Chapter 41

Her heart told her that she didn't want to see Su Tianling die.

No matter from which angle she looked at it, she didn't want Su Tianling to die.

From a relationship point of view.

She grew up with Su Tianling since she was a child, and Su Tianling has been around since she was a child.

Although she later found out that she had a marriage contract with Su Tianling, she was very dissatisfied in her heart. The feeling that her fate was arranged by others made her resist this marriage contract irresistibly, and she also resisted Su Tianling a little bit.

She also resisted this matter with her parents, but... Xie Yujie's attitude was too resolute.

Xie Yujie persuaded her again, Liu Xue saw that her parents insisted on marrying her to Su Tianling, Liu Xue was silent for a long time, during which time she was also thinking.

Although Su Tianling's martial arts qualifications are mediocre, they are generally good, not to mention that Xie Yujie has no intention of letting her leave Qingling Town.

Because of this, when she was 16 years old, she went to test the talent of martial arts, and found a four-star superior martial soul, and was favored by Beiming Academy.

But Xie Yujie made her refuse to enter Beiming Academy, as if Xie Yujie only wanted her to stay in Qingling Town for the rest of her life.

She thought at the time that since she was going to stay in Qingling Town for the rest of her life, Su Tianling was undoubtedly the best candidate to choose a Taoist companion.

She felt that in Qingling Town, with her talent, she would be able to dominate the entire town in the future, and Su Tianling didn't need to be so strong.

Later, they got married.

Liu Xue looked at Su Tianling on the Martial Dao Stage, and couldn't help but smile wryly. Everyone thought that she resisted the engagement because she thought Su Tianling's martial arts talent was mediocre, but who knew that even though she had an excellent appearance, Su Tianling wanted to marry her, but In order to get closer to the Liu family and protect Su Xiaoke.

When she was 16 years old, she and Su Tianling tested her martial soul talent, but Su Tianling's martial soul was only a one-star waste martial soul.

In the Liu family, and even the entire Qingling Town, many people looked down on them in an instant. Since then, Su Tianling has become a worthless wretch that everyone can laugh at.

At that time, Su Xiaoke was only 14 years old, and under the age of 16, he could not detect the martial spirit, nor could he cultivate.

that time.

The youngsters from the Liu family, and even those from the Bai family and the Zhao family, all wanted to marry Su Xiaoke. They thought that Su Tianling and Su Xiao were brother and sister. Su Tianling's martial spirit is so useless, so Su Xiaoke's martial spirit must not be any better. where to go.

With martial arts as the most respected strength, even the patriarch's son will be disliked if his martial arts talent is poor.

What's more, the Su Tianling brothers and sisters at that time?
"After the martial arts battle is over, I want to follow to the Qin Mansion!"

Liu Xue looked towards Qin Zhan in the distance, she had already made a decision in her heart.

Qin Zhan looked at Liu Xue coldly, and said coldly: "This general refuses!"

Liu Xue clenched her fists tightly, she looked at Dongli with starry eyes, and said again: "I want to go to the Qin Mansion!"

Dongli looked at Liu Xue, his gaze slightly shifted, Liu Xue wanted to go to the Qin Mansion?What if I go?
Dongli thought for a while, his eyes sparkled, and then he smiled and said: "Since you want to go, I will allow it."

Dongli looked at Qin Zhan and said calmly, "Let her go."

Qin Zhan nodded lightly, didn't say anything more, Dongli had already spoken, what else could he say?
"The martial arts battle continues!" Lei Zhentian said at this moment.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, the current martial arts battle is boring, everyone is more concerned about whether Su Tianling will die if he is taken to the Qin Mansion?

Everyone looked at Su Tianling with a calm expression on the Martial Dao Terrace. Perhaps this was the last day they saw Su Tianling alive, and after today, they would never see Su Tianling again.

not far away.

Su Xiaoke's fists were tightly clenched, her fingertips had pierced her skin, and blood slowly overflowed. She looked at Su Tianling not far away, and mist appeared in her eyes.

Is it inevitable to die after all?

She didn't dare to imagine that if Su Tianling died, what would be the point of her living.

She grew up with Su Tianling since she was a child.

Before she was 14 years old, she played well with Su Tianling and Liu Xue, and they were tired of being together almost all day long.

When she was 14 years old, Su Tianling and Liu Xue were 16 years old. At the age of [-], they could test their martial soul talent.

That day, Su Tianling was detected to have a one-star useless martial soul.

Liu Xue was detected as a four-star superior martial spirit.

That night, Liu Xue learned that she had a marriage contract with Su Tianling. From that day on, the relationship between the three of them became a little stiff.

Therefore, she and Su Tianling were in the Liu family, and their status dropped again and again, and they were even verbally attacked by their peers in the Liu family.

Everything changed when she was 14 years old.

Last year when she was 16 years old, she detected a four-star superior martial spirit. Su Tianling also got the opportunity to improve her realm and get a treasure.

She thought that the life between her and her brother would get better and better after that, however, only a year had passed.

She is 17 years old this year, and she doesn't want to see her brother die like this.

"After the martial arts battle is over, I want to go to the Qin Mansion!"

Su Xiaoke said in a deep voice, her eyes fixed on the third prince Dongli, she knew that as long as Dongli nodded, she could follow him to the Qin residence.

Dongli looked at Su Xiaoke's red eyes, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Yes."

Martial Arts Platform.

Su Tianling glanced at Liu Xue and Su Xiaoke. The two seemed to have made some kind of decision, but it is unknown what decision they made.

Su Tianling didn't think much about it, nor did he plan to kill Qin Zhan and the others immediately.

He wanted Liu Xue and Su Xiaoke to experience some things. Only after experiencing a lot can they understand something.

This is of great help to the sublimation of the state of mind, and it is also of great help to the future path of practice.

Just like Xie Yujie is obviously a martial artist, she can obviously suppress everything with a wave of her hand, and let Liu Xue live like a princess.

However, Xie Yujie didn't do that. Su Tianling knew that Xie Yujie also wanted Liu Xue to follow him, and Su Xiaoke experienced some things. Only after experiencing more, would there be a change in mood.

Su Tianling looked at Dongli indifferently, and said slowly: "You fought with me, and you lost. I know you are not convinced in your heart, thinking that I have a treasure in my body, and I borrowed the power of the treasure to defeat you, so..."

Su Tianling paused for a moment. He looked at Liu Xue and Su Xiaoke, then at Dongli, and said calmly: "Liu Xue and my sister, you can choose. If you can defeat any of them, I will kill myself on the spot."

Hearing this, everyone looked at Su Tianling in surprise and committed suicide on the spot?Dare to say this in Haikou, you must trust Su Xiaoke and Liu Xue too much, right?

Especially Su Xiaoke used a lot of spiritual energy to pick fifty martial artists at one time.

If he were to fight Dongli now, how could he possibly succeed?
A cold light flickered in Dongli's eyes, he stared at Su Tianling coldly, and said coldly: "I'm injured, and I can't recover my peak combat power, so this kind of competition is not fair at all!"

Su Tianling spread out his hand, and a pill full of life appeared in his palm, and then threw it to Dongli in the distance, and said lightly: "This is the healing pill I got from the ruins, it can heal you instantly. hurt."

(End of this chapter)

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