The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 5 Martial Soul Talent

Chapter 5 Martial Soul Talent
"I ruined it." Su Tianling said lightly.

This statement came out.

The expressions of all the people in the hall changed, and Su Tianling actually admitted it!

The second elder, Liu Baichuan, stared at Su Tianling with a cold look in his eyes, and asked coldly: "How could you destroy Liu Kong, Liu Kong is a martial artist!"

"Second brother, don't talk nonsense with him, kill him!" Seeing Liu Baichuan and Su Tianling bickering, Liu Kong couldn't bear it in his heart.

Liu Baichuan took a deep breath, looked at the patriarch Liu Feng with cold eyes, and said in a deep voice: "You have also seen that Su Tianling admitted what he did. According to the clan rules, Su Tianling should be punished by death!"

The third elder agreed: "Even if he is your son-in-law, if he committed this crime, he should be punished by death!"

This sentence directly sealed the mouth of the patriarch Liu Feng.

Su Tianling committed such crimes and must be executed!
Liu Kong and Liu Xuan stared at Su Tianling with cold eyes. Their cultivation bases were abolished. They want Su Tianling to disappear from this world. Only in this way can they feel more balanced in their hearts!
Patriarch Liu Feng frowned, he looked at Su Tianling, when will his son-in-law have such strength to crush Liu Kong?

"Tian Ling, why did you abolish Liu Kong and Liu Xuan?" Liu Feng asked.

"No matter what the reason is, Su Tianling committed such a crime and must die!" Second Elder Liu Baichuan said coldly.

"Second brother is right, no matter what happened to Su Tianling, he committed a serious crime after all, which cannot be forgiven!" The third elder echoed.

Liu Feng glanced at them coldly, targeting Su Tianling, he was actually targeting him!
Su Tianling glanced at these people indifferently, and then said to Liu Feng: "Liu Kong forced my sister to marry Liu Xuan, but my sister disagreed, so Liu Kong hit Xiao Ke with his hands, and I happened to see her In this scene, I will abolish them."

"It turned out that there was a reason for this. Liu Kong forced Su Xiaoke, and even beat Su Xiaoke. As Su Xiaoke's brother, Tianling would angrily depose Liu Kong and Liu Xuan. This matter is innocent!" Liu Feng said softly. Announce.

"Liu Feng, are you sure you want to do this!" Second Elder Liu Baichuan's face was gloomy, and he stared at Liu Feng with cold eyes.

"Definitely!" Liu Feng said.

"Okay, very good! See you at the talent test tomorrow!" Liu Baichuan waved his sleeves and said to the third and fourth elders: "Since the patriarch has declared Su Tianling innocent, what are we still doing here? Take my eldest brother and nephew, Walk."

The third elder's face was ugly, and he said coldly to Liu Feng: "You will regret it!"

Liu Feng turned a deaf ear, if he killed Su Tianling, he would regret it.

"Hmph!" The fourth elder snorted coldly.

Liu Kong's face was extremely gloomy, he looked at Liu Feng with fierce eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "Wait!"

Liu Baichuan and others left one after another.

In the hall, only the patriarchs Liu Feng, Liu Xue, Su Tianling, and Su Xiaoke were left.

"Tian Ling, how did you become a martial artist so well?" Liu Feng asked after everyone had left, feeling surprised from the bottom of his heart.

"I ate a fruit outside last night, and my cultivation level exploded." Su Tianling explained.

Liu Feng didn't doubt it either, he still knew Su Tianling's aptitude, except for taking the treasures of heaven and earth, it was impossible for his cultivation to explode.

He sighed softly, originally thought that there was some secret hidden in Su Tianling, but now it seems that it is still the same as before.

Liu Feng looked at Su Tianling and reminded: "You have annoyed the Second Elder and the others, so be careful recently."

"I know." Su Tianling.

"I'll go back first." Before leaving, Liu Feng looked at Su Xiaoke and said, "You are 16 years old, test your martial soul talent tomorrow."

