Chapter 425

"Hmm..." Liu Yun'er grabbed her sleeves, lowered her head and made a mosquito-like sound, looking very shy and nervous.

Su Tianling smiled, and said, "I'll take my family to Liujia Village for a stroll, you and Xiaodou go to play first."

"That's not okay, I'll take you to Liujia Village." Liu Yuner hurriedly waved her hands.

"That's fine." Su Tianling said with a smile.

Liu Yun'er had already loosened Su Xiaodou's sleeves, and while walking, she talked about the characteristics of each place.

I walked around for a while.

Su Xiaomo suggested, "Why don't you go eat something first."

"I know there is a restaurant, the food is delicious, I will take you there." Liu Yun'er pointed to the restaurant not far away, and said.

"Let's go." Su Xiaomo got excited, and she could smell the food in the restaurant from afar.

Su Tianling nodded with a smile, and they went to the restaurant together.

Just arrived at the restaurant.

Seeing Liu Yuner and Su Xiaodou, the shop owner smiled and said, "Xiao Yuner, bring your man to dinner."

"I hate it, Uncle Ban, can you stop teasing me?" Liu Yuner said with a blushing face.

"Hey." The shop owner said with a smile, "Xiao Yun'er has grown up and is going to get married. I have to talk to your father about it."

"Ah, no, no." Liu Yun'er hurriedly waved her hands, and said to the shop owner, "I can't let my father know, I really can't."

"Hey, your father probably already knew about it." The store owner said with a smile.

"..." Liu Yuner's pretty face flushed, she stomped her feet anxiously, and pulled Su Xiaodou to run to the second floor.

The owner of the shop had a strong smile. He looked at Su Tianling and the others and said, "Sit up together, and I'll ask someone to get you some delicious food."

"Okay." Su Tianling nodded with a smile, and led Su Xiaomo to the second floor.

In the box on the second floor.

Liu Yun'er lowered her head, embarrassed to speak.

Su Tianling was speechless, is it necessary to be so ashamed?
He looked at Su Xiaodou, and asked in secret voice transmission, "What's the matter with you and Liu Yun'er? I asked you to have a good relationship with her, but I didn't let you make her fall in love with you."

Su Xiaodou responded secretly, "As far as I know, Liu Chenxiang is somewhat disgusted with people from Heaven and Paradise, I want to get closer to her, so that it will be easier to get in touch with Liu Chenxiang, um..., she is the one who wants to like me. ..."

"This little girl is not bad." Su Tianling asked secretly, "Have you taken a fancy to her? You are not young anymore, you should have a wife."

Su Xiaodou shook her head lightly, "The crisis of the Su family will not be resolved for a day, and I will not think about getting married for a day."

Su Tianling raised his eyebrows slightly, "Then this Liu Yuner..."

Su Xiaodou didn't make a sound yet.

At this moment, Su Xiaowu whispered to Su Tianling, "He used Liu Yuner, Liu Yuner is... not innocent anymore."

Su Tianling frowned slightly, Liu Yun'er is not innocent anymore?
He took a deep look at Su Xiaodou and said nothing.

Soon, the dishes will be ready.

Su Xiaomo ate it heartily, praising while eating, "The food here is really delicious."

Su Tianling looked at her and smiled, and said, "Eat more if it tastes good."

Su Xiaodou smiled and picked some dishes for Su Xiaomo, and said, "You are too thin, eat more."

"Where am I thin? I'm obviously slim!!!" Su Xiaomo glared at him.

"It's fine, it's slim." Su Xiaodou said with a smile.

Liu Yun'er also picked up some food for Su Xiaomo, then lowered her head, eating in embarrassment.


Su Xiaodou looked at Liu Yun'er and said, "After dinner, let's go to your house."

"Hmm..." Liu Yun'er made a weak voice, and she became more nervous.

After eating, Liu Yun'er looked at Su Xiaodou and the others and said, "You guys sit here for a while, I'll go home and be back soon."

"Okay, let's go." Su Tianling nodded with a smile.

After Liu Yun'er left.

Su Tianling looked at Su Xiaodou, his face darkened, "Explain, explain."

"Explain what." Su Xiaodou asked.

Su Xiaowu looked at Su Xiaodou, and said in a deep voice, "Grandpa just asked you to have a good relationship with her, and didn't let you use her, but ruined her!"

Su Xiaodou held the wine glass and shook it lightly. He looked at Su Xiaowu and Su Tianling, and said, "We came here to confirm who is the mother of nature. If we directly reveal that we are people from the Paradise, I'm afraid we won't even be able to see Liu Chenxiang's face. Now that I'm here as a son-in-law, Liu Chenxiang will definitely meet us!
"What about Liu Yun'er? You won't destroy him? Just leave?" Su Xiaowu looked at him.

Su Xiaodou shook the wine glass for a while, looked at Su Xiaowu and asked, "What kind of person do you think I am?"

"You mean to marry her?" Su Xiaowu raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah." Su Xiaodou nodded lightly, "Yun'er is not deeply involved in the world and has a pure heart. I like this kind of woman who has not been polluted by the world."

"..." Su Xiaowu's face darkened, she stared at Su Xiaodou and said, "What do you mean? You mean I have been polluted by the world of mortals!"

"I didn't say that." Su Xiaodou said speechlessly, what is going on here.

Su Xiaowu snorted, feeling much better at this moment, ever since she knew that Su Xiaodou ruined Liu Yuner's innocence, she has been in a bad mood.

She thought that Su Xiaodou was simply using Liu Yuner, but when she thought of Liu Yuner's innocent appearance, how sad it would be if she knew that Su Xiaodou had played with her feelings.

Maybe they will do crazy things, for example, commit suicide.

Now knowing that Su Xiaodou will be responsible for Liu Yun'er, her originally gloomy mood was immediately swept away.

Su Tianling looked at Su Xiaodou and said, "If you want to marry her, your parents and grandma will all come over."

Su Xiaodou shook her head lightly, "I said before that if the crisis of the Su family is not eliminated, I will not think about getting married for a day."

"These are two different things." Su Tianling looked at him and said, "In the ultimate battle, saints are not qualified to participate. You should get married and get married. There is no use worrying about other things."

Su Xiaodou didn't say anything.

Not qualified to participate in the Saint Realm?

This is not necessarily true.

At least, he could marry the daughters and granddaughters of would-be saints, so that those would-be saints would be on their side.

after awhile.

When Liu Yun'er arrived here, her eyes were a little red, as if she had just cried.

"What's wrong?" Su Xiaodou frowned at her.

"My mother reprimanded me for being too casual." Liu Yun'er said aggrievedly.

"It's not your fault." Su Xiaodou held her hand.

"I'm voluntary." Liu Yun'er lowered her head and whispered.

Su Xiaowu couldn't stand it any longer, she glared at Su Xiaodou, and said, "What you do, solve it yourself!"

Su Tianling didn't say anything, a man and a woman agree with each other, some things happen naturally, and now his grandson has married Liu Yun'er, as a grandfather, he just needs to come forward and solve it.

(End of this chapter)

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