The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 475 The pain of suffocation

Chapter 475 The pain of suffocation
This huge world.

Only people from the Su family live here.

There were no birds or beasts, only the people of the Su family. Here, they grew vegetables and drank every day in those years, living a very leisurely life.

She looked down at a mansion.

The mansion is very large, with many courtyards.

She glanced at the dozens of people in the mansion.

Her parents-in-law, children, are all there.

in the mansion.

There are two middle-aged handsome men, lying on the Taishi chair and chatting.

"What do you think is going on over there now?" Liu Feng asked the man lying on the grand teacher's chair beside him

Su Xiaoyao thought for a while, then said with a faint smile, "Tianling and the others are all there, and the seven saints join forces, who can stop it? It must be fine."

Liu Feng nodded approvingly. His son-in-law and daughter are all saints, and the seven saints teamed up. This is a very powerful lineup that can sweep away any force.

"It's leisure time to stay here, but it's a bit boring to stay here for a long time. When Tianling boy finishes his work there, we will go there to stay." Liu Feng said with a smile.

"I also feel that staying for a long time is boring." Su Xiaoyao said with a smile. Although life here is very good, there is no pressure, no power struggle, no intrigue, but it feels boring to be so leisurely every day, and I want to find something to do Do.

"When the matter is over there, our family will go there, just to solve Li Yuan's lifelong affairs." Su Xiaoyao said with a smile.

His grandson and granddaughter haven't got a good relationship so far, so this is not possible, the three granddaughters Su Liyuan, Su Luo, and Su Yue must be married off.

There are also grandsons Su Xuan and Su Ye who must marry a daughter-in-law.

Su Yi and the others were not worried at all.

As early as in the last era, Su Yi married a daughter-in-law and gave birth to him three great-grandchildren.

The three great-grandchildren, like Su Tianling, are now in another world.

"Yeah." Liu Feng smiled and nodded.

In another yard.

There are two extremely beautiful women with elegant temperament, sitting together, chatting while drinking tea and admiring the flowers.

"You said Tianling and the others, when will the matter be resolved? Then we can go to that world to play." Lingwan said.

"It should be soon." Xie Yujie thought for a while and said, "Tianling said before that it can be resolved in at most three years. It has been two years since Tianling left. We can go to that world to play for another year." gone."

"One year... a year is so long..." Lingwan said, living here for a long time feels like a year, which is really tormenting.

She began to live here, and she enjoyed this peaceful life without intrigue very much.

Because she has experienced too much wind and rain, she is very eager to live an ordinary life.

But the ordinary days are too long, and you will feel bored.

Especially in this world, except for her Su family, there is no one else, it's fine if there is no other people, not even birds and beasts.

It's just too monotonous here.

Xie Yujie nodded sympathetically, life is really boring.

Because they were bored, they asked Su Yi and Ling'er to work harder and give them a few more grandchildren for fun.


In the past hundred years, Su Xiaowu, a great-granddaughter, was born.

In the past ten years, Su Xiaomo, a reborn daughter, was also born.

Because it's boring, I can only let the juniors have more children to play with.

In the beginning, they asked Su Tianling and Liu Xue to have a few more children.

But Su Tianling and Liu Xue refused decisively, thinking that it would not be good to have too many children.

Therefore, they aimed at Su Yi and Ling'er.

"Why don't we let Ling'er give birth to a few more for us to play with?" Ling Wan suggested.

"That's what I mean." Xie Yujie's eyes lit up, she got up immediately, and went to another courtyard with Ling Wan.

The two went to the yard next door.

In the yard, Su Yi and Ling'er were leisurely lying on the Taishi's chair.

Seeing Xie Yujie and Lingwan coming here, the two couldn't help but sit upright and look at them.

Ling Wan looked at Su Yi and Ling'er with a smile, and said, "Xiao Yi, Ling'er, are you bored?"

When Su Yi and Ling'er heard this, their faces turned black. Ling Wan asked this question more than 100 years ago.


His husband and wife worked hard to have Su Xiaowu.

More than ten years ago, Lingwan also said this sentence.


Only Su Xiaomo was born.

Su Yi looked at Ling Wan and said decisively, "No more."

"..." Ling Wan.

Xie Yujie looked at Su Yi and said with a serious face, "The Su family is weak, and the important task of prospering the Su family can only depend on you!"

"..." Su Yi said, "No birth."

"Linger." Xie Yujie looked at Linger with a smile, Linger was more honest and easy to talk to.

Ling'er covered her head, feeling a little unsteady, "Xiao Yi, I seem to be sick and dizzy."

"Then go back to the room and rest, I'll help you into the room." Su Yi hurriedly stroked Ling'er, then walked to the room.

"..." Xie Yujie was dizzy with black lines all over her head?Get ill?People who practice, how can they get sick.

Lingwan looked at Xie Yujie, shook her head and smiled, "It looks like it's over, I can only wait a year later and go to that world to play."

"Then wait another year." Xie Yujie said helplessly.

in the void.

When Xia Qingran heard the conversation between her parents-in-law and her mother-in-law, her eyes couldn't help getting moist. If she knew the news that Su Tianling had died, she would definitely have a hard time accepting it and would probably collapse.

Her figure first landed in a courtyard.

There are her children in that yard.


Su Xuan was lying on the grand teacher's chair basking in the sun.

Su Luo was drawing on the drawing board.

When Xia Qingran's figure appeared in the yard, Su Xuan couldn't help but opened his eyes and looked over.

The paintbrush in Su Luo's hand stopped involuntarily. "


"Mother." Su Xuan stood up, and Su Luo also stood up.

Su Xuan smiled all over his face, looked at Xia Qingran and asked, "Is the matter over there settled? When can I go there? It's too boring here."

Su Luo looked forward to Xia Qingran, she wanted to go to the Yilou to enjoy singing and dancing like before, and that was what she liked.

"It will be over tomorrow." Xia Qingran forced a smile.

"Okay, okay." The smile on Su Xuan's face became more intense.

Su Luo also smiled.

Looking at the two of them, Xia Qingran felt uncomfortable, as if she was about to stop breathing.

What would happen if Su Xuan and Su Luo knew that her husband was dead?

She looked at the two of them, "Go to the lobby first."

"Okay." Su Xuan and Su Luo nodded, and then left the courtyard. The two guessed that their mother must have announced something, that they could leave this boring place tomorrow.

Xia Qingran looked at the backs of the two leaving, and remained silent. Her figure disappeared and appeared in another courtyard.


There are three people, a young man and two beautiful women.

(End of this chapter)

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