The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 414 If You Die, I Will Kill Myself

Chapter 414 If You Die, I Will Kill Myself
"The name is good." Su Tianling looked at her and asked, "As a student of the Heavenly Court, why didn't you respond to seeing the Son of the Heavenly Court being insulted by my Dongtian disciple?"

"What he did was despicable. Seeing him being insulted by the cave disciples, I naturally didn't react." Liu Xue said.

Su Tianling nodded lightly.

Immortal Emperor Taixu and Immortal Emperor Lingmiao took another look at Liu Xue, and finally one of the students in Tianting was normal.

Immortal Emperor Taixu looked at Su Tianling at this time and said, "If Li Xiaoyao is punished this time, the Heavenly Court will definitely not tolerate it anymore. I am afraid there will be a battle."

"I know what's going on in my heart, you go and do other things." Su Tianling said.

Immortal Emperor Taixu didn't say anything, and left with Lingmiao.

In the main hall, only Su Tianling and Liu Xue were left.

Su Tianling looked at Liu Xue, hooked his fingers to her, "Come and sit next to me."

Without saying anything, Liu Xue went straight up the steps and finally sat beside Su Tianling.

Su Tianling took out two wine glasses, poured two glasses of wine, and handed one of them to Liu Xue. He took a sip, looked at the front of the palace, and said softly, "Why did you go to the Heavenly Court?"

"You know why I went." Liu Xue held the glass and didn't drink.

Su Tianling smiled, he knew why Liu Xue went to Heaven, he wanted to control Dongtian Paradise, and Liu Xue wanted to control Heaven.

I want to help him, share his worries.

"You know, I don't want you to get involved in this matter." Su Tianling looked at her beautiful profile and said.

Liu Xue turned her head and looked at Su Tianling with starry eyes, "Your business is my business. If you die, I will kill myself."

Su Tianling remained silent, he stretched out his hand, stroked her beautiful hair, looked into her eyes, and said softly, "Do you know why I don't want you to get involved in this matter?"

"Are you afraid that I am the mother of nature?" Liu Xue looked into his eyes.

"I'm afraid that my lover will become my enemy." Su Tianling looked at her.

"But, the mother of nature is not me, it is Xiao Ke and Qing Ran, or Li Ran, Qing Xuan, and Qing Cheng. Among the six of us, I don't want any of them to become the mother of nature!" Liu Xue said.

"So, you have to sacrifice yourself." Su Tianling looked at her.

Liu Xue remained silent, but Su Xiao was her companion who grew up together when she was young, and they are as close as brothers and sisters, regardless of each other.

She doesn't want Su Xiaoke to become the mother of nature.

As for Xia Qingran, after so many years, their relationship with each other has long been as deep as the sea, and she does not want Xia Qingran to become the mother of nature.

Li Ran was her former master and later her sister, and she didn't want Li Ran to become the mother of nature.

Similarly, she did not want Ye Qingxuan and Hua Qingcheng to become the mother of nature.

Liu Xue looked into Su Tianling's eyes, "No matter who is the mother of nature, the important thing now is how to deal with the mother of nature."

"You have to know who is the mother of nature first." Su Tianling shook his head lightly. He didn't even know who was the mother of nature. How to deal with it?

"You can imagine that all six of us may become the mother of nature, and then take countermeasures against each of them." Liu Xue said.

"If you are the mother of nature, what do you want me to do?" Su Tianling looked at her.

"If I stay awake, I will kill myself first." Liu Xue said.

"You can't stay awake." Su Tianling shook his head lightly, "The mother of nature is the Taoist ancestor. Once she wakes up, your soul and your self-consciousness will be occupied by her. At that time, either I will kill you, or You kill me."

Liu Xue frowned, there was really no solution.

Su Tianling looked at Liu Xue and said leisurely, "If you want to solve this matter, you must first know why Mother Nature and Father Nature became enemies, whether it was because of their position, or because of some grievance, only in this way can we come up with a countermeasure. "

Liu Xue nodded lightly, "I will become the saint of heaven and get to know more about the mother of nature."

Su Tianling looked at her, "I'm afraid only the sages today know about this."

Liu Xue nodded lightly. Although she can now go directly to the saints of heaven and earth, before the mother of nature fell asleep, she must have given some orders to the saints of this world and arranged some overall situation.

Before you figure out the situation, hide it first.

At this time, Su Tianling put his arms around her willow waist, pulled her into his arms, and said softly, "If you are the mother of nature, after the mother of nature wakes up, she finds that you are my wife, who even has children and grandchildren." , Do you think Mother Nature will doubt life? Will she collapse? "

Liu Xue gave him a white look, "How do I know?"

"Hehe." Su Tianling smiled and said, "Then suppose you are the mother of nature and you are the one who wants to kill me. Now before you wake up, I want to do something excessive to you, wait When you wake up, you will definitely be very angry."

"What do you want to do?" Liu Xue raised her eyebrows.

"Speaking of which, it's been more than a year since I've had sex with you." Su Tianling hugged her a little tighter, "One-on-three, one-on-one, you're finished."

Liu Xue gave him a white look, "Is this what can make Mother Nature wake up and get angry?"

"Of course not." Su Tianling looked at Liu Xue, "I want to tie you up and play with you. If the mother of nature wakes up, it must be difficult to accept."

"..." Liu Xue, isn't that the role-playing that Su Xiaoke and Su Tianling often play.

"I don't like this." Liu Xue said.

"I like it." Su Tianling.

"..." Liu Xue.

Su Tianling didn't say any more, and kissed her.


After a while.

Su Xiaodou, Su Xiaowu, and Su Xiaomo walked into the palace and saw Su Tianling kissing Liu Xue.

Su Xiaodou and Su Xiaowu looked at each other awkwardly before going out.

"Wow! Wow! Wow!" Su Xiaomo looked forward, feeling hot eyes, he is so old, can we not do this, it is something for young people, old people should look like old people, hold Wouldn't it be nice to hold hands.

Liu Xueqiao blushed slightly, a little embarrassed to be like this in front of the junior.

Su Tianling gave Su Xiaomo a blank look, and said angrily, "What are you yelling for? Go out if you have nothing to do, don't disturb me."

"Hmph, it's abominable to have a wife and forget about a granddaughter!" Su Xiaomo said.

With a flick of his sleeve, Su Tianling threw the three of Su Xiaomo out and sealed the palace.

"No one bothers us now." Su Tianling looked at Liu Xue.

Liu Xue was speechless, she waved her sleeves, and a large couch appeared in the hall.

"Go." Su Tianling picked her up and walked over.


outside the palace.

Su Xiaomo snorted and threw her out, it's abominable.

Su Xiaodou gave her a blank look, "Let's go play somewhere else."

"No, I want to go in and have a look." Su Xiaomo said.

"Let's go." Su Xiaowu stretched out her hand, grabbed Su Xiaomo's hair, and walked.

"It hurts, let go." Su Xiaomo said.

(End of this chapter)

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