The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 40 Liu Xue's Worries

Chapter 40 Liu Xue's Worries

Liu Xue looked at Su Tianling, how did Su Tianling know that she could condense the weapon to such a large size?

Only she and her mother knew about this matter.

Since she awakened her martial soul at the age of 16, her mother began to teach her how to practice, polishing every level of her to perfection, so after she broke through to a martial arts master, the aura in her body was much more than that of ordinary martial arts masters.

However, she has never demonstrated this ability, how did Su Tianling know that she can magnify the weapon a hundred times?

Although she had doubts in her heart, under the current situation, she still wanted to gather the power of her martial soul immediately.

Liu Xue got up, she looked at Lei Zhentian in mid-air, and said softly: "Second Palace Master, I can amplify the power of the martial soul by a hundred times at the level of a martial artist."


A monster as white as snow appeared in front of Liu Xue!
This is another Wuhun of Liu Xue, the Snow Sculpture Beast.

Under the eyes of everyone, the snow sculptured beast zoomed in at an extremely fast speed until it covered the sky and the sun.

Looking at this scene, everyone trembled in their hearts, that the Martial Master Realm could really do this step.

half empty.

Both Lei Zhentian and Dongli looked shocked.

Liu Xue is a mid-stage martial artist, yet she can do this!
This is the ability only a general has. Liu Xue can do this step, one can imagine how strong Liu Xue's martial arts foundation is.

Su Tianling looked at the sky, and said calmly: "Second Palace Mistress, my wife has also achieved this step, what else can you say?"

"Hmph!" Lei Zhentian gave Su Tianling a cold look. His original intention was to imprison Su Tianling, and then carefully search Su Tianling's treasure.

And the treasure that Su Tianling got together.

Now Liu Xue can also do this, and he doesn't have enough evidence to prove that Su Tianling cheated, so he can't say anything.

Just then.

Two figures flew over from the sky above Beiming Academy, one of them was wearing a golden armor with a chilling look all over his body.

There is another person, a young man.

The students of Beiming Academy and the masters of the halls saw the middle-aged man in the golden armor and said respectfully: "I have seen General Qin."

The man in the golden armor is Qin Zhan, the general of Dongsheng Kingdom!
Qin Zhan is a half-step martial king.

In Dongsheng country, his strength is only inferior to the country's lord, and he was named the second strongest person in Dongsheng country.

Beside Qin Zhan was Qin Ze.

Seeing Qin Zhan, the second palace lord couldn't help being surprised and said, "Brother Qin, why are you free to come here today?"

Qin Zhan stood with his hands behind his back, standing in mid-air, his eyes flashed coldly, he looked at Lei Zhentian, and said coldly: "Listen to me, there is a man named Su Tianling in this school who disrespected me and insulted me with words. With my wife, so I came here to find him, to see what kind of arrogant man he is, who dares to insult this general!"

Lei Zhentian's expression changed slightly when he heard the words, he looked down at Su Tianling, did Su Tianling insult Qin Zhan?

Is this looking for death?
There is a rule in Dongsheng country.

Officials of Dongsheng Kingdom cannot be insulted, if they are insulted, they will be sentenced to death!

When Dongli heard this, he glanced coldly at Su Tianling below, and shouted coldly: "Insulting the officials of Dongsheng Kingdom is a crime that should be punished severely, especially General Qin who has made great contributions to Dongsheng Kingdom. This is worthy of respect." Character, you dare to insult, this crime must be executed!"

Dongli was extremely excited at this moment.

Originally, he was worried that there was no justifiable reason to kill Su Tianling. If the name was not right and the words were not right, at the critical moment when he was competing with the princes for the position of prince, he might be taken as a handle by other princes, and then they would make a big fuss about it .

Unexpectedly, Su Tianling insulted Qin Zhan verbally. According to the laws of Dongsheng Kingdom, this crime must be severely punished!
This is justifiable, he can execute Su Tianling in a fair manner!
Qin Zhan followed Dongli's gaze and looked at Su Tianling. Is this insulting Su Tianling with words?
"Father, take him back to the General's Mansion first!" Qin Ze reminded, looking at Su Tianling with greedy eyes.

A few days ago, when he saw that Su Tianling had a storage ring and could condense sword energy, his heart was completely moved.

Taking advantage of Su Tianling's verbal insults to his father, he wanted to arrest Su Tianling and torture him.

But at that time his father was in the palace, and he waited in the mansion for a few days before Qin Zhan arrived.

Qin Zhan nodded lightly. He came here today for the treasure on Su Tianling's body, which can easily destroy the treasure of Palace Master Yang. The minimum is the half-step Wuwang's heavy weapon. If it is the Wuwang's heavy weapon, hehe... Then he is not qualified Challenged the leader of Dongsheng Kingdom?
"I'll take Su Tianling away, Brother Lei, you have no objection?" Qin Zhan looked at Lei Zhentian and said indifferently.

Lei Zhentian showed a tangled expression. Su Tianling probably had a treasure of the King Wu level on him. If Qin Zhan took it away, wouldn't he get nothing?

He knew what Qin Zhan was thinking, and he definitely wanted to take away Su Tianling's heavy weapon logically.

"After the martial arts battle is over, how about I go to the Qin Mansion with you?" Lei Zhentian looked at Qin Zhan, he didn't want to just give up the treasure on Su Tianling, at least he wanted to get a share of it.

Qin Zhan glanced at him, knowing that Lei Zhentian also coveted the treasure on Su Tianling's body, Qin Zhan knew that he couldn't take it all by himself, so he had to do so.

"Then I'll wait until the martial arts battle is over." Qin Zhan waved his sleeves and sat down in the distance.

As for Qin Ze, he didn't intend to participate in this martial arts battle, he only wanted the relic treasure on Su Tianling.

He definitely won't be able to get the King Wu Chongbao, but he can still get the storage ring and the secret method to condense sword energy.

Normally speaking, condensing sword energy is nothing, but Su Tianling does not have a sword martial soul, but he can condense sword energy, which is worth pondering.


Dongli looked at Su Tianling coldly, and when Su Tianling was taken to the Qin residence, he would kill Su Tianling no matter what.

"After the martial arts battle is over, I will also go to the Qin Mansion!" Dong Li said.

Qin Zhan and Lei Zhentian looked at Dongli, and frowned slightly. If Dongli also went, and if Su Tianling was found to have the King Wu's heavy weapon, then who would this treasure belong to?

Dongli knew their worries, and said lightly: "I just want to observe it, and you can do anything else."

Qin Zhan and Lei Zhentian felt relieved, since Dongli said that they would not fight for the treasure, they were also relieved.

Although King Wu's treasure is very precious, it is not so precious that anyone can compete for it.

Qin Zhan knew about the grievances between Dongli and Su Tianling, and he wanted to come to Dongli just to see how Su Tianling died.


Liu Xue's face was sullen, she was worried in her heart, although Su Tianling had shown the strength of King Wu in front of her before.

However, the half-step martial king can also fly with power, she doesn't know whether Su Tianling is the half-step martial king or the real martial king.

If it is a half-step martial king, how can he compete with the two half-step martial kings Lei Zhentian and Qin Zhan?

In particular, Su Tianling's cultivation was obtained by eating the treasures of heaven and earth. It can be said that he is the weakest half-step martial king in the same territory.

If he went to the Qin Mansion and waited for Su Tianling, wouldn't it mean that he died or his cultivation was abolished?
Thinking of this, Liu Xue's heart trembled.

(End of this chapter)

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