Chapter 476 Grief

Su Yi, Ling'er, and Su Liyuan were chatting.

Su Yi said to Su Liyuan, "Grandma and grandma came to me and Linger just now, and asked Linger and me to have another child. They let Linger and I have a baby as soon as they were bored. I am really speechless."

Su Liyuan chuckled lightly and said, "It's really boring here, grandma and grandma don't have anything else to do except play with the children."

Su Liyuan's voice fell.

Noticing that the courtyard door was pushed open, he couldn't help looking away.

When seeing Xia Qingran, she couldn't help getting up, "Er Niang."

Su Yi and Ling'er also got up, and called Xia Qingran Er Niang.

Su Liyuan walked over and asked Xia Qingran, "Er Niang, have you settled the matter over there?"

"Well, it's been dealt with." Xia Qingran nodded lightly. She looked at Su Liyuan and Su Yi. If they knew that Liu Xue forced Su Tianling to death, she didn't know how they would feel.

Liu Xue is the mother of Su Liyuan and Su Yi, if she knows that her mother forced her father to death...

Su Liyuan's eyes lit up, "That is to say, we can go find our parents, where have we gone to play?"

Su Yi came over, looked at Xia Qingran and asked, "Er Niang, who is the mother of nature? Who is the father of nature?"

Xia Qingran pondered for a while, and said to Su Yi, "Your mother is the mother of nature, and your father is the father of nature."

Su Yi smiled and nodded, "Father and mother are the father and mother of nature, so how could there be a fight? It must be resolved directly."

Ling'er also said happily, "It's all over now, the matter is settled, we can go there to play, and I haven't seen Xiao Mo and the others for a long time."

"You go to the hall first, and call Xiao Ye and Xiao Yue." Xia Qingran said.

"Okay." Su Yi nodded, and went to the family hall with Linger and Su Liyuan, thinking that Erniang was going to announce something.

Looking at the backs of the three leaving, Xia Qingran couldn't help but sigh in her heart, but she didn't say anything.

The figure flashed and appeared in a courtyard.

In this yard.

There are four people.

Su Xiaoyao and Ling Wan.

Liu Feng and Xie Yujie.

The four of them were basking in the sun, chatting, talking and laughing.

When Xia Qingran appeared here.

Su Xiaoyao and the others immediately noticed it, and couldn't help but look over, seeing that it was Xia Qingran.

The four people's eyes lit up.

Su Xiaoyao sat upright, looked at Xia Qingran, and said with a smile, "Qingran, is the matter over there settled?"

Xia Qingran nodded slightly.

"Hahaha..." Su Xiaoyao stood up at this moment, and excitedly said to the others, "Since the matter over there is resolved, let's leave here now."

"I don't want to stay here for a long time, let's go now." Liu Feng also said.

Although Xie Yujie and Lingwan were also pleasantly surprised, they were more cautious. Seeing that Xia Qingran seemed not in high spirits, they couldn't help but looked at Xia Qingran and asked, "Qingran, you don't seem to be happy at all."

The voice fell.

Su Xiaoyao and Liu Feng couldn't help looking at Xia Qingran, seeing that Xia Qingran was really unhappy, the smiles on their faces couldn't help but restrain themselves.

Logically speaking, Xia Qingran must be very happy after the matter over there is resolved.

But Xia Qingran didn't look happy.

Unless... something happened!

Su Xiaoyao's heart sank. He looked at Xia Qingran and asked, "Did something happen?"

Xia Qingran clenched her fists slightly, and she looked at Su Xiaoyao and the others, "Let's go to the lobby first."

The hearts of Su Xiaoyao and the others couldn't help sinking, it seemed that something really happened.

And it's a big deal!

The four of them were originally in a happy mood, but they couldn't help becoming nervous at this moment, for fear that what happened would make them unacceptable.

in the hall.

The Su family members are all there.

Everyone couldn't help but look at Xia Qingran.

Su Yi and the others were smiling, but seeing that Erniang was not happy, even grandparents and grandparents looked a little nervous. They seemed to realize something, and the smiles on their faces gradually disappeared.

"Qingran, tell me." Su Xiaoyao looked at Xia Qingran and said.

After Xia Qingran sat down, she held the teacup in her right hand, and she couldn't help exerting a little force on her right hand, as if she wanted to go all out and tell everyone the truth.

She glanced at the crowd, her voice trembling, "Tian Ling, he is dead."

"What?" Everyone was shocked, did they hear it wrong?

Ling Wan turned slightly pale, looked at Xia Qingran and said, "You, say it again."

Xia Qingran took a deep breath, "I said, Tianling is dead."

Ling Wan and the others turned pale instantly.

This time they heard clearly.

Su Tianling is dead.

Su Xiaoyao clenched his fists, his eyes were a little red, he stared at Xia Qingran, and said in a deep voice, "Tell me specifically, what happened!"

Xia Qingran passed on some of her memories to everyone's minds.

When everyone learned of this memory, their faces turned even paler.

Su Xiaoyao and Ling Wan never expected that the person who killed their son was actually their daughter-in-law!
Liu Feng and Xie Yujie never expected that it was their daughter who drove Su Tianling to a dead end.

Her own daughter forced her son-in-law to death!

Upon hearing such news, the two felt complicated, and they didn't know how to describe their feelings at the moment.

Ben kills their son-in-law, they will hate it very much, they will take revenge.

However, the person who killed their son-in-law was their daughter, how could they hate it.

Su Yi and Su Liyuan's faces were pale. Their own mother forced their own father to death. What should they do?
Do you have killing intent?No.

There is only deep sadness in my heart.

One is his own father and the other is his own mother. It is impossible for them to want to kill his own mother.

Su Xuan and Su Luo clenched their fists slightly, they couldn't hate anything in their hearts, only sadness.

Su Yue and Su Ye clenched their fists, not knowing what to say, feeling very sad.

The aunt killed their own father, what can they do?
"Go! Go find Xiaoxue! I must break her leg!" Liu Feng angrily looked at Xia Qingran, "Take us there!"

Xia Qingran shook her head lightly, she looked at Liu Feng, "Calm down first."

Liu Feng clenched his fists, calm down?How is he calm?

His son-in-law is dead, even if he can't bear to kill Liu Xue, he still has to punish Liu Xue severely.

Otherwise, the anger in his heart will be difficult to dispel, and more importantly, the anger in Su Xiaoyao and the others will also be difficult to dispel.

Su Xiaoyao looked at Liu Feng, "Xiaoxue already knew she was wrong, now think of a way to see if she can bring Tianling back to life."

Liu Feng had a sullen face and didn't say anything.

"Take us there first." Xie Yujie said to Xia Qingran.

Xia Qingran nodded lightly, and then led everyone away.

Heavenly Court No.30 Three Heavens.

Liu Xue was fidgeting and drinking wine, if her parents, parents-in-law, and children knew the news of Su Tianling's death.

What will greet her?
She knew that her father, mother, father-in-law and mother-in-law would not kill her, but she would definitely be extremely sad, and she didn't want to see her parents and their grief.

(End of this chapter)

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