Chapter 346 Lin Ruoxue

"Junior Sister, you are now an immortal, and at this level, you can also have a Taoist companion who will accompany you for life."

At the table closer to Lin Ruoxue, there was a woman at that table, she said to Lin Ruoxue with a smile.

Everyone heard the words.

Most people looked at the handsome man who spoke before.

This handsome man is the second most talented Daogen in Taixu Dongtian's younger generation, and his name is Gu Xiao.

If it is said that in Taixu Cave, who is most worthy of going to Lin Ruoxue, only Gu Xiao is the only one.

Gu Xiao felt that everyone was looking at him, he didn't say anything, but he kept paying attention to the change of Lin Ruoxue's expression from the corner of his eyes.

When Lin Ruoxue heard this, she looked at the woman, and said with a faint smile, "I don't think about this for now."

After hearing this, the woman just shook her head lightly.

"Ruoxue, you should have a Taoist companion."

At this time, a white-haired old man appeared in the distance.

When everyone saw the old man, they stood up one by one, respectfully saluted, "Elder Gu."

Lin Ruoxue looked at the elder Gu, frowning slightly, feeling that something bad was about to happen.

Even the elders came forward to raise this matter, presumably other elders, and even her master, might want her to have a Taoist companion.

Elder Gu looked at Lin Ruoxue, smiled kindly, and said, "Elders, as well as the Cave Master, are all thinking about your life-long affairs. If you have made up your mind, please tell us and give you three days to think about it. If you don't make a good choice, We will personally select a suitable Taoist companion for you."

"Understood, Elder Gu." Lin Ruoxue nodded lightly, with a look of sadness in her eyes.

Even though her dao root talent is extremely high and she has been vigorously cultivated by Taixu Dongtian, but for life-long events, the Taoist partner she wants to choose can only be chosen among Taixu Dongtian's disciples.

She knew that Taixu Dongtian did this mainly because he was afraid that she would fall in love with the man outside.

If she fell in love with outsiders, it would be a waste of money for outsiders.

But soon.

The sadness in her eyes was gone.

A strange color flickered in her eyes, and a figure in white appeared in her mind.

Elder Gu has been paying attention to the change of Lin Ruoxue's expression, seeing that Lin Ruoxue seems to have made a decision in her heart, he couldn't help but smile lightly.

He looked at Gu Xiao in the distance, the person Lin Ruoxue chose should be his grandson Gu Xiao, right?

Looking at Taixu Cave, only his grandson, Gu Xiao, is the most suitable Taoist companion for Lin Ruoxue.

Gu Xiao was delighted at the moment, it seemed that the person Lin Ruoxue chose was herself.

He looked at Lin Ruoxue, and asked with a smile, "Junior Sister, is there anyone for me?"

Lin Ruoxue couldn't help but come to her senses when she heard the words, her pretty face flushed slightly, a little shy, and she nodded lightly.

Seeing Lin Ruoxue's shy look, Gu Xiao was overjoyed in his heart. Are you shy?

"Then wait for junior sister to announce the result in three days." Gu Xiao said with a smile.

"En." Lin Ruoxue nodded lightly.

All the disciples looked at Gu Xiao enviously, is this Gu Xiao going to hug the beauty back?

Everyone stayed for a while before leaving.

At this moment, there are only two people left.

One is Lin Ruoxue, and the other is the woman who first suggested to Lin Ruoxue that she could consider a Taoist couple.

The woman's name was Shen Gongyan, she looked at Lin Ruoxue, and asked with a smile, "Junior Sister, the person you chose is Gu Xiao, right?"

Lin Ruoxue shook her head lightly, the figure in white was always in her mind, and every time she thought of that man who was not easy to get close to, her heart beat faster.

Shen Gongyan stared blankly, it wasn't Gu Xiao?

She frowned slightly, her eyes revealing a thoughtful look, among the disciples of Taixu Dongtian, besides Gu Xiao who is the most qualified, who else is worthy of Lin Ruoxue?

She thought for a while, but she didn't expect anyone who could be favored by Lin Ruoxue.


Lin Ruoxue blushed pretty, it should be just duplicity, I'm sorry to say it bluntly.

Thinking of this, Shen Gongyan frowned, as long as Lin Ruoxue was looking for Gu Xiao.

"Senior Sister, I still have something to do, so I'll go first." Lin Ruoxue said to Shen Gong Yan, and left in a hurry.

It looked like something was urgent.

Seeing this, Shen Gongyan frowned slightly, where is Lin Ruoxue going?

She hid herself and followed Lin Ruoxue quietly.

Lin Ruoxue came to a cliff, and there was a man in white standing on the edge of the cliff. As usual, the man in white was looking at the distant scenery.

Lin Ruoxue stepped forward and came to Su Tianling's side. She looked at Su Tianling and asked softly, "Junior Brother Su, why didn't you attend the promotion banquet today?"

"I'm delayed by something." Su Tianling looked at her and said softly, "Congratulations."

Lin Ruoxue nodded lightly, and was not angry because Su Tianling didn't attend her promotion banquet. After all, Su Tianling also said yesterday that it depends on the situation.

She looked at Su Tianling, looked at Su Tianling's handsome face, and those eyes that could make people addicted to it.

Her heart couldn't help beating faster.

Elder Gu gave her three days to think about her future Taoist companion, and what appeared in her mind was the figure of Su Tianling.

She bit her lip lightly, gathered her courage, and hinted to Su Tianling, "Elder Gu asked me to choose a Taoist partner, who do you think is suitable for me to choose?"

Su Tianling glanced at her, then looked into the distance, "Daoist, did you choose?"

Lin Ruoxue stared blankly, she didn't expect such a reply.

In her eyes, there was a moment of sadness, and she said helplessly, "I am a female disciple with the best talent in Daogen. Master and the others have high hopes for me. They asked me to choose a Taoist partner. I can only Choose from the cave disciples."

"If you choose to compromise and choose one of the disciples as your Taoist partner, you may never feel the love between men and women for the rest of your life." Su Tianling.

Lin Ruoxue looked at him, "What if the man I like is among these disciples?"

"That's naturally better." Su Tianling.

"I understand." A smile appeared on Lin Ruoxue's face, she looked at Su Tianling and said, "In three days, I will announce who my Taoist companion is in front of everyone, I hope, no, I beg! You must be there in three days, okay?"

Su Tianling looked at her eyes, there was a prayer in his eyes, he raised his brows slightly, could it be because he fell in love with him?
Su Tianling thought about it.

Today's top powers in the world are extremely powerful, and they are all planning to wipe out the variables.

He is a variable, he wants to kill everyone who wants to kill him!
He came to Taixu Cave Heaven as a disciple just to infiltrate it step by step and find out what the plans of these great powers are.

Because what happened in previous eras gave him a wake-up call.

Mother Nature has been plotting against him since he was born.

What happened last time almost caused his wife to fall.

This made him extra vigilant against Mother Nature.

He will not take the initiative to reveal that he is a variable identity, otherwise... who knows how the mother of nature will calculate him?
[There are still three heroines, the latter ones are not]

(End of this chapter)

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