Chapter 439

The old man had a sullen face, he could only believe, or die!
He simply has no other choice!

The old man looked at Su Xiaowu and said in a deep voice, "We really don't know how many quasi-sages and saints you are asking about. I am afraid that only the peak devil emperor can get in touch with quasi-sages, but I do know The strength list of Demon Island, who is the top of the list in each realm."

"Say!" Su Xiaowu stared at him.

"The number one in the Demon Venerable Realm is named Mu Zhiqiu!

The number one in the Demon Sacred Realm is named Ye He!

The leader of the Devil Emperor Realm is named Jun Moyuan!
These three people are the strongest existence in each realm, I only know that Demon Island attaches great importance to these three people. "After the old man finished speaking, he looked at Su Xiaowu and said in a deep voice, "You can let us go now. "

Su Xiaowu looked at him coldly, "I haven't finished asking, let me let you go, do you think it's possible!"

"What else do you want to know." The old man frowned. He knew limited things. If Su Xiaowu continued to ask, he might not be able to answer.

"In ancient times, many people's memories were erased, do you know this?" Su Xiaowu stared into his eyes.

"I know, this matter is known all over the world." The old man breathed a sigh of relief, this question is too easy to answer
"Yes! As far as I know, the memories of some people in the ancient times have not been erased!" Su Xiaowu stared at him, "Also, I heard that the variables that died in the ancient times have all been resurrected! Is that so!"

The old man nodded lightly, "The variable people who died in ancient times are indeed resurrected, but I don't know if these people were resurrected with memories."

Su Xiaowu's heart froze, the variable person who died in the ancient times has really come back to life!
If it is revived, how can it be revived without memory?

If they are all resurrected with their memories, then the variable people in the Demon Island will definitely know about the Su family!
"You can get out of the magic island, if you want to go back to the magic island, will the people in the magic island check you?" Su Xiaowu looked at the old man and asked.

"Yes." The old man nodded and said to Su Xiaowu, "Everyone in the Demon Island has different bloodlines. If we go back to the Demon Island, a kind of holy treasure from the Demon Island will directly cover our bodies. If outsiders want to enter the Demon Island undercover, it is impossible, and I heard that it is very, very difficult for a saint to get away with it.”

"What I should ask, I've asked." Su Xiaowu put her hands behind her back.

The old man and Gu Ze stared at Su Xiaowu, "We have answered everything we should have answered, can the girl let us live?"

"Impossible." Su Xiaowu gave them a cold look, and in the frightened expressions of the old man and Gu Ze, both body and soul collapsed.

"Childish! No one can trust anyone who comes out to mess around!"

Su Xiaowu shook her head lightly, she looked towards the sky, this time she also knew a lot of useful information.

At least it has been confirmed that all the variable people in the ancient times have been resurrected.

In addition, if you want to mix into the magic island, you must have the blood of a variable person.

Her grandfather is a variable, and her body has the same blood as the people in the magic island.

"Xiao Wu, you go back to the camp and let the old monkey king and some peak immortal emperors in Dongtian Paradise manage Zhongsheng Prefecture well and eliminate all the scourges in Zhongsheng Prefecture."

In Su Xiaowu's ears, a familiar voice suddenly sounded.

Su Xiaowu was stunned, "Grandpa? left thoughts on me?"

"Otherwise? If you are in danger, I can't know what to do in the first place?" Su Tianling, "Don't even think about getting into the magic island. If you get into the magic island, it's up to you. I will personally go to the magic island. , you and Xiao Mo can manage the chaos in Zhongsheng State well."

"Well, it's just..." Su Xiaowu frowned slightly, and whispered to Su Tianling, "Wouldn't you have seen all the thoughts you left on me, after all, men and women are different."

"Look at your size, the thoughts I leave on you are equivalent to your eyes, what you can see, I can see." Su Tianling.

"That's good." Su Xiaowu breathed a sigh of relief, otherwise, it would feel weird and make her unnatural.

"Okay, hurry back to the camp." Su Tianling urged.

"En." Su Xiaowu nodded lightly, and flew to the artificially opened island.


In the palace of Taiwu Cave Heaven.

Su Tianling got up at this moment, his gaze was deep and far away.

The variable person is really resurrected.

In other words, his true identity is likely to be exposed.

"Just right, I want to see how powerful the Father of Nature's subordinates are!" Su Tianling muttered to himself.

Today, there are three saints under the influence of Mother Nature.

One is Sun Wukong, Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas in the Western Paradise.

One is called "Duan Wuji."

There is also a female saint with a Taoist name, "Dong Yao!"

If there are less than three saints in the magic island, how can it be against Mother Nature?
Su Tianling guessed that there are at least three saints in the Demon Island!
His figure disappeared out of thin air from the palace.

When he appeared again, his figure had already appeared in the area of ​​Zhongsheng Prefecture.

He randomly found a person from the Demon Island, and obtained some information about the Demon Island from him.

He changed into the appearance of the man from the Demon Island, and also changed his soul and breath.

Afterwards, they went directly to the direction of Demon Island.

There is only one entrance to the magic island.

Located in the northernmost direction of the magic island, there is an entrance there, and there is a large flow of people, most of whom are people from the magic island returning from Zhongsheng Prefecture.

To enter this entrance, you need to queue.

At a glance, there are hundreds of people lined up.

Su Tianling stood at the back of the team, lined up, and listened to everyone's discussions.

"Hey, I went to Zhongsheng Prefecture this time, and it was really fun." A burly man said with a look of reminiscence on his face, "I was walking in a small alley in Zhongsheng Prefecture and saw A beautiful girl who is alone, I will directly knock her out, and then take her to a place where no one is around, hehe, you understand."

"Brother, you are so weak." The person behind the burly man shook his head and said, "I just broke into the yard, killed all the men in the yard, and then occupied those women."

"Haha, brother, you are powerful enough." The burly man patted the shoulder of the person behind him and said with a smile.

"So-so." The person behind said with a smile, "Zhongsheng State is a mixed bag of good and bad people, there are all kinds of people. I'm in Zhongsheng State this time, and I've played with a girl in the world, and even played with a vixen. By the way, there are One was a nun, and she was crying the whole time."

"Hey, play with these things to death, if you dare to fight against our Demon Island, play them to death." The burly man laughed ferociously.

"That's natural." The person behind said with a sneer, "Evil Island, Dongtian Paradise, Heavenly Court, and Daleiyin Temple will sooner or later go to war. Everyone is the enemy of our Demon Island. They are enemies. Humiliation, humiliation and then kill."

Ps: I can't write any more, Calvin.

(End of this chapter)

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