The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 486 Are you almost 1 million years old this year?

Chapter 486 Are you almost [-] million years old this year?

Su Xiaoyao and others soon appeared in the yard.

When they saw Su Tianling, everyone stared blankly at Su Tianling, resurrected? ? ?
Su Tianling looked at them. To him, it was just a sleep. To his relatives, 19 years had passed.

"Father, father-in-law, mother-in-law." Su Tianling looked at Su Xiaoyao and the others, and called out one by one.

"Son." Ling Wan flashed over, hugging Su Tianling, who patted her on the back and smiled softly.

"Grandpa." A beautiful figure ran over.

Su Tianling couldn't help being stunned when he saw her.

"Xiao Mo?" Su Tianling looked her up and down. At the beginning, Su Xiaomo was only 14 years old. At that time, his face was still very immature. Now he is already a beautiful girl.

Su Xiaomo held his arm, tears streaming down his eyes.

"Well, it's me."

Su Tianling made a move, touched her head lightly, and said with a smile, "I've grown up in no time, shouldn't it be time to get married?"

"..." Su Xiaomo said, "I don't want to marry, I want to accompany grandpa."

"It's fine to have your grandma and the others to accompany you." Su Tianling said with a little disgust.

Su Xiaomo, (°ー°〃)
"Tian Ling, how have you been these years? You've lost weight..." Ling Wan caressed his face, her eyes were moist.

Su Tianling looked at her, "I just slept for 19 years, and I just woke up recently."



The people of the entire Su family held a banquet and drank for three full days. After pouring out their hearts, they left each other contentedly.

Everyone left the rest of the time to Su Tianling and his wife. They knew that these years, Xia Qingran and the others had a very bad life.

In the room, there was a sleeping mat that could accommodate several people. Su Tianling and the others sat down and chatted about some things that happened in these years.

Liu Xue bowed her head and said nothing. She was happy that Su Tianling could be resurrected, but she was the one who forced Su Tianling to death after all.

Su Tianling looked at her at this moment, held her hand lightly, and said, "I did something wrong in the past, so you don't have to blame yourself."

"En." Liu Xue looked up at him.

"Okay, okay, I won't mention the previous things, and now the family is fine." Su Xiaoke said at this time.

"Okay, then I won't mention the past." Su Tianling laughed, and he glanced at the sky outside, it was still white outside.

"I always feel that it's always daytime, which is a little bad." Su Tianling said, there are things to do during the day, and things to do at night.

It's only daytime now, and it always feels wrong.

After Xia Qingran heard this, "I'll change the rules."

In an instant, the law between heaven and earth was modified, not only the human world was divided into day and night, but the heaven also began to divide day and night.

In the next moment, the great sun left, and twilight shrouded, and gradually, darkness came, and only the bright moon and stars hung in the sky.

"Well, that's right." Su Tianling smiled, and he turned to Xia Qingran and the others, "It's late at night, should we do something?"

Su Xiaoke and Xia Qingran had a whirlwind, 19 years had passed, and now that Su Tianling had returned, Xiao Biesheng was newly married, so they naturally wanted it very much.

The question is, there are three people, who will eat the first piece of meat first?

They know that everyone wants to eat the first piece of meat.

Liu Xue was also moved. Although Su Tianling told her not to blame herself, could she really not blame herself?
She just wanted to compensate Su Tianling as much as possible.

As for the way of compensation, at present, the only way is to use her body.

She glanced at Xia Qingran and Su Xiaoke, "I'll go first."

"Why you first?" Su Xiaoke looked at her.

"Yes, why did you go first? Not us?" Xia Qingran also looked at her.

(_) Liu Xue looked at them speechlessly, "Then you go first."

"Okay, stop arguing." Su Tianling straightened his robes, looked at the three beautiful wives, and said, "Kneel down, support each other, and stand side by side."

The three of Liu Xue looked at each other, (¬_¬)

Time passed gradually, and a month passed in a flash.

During this month, Su Tianling accompanied Xia Qingran and the three of them until they were all satisfied before tidying up their robes and coming to the yard.

Su Tianling was lying back on the grand teacher's chair, and Su Xiaoke was sitting on the left. Su Xiaoke was holding a fairy fruit to Su Tianling's mouth.

On the right is Xia Qingran, who is hammering his thigh.

In the back is Liu Xue, who is massaging Su Tianling's scalp and head.

Su Tianling enjoys the service of the three of them and enjoys it, hoping that time can stop and be in such a beautiful moment forever.

Su Tianling said at this time, "Li Yuan and the others don't have a sweetheart yet, do they?"

"Not yet." Liu Xue said while giving Su Tianling a head massage, "They haven't been in a good mood these years, and they don't care about the affairs of the Taoist couple."

Su Tianling hummed lightly. He thought he was dead before. It is normal for the children to be in a bad mood.

"It's time to worry about them. When they all get married, I've got another thing on my mind." Su Tianling said.

Su Xiaoke gave him a blank look, "I can't ask for such a thing, let them go out more, maybe they can meet the right person."

"Well, then let them go out more, and... they must first seal their cultivation, and let them live a normal life in the mortal world." Su Tianling thought for a while and said.

"Listen to you." Su Xiaoke smiled and put a small fruit by his mouth.

Su Tianling ate the fruit in one gulp.

Xia Qingran, "I'll listen to you too."

"Me too." Liu Xue said.

"Hmm..." Su Tianling laughed happily. The head of the family is Shuang, and he has three virtuous wives.

About half an hour passed.

Su Tianling called all his children and grandchildren over.

A row of people stood opposite Su Tianling and the others. Seeing that their parents were living in harmony now, they were also happy in their hearts.

Su Tianling lay on the grand teacher's chair, glanced at his children and grandchildren, and said, "Those who are already married, and those who are already married, stand on the far left."

Several people looked at each other, what's the matter?
In the end, both Su Yi and Su Xiaodou, father and son, stood on the far left.

Su Tianling hummed lightly. He looked at Su Yi and Su Xiaodou and said, "Your father and son are very good. You are a role model for our old Su family. You have added more members to our old Su family."

Su Yi and Su Xiaodou father and son looked at each other in dismay.

At this time, Su Tianling looked at the people on the right, first at Su Liyuan who was wearing a long white dress, and said, "Liyuan, your younger brother has already married, and your nephews have also married, are you blushing? Don't you feel ashamed?" ? Look at how old you are this year? Are you almost [-] million years old? You are still alone, can you live without failure?"

(-_)? Su Liyuan was speechless, did she want to marry her off?
According to what Su Tianling meant, he wanted her, including the rest of the unmarried brothers and sisters, to find a Taoist partner as soon as possible, and then they all got married...

The others also understood, and they were all speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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