The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 39 You have broken your promise

Chapter 39 You have broken your promise

Lei Zhentian stared at Su Tianling, his eyes were twined with a ray of light, as if he wanted to see through Su Tianling completely.

He knew that Su Tianling was carrying a treasure, and it was because of this treasure that he could easily abolish Palace Master Yang of the Battle Spear Hall.

Such a treasure, even for him, is quite exciting.

However, after a quick scan, he didn't find any foreign objects on Su Tianling's body, which made Lei Zhentian frowned. Could it be that Su Tianling didn't bring the heavy treasure with him?

"No!" Lei Zhentian said calmly.

When Dongli heard this, he stared at Su Tianling fiercely. Since Su Tianling didn't bring a heavy treasure, he had nothing to worry about.

Su Tianling's martial soul is just a one-star useless martial soul!

The realm is still lower than him, how can he compete with him?


Everyone stared at the Martial Arts Platform.

The second palace lord personally inspected Su Tianling. Su Tianling did not carry a heavy treasure. With Su Tianling's own strength, how could he beat Dongli?
Su Xiaoke stood in the ring, clenched her fists tightly, her brother didn't carry a heavy treasure, how could he beat Dongli?
She knew that Dongli had the intention of killing Su Tianling, and in this martial arts competition, Dongli would probably depose her brother.

"Brother, you go down, I'll challenge him!" Su Xiaoke said.

Su Tianling glanced at Su Xiaoke, shook his head lightly and said, "I am enough."


Before Su Xiaoke finished speaking, Su Tianling interrupted: "I know what's in my heart, just watch quietly."

Su Xiaoke clenched her fists even tighter, she stared at Dongli, and warned in a deep voice: "If my brother is injured, I will personally challenge you!"

Dongli sneered, when did a little girl dare to warn him?Even if Su Xiaoke's strength is stronger than him, so what?

He is the prince, with the entire Dongsheng Kingdom behind him, what might Su Xiao do to him?
Dongli glanced at Liu Xue in the Soul Palace area, seeing Liu Xue's face was calm, his eyes twitched slightly, knowing that Su Tianling didn't have a treasure, logically speaking, shouldn't she be nervous?
However, Liu Xue's complexion is as calm as water. Does this mean that he believes that Su Tianling can defeat him?
Thinking of this, Dongli's face became gloomy. In this case, he defeated Su Tianling viciously in front of countless people!

"Nian is because your realm is lower than mine, and your martial spirit is useless, so I will give you three chances to strike." Dongli looked at Su Tianling, and sneered, "Don't worry, I will never fight back during these three chances for you to strike! "

"That's what you said." Su Tianling smiled, Xiao Dongli was insane.

Thinking that he is not carrying a heavy treasure, you think you will lose?
I also don't think about why I dare to challenge if I don't carry a heavy treasure.

"One word from a gentleman, four horses are hard to chase!" Dong Li said proudly, he looked at Su Tianling, his heart trembled wildly, could he finally ruthlessly trample on Su Tianling?
With such a condescending attitude, he stepped on Su Tianling under his feet, and then saw Liu Xue in pain, he felt very excited.

Now, he couldn't wait.

Su Tianling looked at Dongli, he condensed a spatula martial spirit, and the power of the martial soul turned into a spatula!
Seeing this, Dongli smiled playfully: "The spatula can also be used for cooking."

Everyone also shook their heads and smiled, thinking that Su Tianling was very ridiculous, thinking that taking out a spatula could defeat the third prince?

"You're right, the spatula is indeed for cooking." Su Tianling smiled, and the spatula in his hand suddenly became bigger!

He is as tall as an adult. This scene made many people stunned. What does this mean?
Su Tianling raised the spatula and suddenly shoveled it towards Dongli.

Dongli sneered, he condensed Fang Tian's painted halberd, and swept away, trying to resist the spatula.

When the spatula collided with Fang Tian's painted halberd, Fang Tian's painted halberd collapsed strangely, and the spatula directly shoveled Dongli, and slammed Dongli into the sky!
The sky above is a thousand meters high from the ground.

At such a height, even if a martial artist falls down, it is enough to eat a pot.

Dongli was in the sky, constantly erupting spiritual power, which slowed down his falling speed, but it consumed a lot of spiritual energy.

"Come again!" Su Tianling smiled, raised the spatula to shoot again, this time the spatula was directly magnified a hundred times!
Su Tianling held the spatula, as if holding a towering tree, giving people a visual impact.

Seeing this, Dongli's face was ugly. He raised Fang Tian's painting halberd and collided with the spatula.

Fang Tian's painted halberd shattered again, and the spatula hit him directly!
"Hehe, there is one more chance." Su Tianling raised the spatula and took another shot. Before Dongli could stabilize his figure, he saw the spatula come again.

"Get out!" Dong Li yelled coldly, a wave of extreme air surged all over his body, trying to blast the spatula away.

"Hehe, you broke your promise." Su Tianling waved the spatula again at this moment. The spatula was like a towering tree falling down, and the force was irresistible.

Bang bang bang!

Let Dongli bombard him, but he couldn't make any waves on the spatula.

With a bang, the spatula hit Dongli, and Dongli's figure was sent flying!

half empty.

Lei Zhentian flashed his figure and caught Dongli. He saw Dongli's face was slapped red by the spatula, and his nose was even smeared with blood. His face was very ugly.

The dignified third prince was photographed like this by a spatula.

Seeing Dongli's current state, everyone fell silent.

They didn't dare to say anything. If Dongli heard about it, they would be in a terrible situation.

Su Tianling looked at the sky, and said lightly: "Third prince? How about my cooking skills?"

Dongli's face was gloomy, his face was ferocious, and he looked at Su Tianling fiercely, he couldn't believe it until now.

How could Su Tianling who didn't carry a heavy treasure defeat him?
His eyes flickered coldly, and he said coldly: "You must have brought a heavy treasure, and this heavy treasure is hidden very well, otherwise, how could you beat me!"

When Lei Zhentian heard this, he looked at Su Tianling coldly, and said coldly: "If you dare to cheat in martial arts, the Lord of the Palace will personally punish you!"

"Are you saying that I carry a heavy treasure without evidence? Dare I ask the second palace lord, have you seen that I am carrying a heavy treasure? Since you haven't seen it, you are slandering me by saying that!" Su Tianling said lightly.

"Hmph! You are only an early stage martial artist, how could you have enough aura to condense the spatula to such a large size? You can only condense it to such a large size, unless you are a general!" Lei Zhentian said coldly: "And you are indeed an early stage martial artist, Everyone knows that the spiritual energy in a martial artist's body is simply not enough to condense into a [-]-meter spatula, and this alone is enough to show that you are cheating!"

Everyone heard the words and stared at Su Tianling one by one. Normally, the spiritual energy in a martial artist's body is really not enough to condense such a big spatula. Trees are generally big.

"I don't know much." Su Tianling looked at Liu Xue and said lightly: "Daughter-in-law, show them a hand, can a martial artist condense a weapon as big as my spatula?"

(End of this chapter)

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