The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 368 You are about to lose again

Chapter 368 You are about to lose again

Seeing that Su Tianling had left, Lin Ruoxue and Ying Xiaolian left directly.

Only Bao Lingfeng and an elder from Baogui Dongtian were left standing there dumbly.

Bao Lingfeng and the elder are still in a daze until now, how long have they just arrived in Taixu Cave?It has already lost.

Losing means that you have been eliminated.

far away.

The disciples of Taixu Dongtian watched from a distance, and seeing Su Tianling defeated Bao Lingfeng, they left gracefully, and couldn't help laughing one by one, "Junior Brother Su is unparalleled in strength, and he may become the young master jointly cultivated by the [-] Caves of Paradise."

"This young master of Baogui Cave is really unlucky."

The disciples looked at Bao Lingfeng who was still doubting his life, and shook their heads and smiled.

In front.

After Bao Lingfeng came back to his senses, he took a deep look at the direction of the wind in the distance, and muttered to himself, "It seems that Taixu Dongtian is about to rise."

"Let's go." The old man in Baogui Cave Heaven sighed.

Bao Lingfeng nodded slightly, and left Taixu Cave.

Su Tianling returned to his residence and continued to rest. However, before resting for an hour, he learned that there was a young master from the Paradise and Paradise to challenge.

Su Tianling was annoyed.

It's too troublesome to call one by one. If you come all at once, you don't need to be disturbed.

But this is just thinking about it, he knows that it is impossible for all those young masters to come.

After Su Tianling left, he punched the young master back!

After repelling, Su Tianling went back to rest.

For more than 20 days in a row, Su Tianling eliminated a total of nine young masters.


Su Tianling's reputation has also spread to [-] Heavenly Paradise, and almost everyone knows that Taixu Cave has a very strong disciple.

Inside Taixu Cave Mansion.

Immortal Emperor Taixu sat reclined on the soft chair, looking in a good mood, drinking some wine and eating fruit at the same time.

"Lingmiao... You're going to lose again in this game."

Immortal Emperor Taixu smiled smugly, and the scene of Lingmiao's crushing defeat was already imagining in his mind.

Lingmiao said that the final disciples that Dongtian Paradise will cultivate will be the disciples of Lingmiao Dongtian!He also threatened to ask her Taixu Dongtian to provide a lot of cultivation resources.

However, more than 20 days ago, she suppressed her realm at the peak of Xianzun, but lost to Su Tianling.

This is enough to show that Su Tianling's strength is absolutely superb.

Coupled with Su Tianling's perfect heart of a sage who has no desires and no desires, in the end the disciple who will be jointly cultivated by the [-] Caves of Paradise will only be Su Tianling.

"Hehe...Lingmiao, Lingmiao, I really want to see you look ugly, angry, and aggrieved." Immortal Emperor Taixu laughed loudly. After laughing for a long time, he drank the wine in the glass. drink up.

"Disciple, come here." Immortal Emperor Taixu said lightly, and sent a voice transmission to Su Tianling.

Soon, Su Tianling appeared in the cave. He sat down, looked at Immortal Emperor Taixu and asked, "What's the matter?"

"It's nothing, I just want you to come over for a drink and chat." Immortal Emperor Taixu said with a smile, looking at Su Tianling, the more he liked it, this is simply a blessing from heaven.

Su Tianling was speechless, he drank slowly while eating.

The same is true for Immortal Emperor Taixu. After drinking for some time, Immortal Emperor Taixu rested his head on his hands. She looked at Su Tianling and said with a smile, "Master, I think there is something wrong with you."

Su Tianling's face remained unchanged, and he asked lightly, "What's wrong?"

"As a teacher, I always feel that you don't seem to have any goals in life, as if you live to eat and die." Immortal Emperor Taixu said.

After getting in touch with Su Tianling during this period, she found that Su Tianling was not interested in many things.

She eats, drinks and sleeps every day, and other than that, she is bragging with Ying Xiaolian. As for practice, she has never seen Su Tianling practice seriously once, but Su Tianling's strength in the same realm is very strong.

It was hard for her to understand.

A person who eats and waits to die, doesn't he live like a walking dead?
Su Tianling smiled, drank the wine, and didn't explain, he had no desires or desires, but it was just a disguise.

Immortal Emperor Taixu looked at Su Tianling, such an excellent disciple is like a salted fish waiting to die every day, this is not acceptable.

Immortal Emperor Taixu pondered for a while, and wanted to make Su Tianling different, unless the desire in Su Tianling's heart was inflated.


Immortal Emperor Taixu's beautiful eyes are shining, she has a charming body, this kind of physique, just a smile can seduce people's soul, making people intoxicated.

Normally, she would restrain the special ability of the Charming Body.

but now…

It's time to unseal the ability of the Charming Body.

In an instant.

Su Tianling noticed something was wrong, he looked at Immortal Emperor Taixu, at this moment, Immortal Emperor Taixu's charm had increased by a thousand times than before.

What is this for?Seduce him? ? ?
Su Tianling's eyes drifted away, staring at Immortal Emperor Taixu's wonderful figure, and his stunning pretty face.

Immortal Emperor Taixu saw that Su Tianling had already moved Yu Nian, she curled her lips secretly, the heart of this saint is not perfect enough.




The table was overturned directly, and the jug and wine glasses fell to the ground one after another.

Immortal Emperor Taixu snorted coldly, which woke Su Tianling up.

She stared at Su Tianling unkindly, and wanted to bully her!

Su Tianling wiped his sweat, looked at Immortal Emperor Taixu and said, "I couldn't hold back just now, so."

"Get out!" Immortal Emperor Taixu.

Su Tianling turned and left. After leaving, he couldn't help but smiled slightly. Immortal Emperor Taixu wanted to charm him, so he deliberately showed a look of being confused.

Just now, he directly overturned the table and rushed towards Immortal Emperor Taixu, only a little distance away, and he was about to meet Immortal Emperor Taixu.

Immortal Emperor Taixu was frightened by this, so he should not dare to use the power of charm on him again.

Immortal Emperor Taixu looked at the overturned table on the ground, as well as the jug and wine glass, her pretty face blushed slightly, and she suddenly snorted coldly.

It's only a small distance away, and Su Tianling is going to be so frivolous to her. Fortunately, she reacts quickly, otherwise...


Su Tianling returned to his yard, but he didn't see Ying Xiaolian, so he couldn't help feeling puzzled. Normally, Ying Xiaolian would stay in his yard, why didn't he see anyone today?

Su Tianling didn't think much about it, so he lay down on the chair, closed his eyes and meditated.

After half an hour of effort.

Ying Xiaolian appeared in the yard, and saw that she was holding a large plate with cooked meat on it.

"Wake up, eat the dragon meat." Ying Xiaolian.

Su Tianling opened his eyes, looked at the flood dragon meat on the table, and couldn't help but look at Ying Xiaolian, "You killed a flood dragon???"

"That's right." Ying Xiaolian sat down, looked at the dragon meat, rubbed her hands together, and said with a smile, "This is an evil dragon, and there is no psychological burden to eat, so let's enjoy the delicious food with Master."

Su Tianling nodded lightly, he thought that Ying Xiaolian had killed some kind of dragon, since it was an evil dragon, he ate it if he ate it.

(End of this chapter)

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