The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 485 Wrong, I am Xia Qingran

Chapter 485 Wrong, I am Xia Qingran

When he came to him, he opened his arms and embraced Liu Xue in his arms.

Being hugged by this, Liu Xue felt extremely guilty, and wept softly.

Su Tianling patted her on the back lightly, as if coaxing a child. While patting, he looked at Xia Qingran and Su Xiaoke.

Xia Qingran and Su Xiaoke wanted to hug each other for a long time, but when they saw Su Tianling looking over, they couldn't help hugging them.

Seeing this scene, Li Ran and the others couldn't help crying and laughing.

The eighteen demon gods in the rear had dignified expressions, but seeing this scene, they all couldn't help but bewildered, what's going on!
Taoist Shichen's eyes flickered, what is the situation now?
Who are these women?
He only knew what Liu Xue and the others looked like a long time ago, and the current Liu Xue and the others looked completely different from those at that time.

This can't help but make them unable to tell who is who!
As far as they knew, Xia Qingran and Su Xiaoke had already been killed by Liu Xue.

But now... why are there three women hugging Su Tianling?
what is this?
Taoist Shi Chen couldn't figure it out for a moment, he stared at Su Tianling and the others, no matter what was going on.

Now he just wants to kill the saint of the prehistoric, and at the last moment, fight for the origin of the prehistoric world!
Control the origin of the prehistoric world, and then open up the remaining [-]% of the chaotic world into the prehistoric world. At that time, he will be the true master of the prehistoric world!

"Kill!" Daoist Shichen shouted, he condensed the law of time, and the law of time formed a crystal clear ice cone, the cone of time, directly across the void, stabbing at Su Tianling and the others.

Seeing that Taoist Shichen acted first, some demon gods also attacked one after another, unleashing their strongest power.

Su Tianling and the others who were revisiting it felt very calm when they felt this breath.

Did not make any counterattack.

When many laws of power came, a layer of indestructible white light suddenly appeared around Su Tianling and the others. This white light seemed to be able to resist all magic. In this prehistoric world, this white light can resist any power!
When many lawful forces hit the white light, these forces disappeared as if they had fallen into an abyss.

Such a scene.

Asking Taoist Shichen to wait for some demon gods, he was so scared that he couldn't help but backed away a long way, and looked at Su Tianling and the others in a panic.

The power they blasted out was actually blocked by the sudden white light!

how can that be!

At this moment, Su Tianling stretched out his hand to wipe away the tears from the faces of Liu Xue and the others. He looked at them and said softly, "Let's deal with the one who just made a move first."

Xia Qingran and the others nodded lightly, and Xia Qingran and the others all looked at Taoist Shichen, and they all looked at the person who had just made a move.

When Taoist Shichen saw them looking over, his heart skipped a beat, and he looked at Xia Qingran and the others warily.

"Death!" Xia Qingran's pupils showed killing intent, dare to do something to them?Tired of life!

An extremely terrifying force that seemed to be able to destroy the sky and the earth directly crushed the void and blasted towards Taoist Shichen and the others!

When Taoist Shichen saw this, the law of time surged out instantly, and his people were in a different time in an instant.

However, the next moment.

Taoist Shichen's face was pale, and he was covered in cold sweat. He found that his law of time didn't work well here!
The law of time can't exert its power, he can only wait to die!

Xia Qingran looked at Taoist Shi Chen coldly, "This is my world, if I stop time, it must stop!"

The destructive power directly overwhelmed Taoist Shichen with his terrified expression.

The figure of Taoist Shi Chen disappeared immediately.

There are also some demon gods who shot, all of them changed their faces in shock. They blasted out the strongest force one after another, but they suddenly discovered that their laws were all restricted in this prehistoric world.

It was as if the three thousand laws here were under the control of the speaking woman!
" are Liu Xue..." All the demon gods stared at Xia Qingran, only Liu Xue could control the Three Thousand Laws.

"Wrong! I'm Xia Qingran!" Xia Qingran looked at them indifferently.


The hearts of all the demon gods trembled, Xia Qingran, the past demon god?
Didn't Xia Qingran die a long time ago?

Why is Xia Qingran still alive now?And also controlled the complete primordial source...

When they were in doubt, the power of terror directly overwhelmed them.

The whole process was crushed and killed, and the dozen or so demon gods who had shot before had all died.

There are only five demon gods who are still alive.

Demon God of Prophecy, Demon God of Karma, Demon God of Destiny, Demon God of Perception,

And the devil of love...

The reason why the Prophecy Demon God didn't make a move was because she immediately felt something was wrong after seeing three women hugging Su Tianling.

When you have doubts in your heart, you don't act rashly.

The Karma Demon God and the Destiny Demon God also think so.

The Sensing Demon God can perceive other people's emotional ups and downs. At that time, she felt that Su Tianling was happy, and very happy.

Normally, Su Tianling and Liu Xue would never die, how could Su Tianling be happy?Seeing Su Tianling embracing the three women, she felt that something was wrong at the time and did not act rashly.

Now she is extremely fortunate, but luckily she didn't make a move just now, otherwise... her end will be the same as that of Taoist Shi Chen and others, all dead.

The love demon didn't take action because she felt a very touching love from Su Tianling and the others. Such love made her unable to have the slightest desire to kill.

Xia Qingran looked at the five Prophet Demon Gods indifferently at this moment, which made the five Prophet Demon Gods freeze in their hearts.

The God of Prophecy looked at Xia Qingran, and hurriedly said, "I didn't do anything just now."

"I didn't do anything either." The Demon God of Karma and the Demon God of Destiny said at the same time.

"I didn't do anything either..." Perceiving the Demon God.

The Demon God of Love looked at Xia Qingran, "You know... I'm only interested in love, and I'm not interested in anything else."

Xia Qingran glanced at the five prophetic demon gods, and she couldn't help but look at Su Tianling.

Su Tianling said, "Prison them in the sky prison first."

Xia Qingran nodded lightly, and with a wave of her hand, an irresistible force enveloped the five prophecy demon gods directly, and threw them into the prison in the heavenly court.

After all processing.

Su Tianling looked at Liu Xue and the others, and said softly, "Go and see your parents first."

Liu Xue and the others nodded. In the past 19 years, the smiles on the faces of Su Xiaoyao and others have decreased a lot.

She has also had a hard time these years, and she can feel that everyone is not as close to her as before.


Su Tianling looked in the direction of Tianting, and walked together with Liu Xue and the others.


Now everyone in the Su family lives in the Heavenly Court. Ever since Su Tianling died, all of them seemed listless.

It's not delicious to eat anything.

I can't sleep well.

All day long, I'm thinking about things from the past.

When Su Tianling and the others descended to the Heavenly Court, Xia Qingran immediately called Su Xiaoyao and the others over via voice transmission.

(End of this chapter)

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