The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 347 You!you wanna die!

Chapter 347 You!you wanna die!
And this Lin Ruoxue!
Let him take a step up in a logical way, and he will be able to obtain more useful information.

He raised his hand and slowly stretched it towards Lin Ruoxue's hair, while observing Lin Ruoxue's expression and reaction.

Seeing that Lin Ruoxue was nervous, her pretty face was slightly red.

He already knew in his heart that Lin Ruoxue really liked him.

"I will go in three days." Su Tianling looked at her.


Lin Ruoxue ran away shyly, did she understand her intention?
Moreover, I agreed! ! !
At this moment, she felt unprecedented excitement, unprecedented shyness, unprecedented tension, and more importantly, excitement.

It was as if she had reached the pinnacle of her life.

dark place.

Shen Gongyan kept staring at this scene, seeing Lin Ruoxue's shy look, she immediately understood that what Lin Ruoxue liked was not Gu Xiao, but this Su Tianling!

"How is it possible!" Shen Gong's face was gloomy, and he couldn't understand it in his heart.

This Su Tianling is just a new disciple of Taixu Dongtian, and he only stayed in Taixu Dongtian for one year.

There were no outstanding performances during the period.

As far as she knows, Su Tianling likes to be alone,

The ability to communicate with people is extremely poor, which can be seen from the fact that the disciples do not have much contact with Su Tianling.

As for Su Tianling's Daogen talent.

Although looking at the whole world, they all belong to the excellent level.

But where is the Great Void Cave?
One of the 36 caves and 72 blessed places, it is no exaggeration to say that the disciples of the Taixu cave belong to the excellent level in any force.

Because of this, Taixu Dongtian recruits disciples very strictly. From the prehistoric era to the present, the number of disciples accepted by Taixu Dongtian has never exceeded 2000.

However, the disciples in Taixu Cave Heaven are also gifted with different roots.

This Su Tianling's Daogen talent is only in the middle of the disciples.

How could Lin Ruoxue like Su Tianling?
But the scene just now really told her that Lin Ruoxue likes Su Tianling!
Thinking of this, Shen Gongyan's eyes turned cold. Elder Gu is her master. Elder Gu and all the elders want Lin Ruoxue and Gu Xiao to become Taoist couples, and she naturally wants to obey her master's orders!

At first, she tested whether Lin Ruoxue was interested in Gu Xiao, but she wanted to tell Elder Gu the result after the test came out.

But now...

Shen Gongyan had a cold face, she looked coldly at Su Tianling in the distance, this Su Tianling obviously also wanted Lin Ruoxue!
She must never let Su Tianling and Lin Ruoxue be together.

Shen Gongyan's graceful figure moved and appeared beside Su Tianling. She stared at Su Tianling coldly and warned, "It's best not to make Ruoxue's idea. If you are sensible, you'd better let Ruoxue give up immediately!"

Su Tianling looked at her indifferently. After living for so many years, there will never be a shortage of people like Shen Gongyan.


With a movement of his right hand, Su Tianling slapped Shen Gongyan's pretty face directly.

Shen Gongyan was stunned by the sudden slap, she stared at Su Tianling in a daze, she never thought that Su Tianling would dare to hit her!

"You! You are looking for death!" Shen Gongyan's eyes suddenly turned cold, and the killing intent in his heart rose, wishing to kill Su Tianling on the spot.

Su Tianling slapped him again, and this slap sent Shen Gongyan flying upside down for a hundred meters.

He looked at Shen Gongyan scornfully, "You know the rules of Taixu Dongtian, even if I stand here and let you kill, do you dare to kill? Besides! I will tell Lin Ruoxue about this!"

Say it.

Su Tianling turned and left.

After Shen Gongyan stabilized her figure, she covered her slapped face, feeling flustered.

If Su Tianling told Lin Ruoxue about this, Lin Ruoxue would definitely feel hostile towards her.

At all times, the relationship between her and Lin Ruoxue was terrible!

"No, you have to tell Gu Xiao about this!"

Shen Gongyan glanced at Su Tianling's leaving back with resentment, she will settle the account of these two slaps sooner or later!

There are a total of [-] hills in the Taixu Cave.

Every mountain has an elder, and even every disciple.

Among them, there are more than a thousand elders.

There are more than one thousand disciples.

Each elder teaches only one disciple.

On one of the hills, there is a courtyard.


inside the yard.

Gu Xiao sat on the chair, and the wine glass he was holding shattered.

A moment ago, he was smiling all over his face, thinking about becoming a Taoist couple with Lin Ruoxue.

But the next moment, when he heard what Shen Gongyan said, the smile on his face stopped abruptly and turned gloomy.

What Lin Ruoxue likes is actually Su Tianling!

A new disciple whom he had never paid much attention to!
"Say! He slapped you twice?" Gu Xiao stared at Shen Gongyan in front of him, and said in a deep voice.

"Yes." Shen Gongyan's eyes showed a cold light, thinking that she was slapped twice by Su Tianling before, she wished to cut Su Tianling into pieces!

Gu Xiao frowned, thoughtful.

Shen Gongyan is in the realm of Immortal Sovereign, Su Tianling can easily beat Shen Gongyan, which shows that Su Tianling is very strong, or, this Su Tianling is already in the realm of Immortal Venerable!
Shen Gongyan looked at Gu Xiao, gritted his teeth and said, "Gu Xiao, you have to make the decision for me with these two slaps!"

Gu Xiao's eyes were cold, he looked at Shen Gongyan, and said in a deep voice, "I won't let you get these two slaps for nothing, this account will be settled with him sooner or later! But not now!"

Gu Xiao said coldly, "If Su Tianling tells Ruoxue what you warned him, I'm afraid it will make Junior Sister Ruoxue very disgusted. I will go to my grandpa now and ask my grandpa to put pressure on Su Tianling!"

"Yes." Shen Gongyan nodded, "I'll go with you."


Su Tianling was resting in his yard at the moment, lying on a chair, thoughtful.

ancient times.

East Heavenly Court, West Buddha, and Beidongtian, these three major forces should all be planning how to deal with variables.

But what the specific plan is, he is still unclear.

His gaze pierced through the yard and through layers of barriers in the distance, wondering if the Cave Master of Taixu Cave Heaven knew what his plan was.

After a while.

In Su Tianling's yard, an old man suddenly appeared.

Seeing the old man, Su Tianling frowned slightly, and appeared directly in his yard without his consent.

"What's the purpose of Elder Gu coming here?" Su Tianling looked at him, knowing in his heart, besides the matter of Gu Xiao and Lin Ruoxue, what else could there be?

Elder Gu looked at Su Tianling, doubts arose in his heart. Not long ago, he learned that the person Lin Ruoxue liked was actually Su Tianling!

It was hard for him to believe it.

Why did Lin Ruoxue fall in love with Su Tianling?
Su Tianling's appearance is not bad, but he is not as good as Gu Xiao in Daogen's talent.

Of course, Gu Xiao is also very handsome and good at talking, and Dogen is also very talented.

Logically speaking, as long as the head is not hypoxic, a normal woman would choose Gu Xiao.

But what Lin Ruoxue likes is Su Tianling...

(End of this chapter)

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