged, even for those powerful people, it will be difficult to see that he is a variable.


Day two.

Taixu Dongtian held a grand promotion banquet.

This promotion banquet was mainly organized for Lin Ruoxue, the most monstrous disciple of Taixu Dongtian's younger generation.

half a year ago.

Lin Ruoxue broke through from the Immortal Monarch Realm to the Immortal Venerable Realm.

Immortal Venerable, even if you look at this huge world, you are not weak.

To know.

Above the Immortal Venerable, there are only three realms left.

One is Immortal Saint, one is Immortal Emperor, and the other is Saint Realm.

Saint, is the end of the realm!
Lin Ruoxue was able to reach the Immortal Venerable Realm at a very young age, which shows how strong Daogen's talent is.

On a mountain like a fairyland in Taixu Dongtian, there are a thousand small tables set up there, and each table can seat one person.

On the higher stone rock in front of the thousands of tables, sat an extremely beautiful woman, this woman is today's protagonist, Lin Ruoxue.

Lin Ruoxue looked around back and forth, trying to find the person she wanted to see, but after searching, she couldn't find the person she wanted to see.

There was a little disappointment in her eyes.

In the end, did he still not come?

"Junior Sister, congratulations on breaking through to the Immortal Venerable Realm."

A handsome man raised his wine glass to Lin Ruoxue and congratulated with a smile.

Lin Ruoxue looked at him, nodded slightly, and replied, "Thank you, brother."

Lin Ruoxue raised her glass and drank a little.

At this moment, the handsome man looked at the other disciples and said with a smile, "Junior Sister Ruoxue breaks through to the Immortal Venerable, let's toast her together."

"it is good."

"it is good."

Thousands of people present raised their glasses to Lin Ruoxue, and congratulated, "Congratulations to the young cave master for breaking through to the immortal, and I wish the young cave master to reach the immortal emperor as soon as possible."

"Thank you, senior brothers, senior brothers, senior sisters, and senior sisters." Lin Ruoxue raised her wine glass and drank it down.

After drinking, she glanced around again, but...she still didn't see the figure she wanted to see, and her heart couldn't help but feel cold, it seemed that Su Tianling would not come here.

(End of this chapter)

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