The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 369 Granddaughter Su Xiaomo

Chapter 369 Granddaughter Su Xiaomo

Su Tianling took a piece of Jiaolong meat and ate it.

"How does it taste?" Ying Xiaolian looked at Su Tianling and asked with a smile.

"It tastes good." Su Tianling smiled, looked at Ying Xiaolian and asked, "Where did you kill this evil dragon?"

"Near Dongshan Dongtian." When Ying Xiaolian mentioned Dongshan Dongtian, she immediately felt upset. Anger welled up in her eyes, and she said angrily, "When I went to Dongshan Dongtian to kill this flood dragon, the elders of Dongshan Dongtian still wanted to sit down." To reap the benefits of being a fisherman, I later wounded the elder of Dongshan Dongtian."

"Is there anything wrong?" Su Tianling asked.

"What could be the matter? Is it possible that Dongshan Dongtian dares to trouble me? Even if the cave master of Dongshan Dongtian comes here in person, Immortal Emperor Taixu will teach her how to behave!" Ying Xiaolian said disdainfully.

Su Tianling ate a mouthful of Jiaolong meat, and asked curiously, "What do you mean, does the cave master of Dongshan Dongtian have a grudge with Taixu cave master?"

"There is no grievance, but..." Ying Xiaolian sneered, "What the cave master of Dongshan has done is extremely disgusting, it simply disgraces us 36 caves and 72 blessed lands."

"What did Dongshan cave master do to make you so disgusted?" Su Tianling asked curiously.

"Huh." Ying Xiaolian snorted coldly, and said, "Many years ago, the Eastern Heavenly Court and the Western Heavenly Buddhist Sect were the only two major powers in the world. At that time, the 36 caves and 72 blessed lands were not as good as the Eastern Heavenly Court. As long as the younger generation of Dongtianting come to Dongshan Dongtian to exchange immortality, the Dongshan cave master will kneel and lick, and even let the female disciples of Dongshan Dongtian accompany the young people of Dongtianting."

"The company you said, what kind of company is it?" Su Tianling raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, it's that kind of companionship." Ying Xiaolian said disgustedly, "Dongshan Dongtian is nominally for female disciples to communicate with the younger generation of immortals in Dongtianting, but in fact it is female disciples going to accompany men in Dongtianting! This kind of kneeling and licking Everyone will be disgusted by the behavior of East Heaven Court!"

"It's really disgusting." Su Tianling nodded lightly. The majestic Cave Master wants to let the female disciple accompany the man in the East Heaven Court. This kind of behavior will make anyone feel disgusted.

"And do you know." Ying Xiaolian took a sip of wine and said angrily, "When I was near Dongshan Dongtian a few days ago, I found that the female disciples of Dongshan Dongtian were doing nasty things with the men of Dongtianting Not only that, I also saw an elder verbally coerce a female disciple to accompany the man in the East Heavenly Court!"

Ying Xiaolian waved her hand, and a light curtain appeared not far in front of her. Inside the light curtain, the female disciple of Dongshan Dongtian and the man of Dongtianting were very intimately together, and the female disciple of Dongshan Dongtian even asked other girls Disciples show off.

Then, an elder from Dongshan Dongtian verbally coerced a female disciple to be a schoolmate to a man from Dongtianting.

"Look, what Dongshan Dongtian has done is not disgusting!" Ying Xiaolian pointed at the light curtain with a sullen voice.

Su Tianling looked at the light curtain, his face turned cold, and he stared at the female disciple who was being threatened by the elder's words in the light curtain.

That female disciple, Cardamom Nianhua, seemed to be only thirteen or fourteen years old.

It does not matter.

The important thing is that Su Tianling knows this female disciple.

This female disciple is one of his granddaughters, Su Xiaomo.

"I'm leaving!"

After Su Tianling finished speaking, his figure disappeared out of thin air.

"Hey..." Ying Xiaolian was stunned for a moment, why did she leave suddenly?Her holy thoughts from the Immortal Saint Realm spread out, trying to find Su Tianling's figure, but after searching, she couldn't find Su Tianling!

This made her full of doubts, she is a fairy!

Su Tianling is just an immortal, how could he disappear under her nose?
Su Tianling's figure descended to Dongshan Dongtian in an instant. He was already a saint, so it was very easy for him to go wherever he wanted.

He stood above the void, looking down at a towering and magnificent cave, which is Dongshan cave.

After seeing the light curtain, several emotions arose in his heart.

One is doubt.

Only he left the world of Father Nature and entered the world of Mother Nature.

His wife and children did not follow.

But now, his granddaughter actually appeared in Dongshan Dongtian, and even became a female disciple of Dongshan Dongtian!
His eyes penetrated to any place in Dongshan Cave Sky.

He saw Su Xiaomo's figure.


A female elder looked at the thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl in front of her, and she said majesticly, "My teacher asked you to communicate with the male immortals in the Eastern Heavenly Court. How dare you disobey my teacher's order! Are you afraid that my teacher will kick you out of Dongshan Cave Heaven!"

A 13-year-old girl, dressed in a long white dress, has an exquisite appearance, and she is a real beauty. After a few years, she will definitely be another stunning woman.

Su Xiaomo put his arms around his arms, looked at the female elder disdainfully, and said disdainfully, "I really think that this lady is rare to be Dongshan Dongtian's disciple? Even if you don't chase this lady away, this lady will leave on her own initiative!"

Hearing this, the female elder's face was extremely ugly. She stared at Su Xiaomo angrily, and dared to call herself Miss Ben in front of her!
"Little girl! Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers! This elder will teach you a lesson today!" The female elder snorted coldly, raised her hand, and slapped Su Xiaomo across the face.

A flash of sharpness flashed in Su Xiaomo's eyes, and following her thoughts, a sharp blade flashed out of her pupils, and the sharp blade instantly cut off the hand thrown by the female elder!

The female elder's hand fell directly to the ground, blood gushing out.

"" The female elder was stunned, and looked at Su Xiaomo in astonishment. How could her hand be cut off by a little girl?
"Go to hell! A woman with a femme heart!" Su Xiaomo's pupils suddenly flashed a solid spiritual force, which hit the female elder's soul instantly like a hammer!

The female elder trembled all over, her eyes opened wide, she looked at Su Xiaomo in disbelief, and then her figure fell straight down.

"Dongshan Dongtian? This lady is not rare!" Su Xiaomo raised his hand and destroyed the body of the female elder in an instant.

above the void.

Su Tianling looked at Su Xiaomo and heaved a sigh of relief.

Su Xiaomo's pupils were instilled with the power of a saint by Liu Xue, Su Xiaomo can use this power, even if a saint wants to kill Su Xiaomo, Su Xiaomo can resist a blow.

"This girl." Su Tianling's figure descended below, and instantly appeared in front of Su Xiaomo.

Su Xiaomo frowned, and her eyes turned cold. People in Dongshan Dongtian have already discovered that she killed someone.

She looked intently, and when she saw a familiar face, her eyes froze.

Immediately, a guilty conscience followed.

She lowered her head and called out softly, "Grandpa."

Su Tianling looked at her and questioned, "How did you come here!"

(End of this chapter)

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