The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 412 Hope You, Son of Heaven, Don’t Let Me Down

Chapter 412 Hope You, Son of Heaven, Don’t Let Me Down

Su Xiaodou and Su Xiaowu looked at each other at this moment, and then walked out of the palace, their figures flashed directly to the mid-air outside Taixu Cave.

Ye Ze and Mo Chen were still mocking. When two figures suddenly appeared in midair, their expressions suddenly became ugly.

It was Su Xiaodou and Su Xiaowu who defeated them.

With his hands behind his back, Su Xiaodou glanced at Mo Chen and the two, "The defeated general still has the face to talk nonsense, his skin is thicker than a city wall."

Mo Chen and Ye Ze stared at Su Xiaodou, gritted their teeth and said coldly, "Just because we lost to you, doesn't mean the Son of Heaven will lose to you! What about Su Tianling!"

"I don't talk to my defeated generals, because you are not qualified." Su Xiaodou glanced at Mo Chen and the two, and finally fixed his gaze on Li Xiaoyao.

"Let me fight with you." Su Xiaodou said to Li Xiaoyao.

Li Xiaoyao's face was slightly gloomy, Su Xiaodou fought him?He is a majestic Son of Heaven, not everyone is qualified to challenge him.

"Where's Su Tianling!" Li Xiaoyao stared at him and said in a deep voice.

"You are not qualified to compete with the Holy Son yet. Only after passing my level will you be qualified." Su Xiaodou.

"Heh." Li Xiaoyao laughed, the laughter was very cold, this son of the cave is even bigger than him!
He even said that he, the Son of Heaven, is not qualified!
If he is not qualified, who in the world is qualified?
"Leave this guy to me." Su Xiaomo's figure appeared beside Su Xiaodou at this time.

Su Xiaodou looked at Su Xiaomo, raised her eyebrows and said, "You can do it?"

Su Xiaomo snorted angrily, and said displeasedly, "You actually said I can't do it, I'm angry."

Su Xiaodou let out a laugh, stroked her head lightly, and said, "Okay, I'll leave it to you."

Su Xiaodou stepped back a little bit, and stood with Su Xiaowu.


Li Xiaoyao's face was gloomy, and the unconcealable coldness in his eyes made Su Xiaodou compete with him.

It's a good thing now, let a little girl fight him!
This is too much to look down on him!
The faces of Mo Chen and Ye Ze were also very cold. They stared at Su Xiaomo and scolded, "Where did you get the girl's film, get out!"

Su Xiaomo looked at the two of them sharply, and told her to get lost!

"What are you guys! Are you qualified to let me go?" Su Xiaomo's voice sounded like a thunderous explosion, instantly shaking Mo Chen and Ye Ze's whole body, and blood spurted out of their mouths.


The figures of Mo Chen and Ye Ze fell directly from the sky, and finally crashed into a lush forest.

Seeing this, Li Xiaoyao's expression changed suddenly, he stared at Su Xiaomo, shocked in his heart, such a young girl turned out to be a fairy!And he's still a pinnacle immortal!How on earth did this practice! ! !
Even the saints of the past dynasties, no one can cultivate to the peak of immortal saints in their teens.

The disciples and elders of Dongtian Paradise were shocked and stared at Su Xiaomo with wide eyes.

"This...she, she turned out to be a fairy...My God, how did this happen..."

"Even if you cultivated from the mother's womb, you won't be able to cultivate to the immortal saint in more than ten years..."

The disciples and the elders of Dongtian felt suspicious of life. After living for so many years, this was the first time they saw such a situation, which simply exceeded their understanding of cultivation.

Immortal Emperor Taixu and Lingmiao knew that Su Xiaomo was an immortal saint, and they were also very curious about Su Xiaomo's strength.

Just take this opportunity to see how strong Su Xiaomo is in the same realm.

half empty.

Su Xiaomo took a step, and her figure pierced through the clouds and swept towards the void.

When she was standing in the pitch-black void, she put her hands behind her back and looked down at Li Xiaoyao below, with a cold expression, quite the demeanor of a master.

"Go to heaven and fight, I hope you, the Son of Heaven, don't disappoint me too much." Su Xiaomo's voice spread.

When countless people heard this, they looked at each other in dismay. They were young, but their tone was loud.

Even the Holy Son of Heaven is not in his eyes.


Li Xiaoyao's face was gloomy, even though he had already restrained his emotions, but being looked down upon by a 13-year-old girl, he couldn't restrain his inner anger at all.

What's more, Dongtian Shengzi didn't even bother to fight him!They don't even bother to meet each other!
He is a majestic Son of Heaven, and he has been greatly humiliated!
"Little girl! Today, the Holy Son will teach you how to behave!" Li Xiaoyao looked up at the void, with thunder and lightning in his eyes.

Click click!

Li Xiaoyao's figure was suddenly covered by a layer of thunder and lightning, and thunder roared all over his body, shocking his ears and soul!
Click click click!Rumble!

With the power of thunder, Li Xiaoyao's figure soared straight up, flashing towards Su Xiaomo in the void.

When the flash flashed, the ten thousand li radius was filled with terrifying power, causing the vegetation to tremble instantly, and the birds and beasts trembled in fright.

on the void.

Su Xiaomo disdains to look at Li Xiaoyao who is soaring upwards. Although she is only 13 years old, her grandparents are all saints. She has the blood of saints flowing in her body. In addition, she is very talented, and there are seven saints teaching her at the same time. Practice.

In terms of background, she directly crushed Li Xiaoyao.

"Meng'an! Soul-hunting technique!"

Su Xiaomo's pupils suddenly burst out with a special energy, which was invisible and colorless, even without energy fluctuations.

This special energy flashed directly towards the sky, and fell into Li Xiaoyao's mind in an instant.


It belongs to the Dream Dao in the Three Thousand Great Dao. The Dream Dao is very strange and impossible to guard against.

This dream said, Su Xiaomo learned from Su Xiaoke.

The Dao that Su Xiaoke cultivated is the very strange Dao of Dreams.

Li Xiaoyao, who was soaring upwards, suddenly heard a roar in his head, and he stopped immediately, feeling bad.

He felt as if he had fallen into a dream, but he also felt that he was indeed living in reality.

He couldn't tell if it was a dream or reality.

Even though he knew that he was about to fight Su Xiaomo just now, it was still difficult to distinguish whether this was reality or a dream.

"Meng Dao!" As the Son of Heaven, Li Xiaoyao knew a lot, and soon realized that he had fallen into the Dao of Dreams.


The thunder power around Li Xiaoyao instantly submerged into his soul and mind, trying to dispel the dream.

But in a short time, he couldn't dispel the dream nunnery at all.

in the void.

Su Xiaomo looked at Li Xiaoyao below, her figure fell directly towards the sky, although the figure was small, when it fell, it directly carried the power like heaven and earth.

Boom boom boom boom!

Li Xiaoyao raised his head, his gaze sharpened, he raised his Dao fist, and slammed it high into the sky.

Su Xiaomo's small fist also directly smashed out, colliding directly with Li Xiaoyao's fist.

(End of this chapter)

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