The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 413 Name, Origin

Chapter 413 Name, Origin

When the two fists collided, a terrifying force spread directly in all directions. Wherever it passed, mountains fell and the ground cracked, and the sea water directly splashed thousands of feet of waves!
Li Xiaoyao's fist continuously output terrifying power, trying to spread this power to Su Xiaomo's fist, and finally along Su Xiaomo's fist, spread to the arm, and finally the whole body.

But the next moment.

Li Xiaoyao's complexion suddenly became ugly, and his heart was like a mad dragon overwhelming the sea, which shocked him unceasingly.

He found that his power couldn't spread at all, that's all. He found that Su Xiaomo's power spread to his fist at a slow speed.

"How is it possible!" Li Xiaoyao raised his head and stared at Su Xiaomo's eyes, how could a little girl be stronger than him!

"Frog at the bottom of the well!" Su Xiaomo stared at him, a force suddenly burst out from her fist again, this force, like a flood breaking a bank, was irresistibly submerged into Li Xiaoyao's fist, at an extremely fast speed, In an instant, Li Xiaoyao's arms and whole body were submerged.

Li Xiaoyao's face changed drastically, and he tried his best to break free, but he suddenly found that no matter how much strength he had, it was useless.

"I can't be defeated!" Li Xiaoyao had a thought, and immediately used the quasi-sage power that the Jade Emperor had left on him.

Even if it is only used a little, it is a very terrifying force.

Su Xiaomo's small fist suddenly made a cracking sound, and her figure was blown away.

Everyone sees this.

Everyone's faces changed, Su Xiaomo had the upper hand, but suddenly lost!

The figures of Su Xiaodou and Su Xiaowu flashed and caught Su Xiaomo.

Su Xiaomo's injury recovered extremely quickly, and his blood of a saint has a super recovery ability.

With a cold face, she pointed to Xiaoyao in the distance, and said coldly, "You are lying, you have used other powers!"

When everyone heard the words, their faces changed, and Li Xiaoyao actually cheated.

Naturally, Li Xiaoyao would not admit it. He looked at Su Xiaomo and said coldly, "If you lose, you lose! Why do you need such an excuse?"


There was a terrifying force that appeared out of nowhere and directly penetrated Li Xiaoyao's body!
Li Xiaoyao's body instantly became riddled with holes!

Around him, chains suddenly appeared, directly binding Li Xiaoyao.

"What are you doing!" Li Xiaoyao's face was pale, he saw his body was entangled in chains, he shouted loudly towards Taixu Cave.

"In the battle of martial arts, the Holy Son of Heaven cheated and used the quasi-sage power left on his body. This Holy Son punished him by making the Holy Son of Heaven suffer torture for 99 days in the Paradise of Heaven!"

Su Tianling's voice suddenly came out and echoed in everyone's ears.

After everyone heard this, they all felt extremely happy, this Heavenly Court Son is so despicable, Wu Zhan even used other powers.

However, Dongtian Shengzi is still more powerful.

Dongtian Shengzi has not really used all his power so far, only his little granddaughter Su Xiaomo can suppress Li Xiaoyao.

After Li Xiaoyao heard this, he couldn't help but fly into a rage. He, the majestic Son of Heaven, is going to be tortured here!
"Su Tianling! I am the Holy Son of Heaven! You treat me like this! Heaven will definitely go to war with Dongtian Paradise!" Li Xiaoyao threatened loudly, "Once the war starts, Dongtian Paradise will definitely be destroyed!"

"All the disciples of Taixu Dongtian spit on Li Xiaoyao's face." Su Tianling's voice came out again.

After hearing the words, the disciples of Dongtian burst out of the sky one by one, and lined up in front of Li Xiaoyao.

"Bah! Despicable and shameless!" A disciple spat directly in Li Xiaoyao's face.

"Bah, fighting with a 13-year-old girl, and playing tricks, it's really shameful." Another disciple spat at Li Xiaoyao.

"Hey, you are the only one who returns the Son of Heaven? Is that the kind of thing that the Son of Heaven is?"

"Bah! Bah, bah!" Another disciple spat at Li Xiaoyao.

"Ah... ah... ah..." Li Xiaoyao went crazy, seeing the cave disciples spitting in his face, he felt extremely disgusted, it was more unbearable than stabbing him.

"Su Tianling! The Paradise! will regret it!" Li Xiaoyao roared angrily.

However, each of the disciples of Dongtian showed no fear.

A disciple stepped forward, spat at Li Xiaoyao, and said disdainfully, "Does Tianting dare? If Tianting dared to start a war with Dongtianfudi, it would have started a long time ago. Speaking of which, it's not that Tianting has given up, I'm afraid The price of war is too high? Garbage!"

"Trash, garbage!" Another disciple spat, just right into the mouth of Li Xiaoyao who was roaring and cursing.

When Li Xiaoyao drool, he vomited, it was so disgusting.

At this time, a female disciple walked up to Li Xiaoyao, she frowned slightly, a little reluctantly.

She said weakly, "I always feel like I've been taken advantage of by spitting on him. My saliva can't fall on other men's faces."



"Female disciples don't need to spit." In the palace, Su Tianling made a speechless voice.

The female disciple laughed, then turned and left.

Li Xiaoyao endured streams of saliva, and finally couldn't help it anymore, and passed out directly.


Mo Chen and Ye Ze just came to their senses at this moment, they were knocked unconscious by Su Xiaomo before.

When they looked up, they saw that Li Xiaoyao was bound by chains in mid-air, and the Dongtian disciples took turns spitting on Li Xiaoyao.

The faces of the two of them changed drastically, and they shouted loudly to many disciples in the sky, "What are you doing! Stop!"

"Mo Chen and Ye Ze have insulted the blessed land of Dongtian with their words. My holy son announced that Mo Chen and Ye Ze will be sentenced to 99 days. The disciples of Dongtian can punish them at will." Su Tianling's voice came out again.

After hearing the words, the disciples of Dongtian stared at Mo Chen and Mo Chen fiercely. Their previous words made them very unhappy.

"Hold them!" A disciple yelled, and then hundreds of disciples rushed forward in a swarm, controlling Mo Chen and Mo Chen in the blink of an eye.

The faces of Mo Chen and the two changed drastically, and their expressions became flustered.

Then, he was brutally ravaged by the disciples of Dongtian.

At this time.

Many disciples looked at Liu Xue who was not far away, but Liu Xue never said a word from the beginning to the end.

This unbelievably beautiful woman didn't even react when she saw Li Xiaoyao being insulted, which made everyone feel incomprehensible.

"What's the girl's name? Since you are from the Heavenly Court, let's stay together." Su Tianling's voice came out, and a force wrapped around Liu Xue's body directly, pulling Liu Xue into the palace.

Su Tianling leaned on the dragon chair, looked at Liu Xue standing there in the main hall, and asked, "Name, origin."

"Liu Xue, student of Tianting." Liu Xue looked at Su Tianling.

(End of this chapter)

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