The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 424 Liujia Village

Chapter 424 Liujia Village

Su Tianling nodded slightly. He looked at the old monkey king and asked, "Then who do you think I should ask?"

The old monkey king thought for a while and said, "The quasi-sages in the heaven can be ruled out. There is already a deadlock between us and the heaven. The Son of Heaven can only ask two people."

"Which two people?" Su Tianling asked.

"Yang Jian from Guanjiangkou, and Liu Chenxiang from Liujia Village." The old monkey king pondered for a moment, then said, "Yang Jian is not easy to get in touch with, this Liu Chenxiang can give it a try. There is some conflict in the heaven and earth."

Su Tianling nodded slightly, he knew more or less about Yang Jian and Liu Chenxiang.

Among them, Liu Chenxiang once asked the heaven to revise the rules of heaven, because Liu Chenxiang's mother was originally an immortal in heaven, and Liu Chenxiang's mother intermarried with mortals, which violated the rules of heaven and was imprisoned in the mountains.

Liu Chenxiang wholeheartedly saves her mother, worships Sun Wukong as her teacher, and then confronts the Heavenly Court. In the end, the Heavenly Court loses power and is forced to amend the rules of heaven.

"I heard that Liu Chenxiang has a daughter." Su Tianling looked at the old monkey king.

"There is a daughter." The old monkey king nodded and looked at Su Tianling suspiciously.

"Yeah." Su Tianling nodded slightly, looked at the old Monkey King, and said with a smile, "There's nothing else, I'll go to Liujia Village after a while."

The old monkey king nodded and walked out of the palace.

After a while, Su Xiaodou walked to the palace.

"Grandpa." Su Xiaodou looked at Su Tianling, just now Su Tianling whispered to him and told him to come over.

"Go to Liu's Village and have a good relationship with Liu Chenxiang's daughter. After a while, I will go to Liu's Village and meet Liu Chenxiang." Su Tianling looked at him and said.

"Liu Chenxiang? Isn't that a quasi-sage." Su Xiaodou said.

Su Tianling nodded lightly, "I want to ask him something about the mother of nature, just build a good relationship with his daughter."

Su Xiaodou nodded slightly and walked out of the palace.

Su Tianling leaned on the big dragon chair, drinking some wine while thinking.

He didn't know how much Liu Chenxiang knew about the mother of nature, in short, if he could find out a little bit, it would count as a little bit.

The more you know about Mother Nature, the more you can prescribe the right medicine when Mother Nature wakes up.

Su Tianling drank for a long time, then closed his eyes and rested.


A month later.

When Su Xiaodou came back, he stood in the main hall, looked at Su Tianling and said, "Grandpa, I have played very well with Liu Chenxiang's daughter Liu Yuner."

Su Tianling nodded slightly, he stood up, stretched his waist, looked at Su Xiaodou and said, "Let's go."

"Where are you going?" Su Xiaomo had just entered the palace when he heard Su Tianling say he wanted to leave.

"Go and play." Su Tianling smiled.

"Hmph, you didn't bring me to play!" Su Xiaomo said angrily.

"Take you together, call your sister, and go together." Su Tianling said with a smile, bringing a few grandsons and granddaughters with him, and he can have a common topic with Liu Chenxiang, after all, they are all family members.

"Hmph, then wait for me, I'll call my sister over." Su Xiaomo said.


Su Xiaomo and Su Xiaowu went to the palace together, Su Xiaowu glanced at Su Xiaodou, frowning slightly, seemed a little angry.

Su Xiaodou looked away, not looking at Su Xiaowu.

Su Tianling saw that there was something wrong between the two of them, and said with a smile, "Why, your siblings are still fighting?"

"No." Su Xiaodou lightly shook her head.

Su Xiaowu didn't say anything, just kept silent.

Su Tianling smiled, but didn't ask further, what could happen to the brother and sister?

"Go, let's go." With a wave of his sleeve, Su Tianling took Su Xiaomo and the three of them away.

Liujia Village.

Located in the mortal world controlled by the heavens, commonly known as the mortal world.

Liu Family Village was originally a dilapidated small village, but because of Liu Chenxiang, the entire Liu Family Village became famous.

Today's Liujia Village is no longer the dilapidated small village of the past, but more like a paradise.

In this village, whether it is roads, wooden bridges, or even houses, they are all built with good materials.

When Su Tianling and the others landed in Liujia Village, Su Xiaodou pointed to a street to the east and said to Su Tianling, "That's where Liu Chenxiang and the others live."

Su Tianling looked over and nodded slightly, "I heard that Liu Chenxiang once led the villagers of Liujia Village to fight against the Heavenly Court. The villagers of Liujia Village are also very powerful."

Su Xiaodou nodded lightly, "The villagers in Liujia Village are very simple."

In the previous month, he had been staying in Liujia Village, and he could deeply feel the simplicity of the villagers in Liujia Village.

"Where is Liu Yun'er, Liu Chenxiang's daughter?" Su Tianling asked.

"I'll go find..." Before Su Xiaodou finished speaking, she saw a familiar figure of Qianli not far away.

This beautiful figure, dressed in a white dress, with long hair hanging down naturally, looking around looking for someone, looks very cute.

Let people know at a glance that this girl is very simple and has no bad intentions.

"Xiaodou." The woman in white saw Su Xiaodou, and she ran over in surprise.

When he ran to him, he grabbed Su Xiaodou's arm, "Where did you go before? I've been looking for you for a long time."

The woman in white is Liu Chenxiang's daughter, Liu Yun'er.

Su Xiaodou looked at her and smiled, and said, "Didn't I tell you, I'll go back and find Grandpa."

Liu Yuner nodded, she glanced at Su Tianling, Su Xiaowu and Su Xiaomo.

When she saw Su Xiaowu, her heart tightened, such a beautiful girl was with Su Xiaodou.

Liu Yun'er became vigilant, why did this beautiful woman stay with Su Xiaodou?
"Cough." Su Xiaodou coughed, pointed at Su Xiaowu, and said to Liu Yuner, "This is my sister, Su Xiaowu."

Su Xiaowu nodded lightly to her.

After hearing this, Liu Yun'er was relieved, it turned out to be Su Xiaodou's younger sister, she said to Su Xiaowu with a smile, "My name is Liu Yun'er."

Su Xiaowu nodded with a smile, but a complex look flashed in the depths of her eyes.

"This is my little sister, Su Xiaomo." Su Xiaodou pointed to Su Xiaomo and said to Liu Yun'er.

"Wow, your sister is so cute." Liu Yun'er looked at Su Xiaomo, wanting to rub her cheeks twice.

"Hello, sister." Su Xiaomo waved her hand and smiled sweetly. She looked at Su Xiaodou with intriguing eyes. This is... She is going to have a sister-in-law?
"This is my grandfather." Su Xiaodou looked at Su Tianling and said to Liu Yun'er.

Liu Yun'er looked at Su Tianling, her face flushed instantly, and she was flustered and at a loss, this is too hot!

Why didn't you tell her in advance that she was going to see her elders so soon.

She murmured in her heart, this cultivator is really bad, everyone is so young, she can't tell who is the elder and who is the same generation.

"Hello, grandpa." Liu Yun'er blushed, lowered her head, and said in a shy voice.

Su Tianling glanced at Su Xiaodou meaningfully, then said to Liu Yuner with a faint smile, "You are Liu Yuner, I heard Xiaodou mentioned you."

(End of this chapter)

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