"Okay, Uncle Liu." Su Xiaoke said.

There were only three people left in the hall.

Liu Xue glanced at Su Tianling, and reminded coldly: "Although you have the opportunity to improve your realm, don't make troubles, lest you provoke people who shouldn't be provoked, and even my father will not be able to save you."

After finishing speaking, Liu Xue turned around and left.

Su Tianling shrugged and said nothing.

"Brother, you have to listen to sister-in-law, and don't cause trouble if you can." Su Xiaoke said.

"Do I look like a troublemaker?" Su Tianling gave her a blank look.

"No." Su Xiaoke.


Day two.

Today is the day for the Liu Clan to test their talents. All teenagers and girls who have reached the age of 16 must test their martial soul talents today.

Wuhun, what is Wuhun?
Martial spirits have different forms, including various weapon spirits and beast spirits. In short, the functions of many martial spirits are inseparable from several points.

Attack: strong attack, continuous attack.

Defense: heavy defense.

Auxiliary: Auxiliary Healing, Auxiliary Boost Speed, etc.

Speed: fast, fast, teleportation.

Mage: condense fire, condense ice, condense thunder, etc...

Body Cultivation: A Martial Soul trained in the physical body, which focuses on both offense and defense, with both offense and defense.

Of course, there are also some useless martial souls.

For example, it can make the dishes more fragrant, or it can help the growth of the medicine field. These are waste martial souls, which are of no help to the battle.

Martial souls are divided into grades, from one star to nine stars, with one star being the lowest and nine stars being the highest.

The level of Wuhun represents the comprehension, the higher the star rating, the higher the comprehension, which will be of great help to the life soul in the future practice.

The square of the Liu family.

Many, many people have already gathered, including many younger generations and many elders, who want to see if there will be genius-level talents in this martial soul talent test.

Liu Feng, the patriarch of the Liu Clan, stood in the center of the square, and a large black stone stood in the center.

He looked around, and said calmly: "Everyone who has reached the age of 16 and has not tested the talent of the martial soul, come here."

With the voice falling.

A dozen teenagers and girls walked out of the crowd one after another.

"Go." In the crowd, Su Tianling said to Su Xiaoke.

"Yeah." Su Xiaoke nodded and walked over.

When Su Xiaoke walked out, countless eyes focused on her.

In the Liu family, there are two most beautiful young people, one is Liu Xue, and the other is Su Xiaoke.

In the past, many people coveted Liu Xue and wanted to marry Liu Xue as his wife, but they tried their best and offered generous gifts, but they couldn't make Liu Xue's father, Liu Feng, change his mind.

When Liu Xue and Su Tianling got married, everyone gave up.

Liu Xue and Su Tianling are already husband and wife, what else can they do?

Now many teenagers in the clan regard Su Xiaoke as prey, and today is also the best time.

As long as it is detected that Su Xiaoke's martial arts aptitude is mediocre, Su Xiaoke will not be taken seriously in the Liu Clan. At that time, they can propose marriage immediately!

Su Xiaoke is wearing a long white dress. Although she is only sixteen, she has a great figure. First of all, her tall figure is enough to stand out from the crowd, and her chest is full and straight. Among her peers, few people can match it.

The exquisite face seems to be a perfect product carved by God for a long time. The long eyelashes are trembling, very aura, and the eyes are as bright as stars, dazzling.

Su Xiaoke's appearance is already top-notch, among her peers, very few people can match her.

Everyone knows whether a woman is beautiful or not, whether she is attractive or not, consists of three parts.

One is the appearance.

The second is temperament.

The third is heart.

There is no doubt about Su Xiaoke's appearance.

Her temperament looks a bit weak, but she is very tenacious in her bones. Standing there, she is like a lost fairy, which is lovable.

 The contract will be signed in a few days, and it will be updated three times a day, and it will be updated every day in the past few days

(End of this chapter)

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