The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 438 You can only trust me or die!

Chapter 438 You can only trust me or die!
Su Xiaowu nodded knowingly.

Ordinary people play like ordinary people.

People in power play the way people in power play.

A young man like Gu Ze can hook his fingers casually, and there will be a lot of women who are willing to take the bait.

Gu Ze has long been tired of this kind of woman.

So much so that I want to look at some different women.

People like Xian'er are struggling in despair, half sticking to the bottom line, and half helpless with reality.

Gu Ze's taste has risen to the point where he likes to conquer such difficult women.

While Su Xiaowu was drinking tea, she glanced in the direction of the ninth floor.

In a room on the ninth floor.

Gu Ze sat on the stool. He looked at Xian'er who stood not far away with a pale face and clenched fists, "Miss Xian'er, kneel on the ground, can you pour me a glass of wine?"

Xian'er bit her red lips lightly, as if she was engaged in an ideological struggle. Kneeling means surrendering, which means that her bottom line will completely collapse. Once the bottom line collapses, it is almost impossible for her to stand up again.

Seeing her struggling with thoughts, Gu Ze showed a faint smile, "Miss Xian'er, I have limited patience, I will give you ten breaths at most, if you don't kneel down after ten breaths, then my nine attributes Get down, but I will personally make you kneel down."

Xian'er's face was instantly pale without a trace of blood.

It's hell anyway!

If you don't kneel, you will go to hell, and if you kneel, you will also go to hell.

It is conceivable what her life will be like in the future.

Xian'er looked at Gu Ze, feeling extremely hopeless in her heart, why was she born in such a sinful place as Zhongsheng Prefecture.

Why was the place where she was born not the Eastern world.

"It's hell anyway, it's better to die." Xian'er's eyes turned red, and a flash of determination flashed in her eyes.

Both of her parents died, and there was no one to rely on for her life.

I was alive before, and I didn't have the slightest fighting spirit. I just felt that it would be better to live than to die, and to live like a walking dead.

But if living is very tiring and painful, it is better to end yourself.

As soon as Xian'er's words fell, the power in her body surged wildly, rushing towards the soul.

Gu Ze's expression changed, Xian'er actually wanted to commit suicide!

"My lord didn't let you die, so you don't have the right to die!" Gu Ze snorted coldly, a force suddenly flashed towards Xian'er, and at the same time, several pills were thrown into Xian'er's mouth .


It seems that the world is quiet.

Xian'er was stunned. She looked at herself intact, and then at Gu Ze across the way. Gu Ze had already collapsed on the ground, spitting out blood continuously.

what's going on...

How could Gu Ze be seriously injured on the ground suddenly?What the hell just happened?
At this time.

Xian'er's complexion changed, and she took a few steps back subconsciously. A woman in a white dress suddenly appeared beside Gu Ze.

Could it be that this woman did it?
Gu Ze was paralyzed on the ground, his face was extremely pale, he looked at the figure in front of him, his eyes narrowed.

"You! Who are you!" Gu Ze!
"You have no right to know who I am." Su Xiaowu looked at him indifferently.

"Help! Uncle Liu, save me!" Gu Ze hurriedly called for help.

Su Xiaowu said coldly, "Uncle Liu? Are you talking about the old man next to you? He's already half dead!"

"You!" Gu Ze looked at Su Xiaowu in horror, his Uncle Liu was half dead.

Su Xiaowu lazily talked nonsense with him again, waved her sleeves, and left with Gu Ze and others.


In Zhongsheng Prefecture, in a desolate canyon, Gu Ze and his subordinates were tied to an ancient tree.

Gu Ze stared at Su Xiaowu, and said in a deep voice, "Girl, I have no grievances with you, why are you doing this to me!"

Gu Ze really couldn't figure it out. In his impression, he never offended Su Xiaowu at all.

"Because you are a descendant of the variable person in the Demon Island." Su Xiaowu stared at Gu Ze and said coldly within six steps from him, "Say! How many quasi-saints are there in the Demon Island! How many saints are there!"

Gu Ze stared at Su Xiaowu, his voice trembling slightly, "You, are you from Heaven, or from Paradise Paradise?"

Su Xiaowu raised her hand and slapped him across the face, smashing all his teeth.

"If you don't answer my question, I will throw your soul into the furnace!"

Gu Ze's side face became red and swollen, and he stared at Su Xiaowu with red eyes. It was the first time his teeth were broken in his life for so many years!
And by a woman!
A woman he regarded as a plaything!
Su Xiaowu slapped Gu Ze again, she stared at Gu Ze coldly, "If you look at me like this again, I will cut your eyes out!"

Gu Ze lowered his head, feeling extremely aggrieved in his heart, he knew that if he wanted to admit it today, he had to admit it.

He raised his head and stared deeply at Su Xiaowu, he remembered today's account!
"Madao, I don't know how many saints and quasi-sages there are." Gu Ze said in a deep voice.

"Not clear?" Su Xiaowu raised his eyebrows slightly, and he looked at one of the men in black, "You don't know clearly."

The man in black shook his head.

With a bang, the soul and body of the man in black shattered directly.

In this scene, the pupils of the other eight black-clothed men were startled, and their pupils shrank continuously.

If you don't know the answer, you will die directly!
Su Xiaowu looked at the second man in black, "You don't know clearly!"

"No...I, I really don't know, don't kill me." The man in black said hurriedly, his eyes showing fear.

The second man in black died immediately.

"It's your turn." Su Xiaowu looked at the other seven men in black, "If you don't know, all of you will die!"

"I, we really don't know." The seven men in black hurriedly explained, "We have no access to the core level of the magic island, and those who can touch the core level of the magic island will never leave the magic island." Island, and those who can leave the magic island are the ones who know the least."

"That's it." Su Xiaowu nodded clearly, that is to say, the few people from the Demon Island she captured couldn't provide any useful value at all.

"Since you are worthless, what's the use of keeping you?" Su Xiaowu looked at them.

"No! No! Don't kill us! Don't kill me..."

Bang bang bang!

The remaining seven men in black all died suddenly.

Seeing this scene, Gu Ze felt chills deep in his heart. At first, he thought that if he didn't offend Su Xiaowu, he might still survive, but judging from the current situation, his hope of surviving was very slim.

Su Xiaowu glanced at the old man beside Gu Ze. The old man lowered his head and seemed to be in a coma.

"If you continue to pretend to be unconscious, I can only kill you first." Su Xiaowu said coldly.

The old man raised his head immediately, fixed his eyes on Su Xiaowu, and said in a deep voice, "Do you want to kill us?"

"Provide useful information to save you from death!" Su Xiaowu said.

"What if we provide useful information and you suddenly backtrack?" The old man stared at her and said in a deep voice, "You first prove to us that you won't kill us!"

Su Xiaowu looked at the old man, "You have no choice but to trust me! Or die!"

(End of this chapter)

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