The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 6 I order you to abolish Su Tianling

Chapter 6 I order you to abolish Su Tianling
Su Xiaoke's temperament is unique, and it is also extremely good.

Not to mention the heart, kind and pure.

The patriarch Liu Feng nodded lightly, and then said: "It's all ready, let's start testing the Martial Soul."

"and many more."

Suddenly someone interrupted, everyone looked around, only to see the Second Elder Liu Baichuan, beside Liu Baichuan was a middle-aged man and a young man.

When everyone saw the middle-aged man and the young man, they couldn't help gasping, they were very surprised.

The middle-aged man was wearing the Taoist robe of the Beiming Academy, which can only be worn by the teachers of the Academy.

And the young man was wearing the Taoist robes of the students of Beiming Academy, which is enough to explain the identities of the two of them.

One is a teacher and the other is a student.

In this kingdom, there is only one school, which is Beiming School, which has a very high status in the kingdom.

Liu Feng stared intently, why did the teacher from Beiming Academy come here?Or came with Liu Baichuan?
"I've met senior." Liu Feng walked over and said respectfully to the school teacher.

Although he is the head of the clan, compared with the identity of this school teacher, he is far behind.

Teacher Xuegong nodded lightly, and he said lightly: "I came to Qingling Town mainly to see if there are any talented people of the Liu family who have good martial arts talents. As long as they have good talents, they can enter the palace to practice."

Liu Feng nodded and said: "Then please take a seat first, and now let's test the martial arts talents of the children in the clan."

Teacher Xuegong nodded slightly.

The corners of Liu Baichuan's mouth turned upward, and he cast a sinister look at Liu Feng.

Immediately, Liu Baichuan looked at a young man in front of him and said, "Jian'er, let's test your talent first."

"Okay." The boy's name is Liu Jian, he is Liu Baichuan's youngest son, he just turned sixteen this year, and he can detect the martial spirit just right.

Liu Jian walked towards the black stone and put his hand on it.


An extremely sharp white sword jumped out of Liu Jian's body. There were four golden runes on the white sword.

"Hiss..." Everyone gasped when they saw this scene.

"Four Star Sword Martial Soul!"

"My God, it turned out to be a four-star sword martial soul. This talent, even in the Beiming Academy, is not bad, right?"

Teacher Xuegong showed a smile when he saw Liu Jian's four-star sword spirit, and said to Liu Baichuan: "You really didn't lie, your son is really a four-star sword spirit."

Liu Baichuan was all smiles, secretly pleased, he said: "Then, can my youngest son enter the palace to practice?"

"Yes, of course you can, and you need to focus on training!" Teacher Xuegong said with an excited look.

Liu Baichuan laughed, his heart was full of joy, he looked at Liu Feng, and there was a subtle coldness in the depths of his eyes.

Patriarch Liu Feng frowned slightly. He had an ominous premonition. He calmed down, looked at the young man who hadn't tested his talent, and said, "Continue to test."

A moment passed.

The rest of the boys and girls had mediocre spirits, and none of them surpassed four stars.

Among the people present, Su Xiaoke was the only one who hadn't tested his talent yet.

"Who is she?" The students following from the Academy pointed to Su Xiaoke and asked Liu Baichuan.

"Her name is Su Xiaoke. Her brother joined the Liu family. Now she is considered half of the Liu family." Liu Baichuan said with a smile.

The students of the academy looked at Su Xiaoke, their eyes revealing undisguised possessiveness.

Liu Baichuan saw that the school student seemed to be interested in Su Xiaoke, so he smiled and said: "This Su Xiaoke's brother has mediocre aptitude, and her aptitude must be mediocre as well."

The academy students nodded.

In this continent, the martial arts of the descendants are generally inherited from the ancestors. If the ancestors did not have the martial arts of Zhuo Fan, the martial arts of the descendants are generally mediocre.

Xuegong teacher heard that Su Xiaoke's aptitude might be poor, so he looked at Liu Jian and said, "Get ready, come back to Xuegong with me."

Liu Jian stood there without moving.

Teacher Xuegong frowned and asked, "What's the matter? You don't want to enter the palace to practice?"

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Liu Jian. If he could enter the palace to practice, he would be able to improve his status and get certain resources to practice. Why didn't Liu Jian move?
Liu Jian glanced at Liu Feng who was not far away, and then glanced at Su Tianling in the crowd, and then said to Teacher Xuegong: "There are still unresolved matters in the clan, because my father is not capable of solving them, so please ask the teacher to help." !"

After finishing speaking, Liu Jian knelt directly on the ground, facing the teacher of Xuegong.

Everyone stopped breathing and looked at Liu Jian in shock.

Men don't kneel, they kneel only to their parents, ancestors!

Liu Jian knelt down to the teacher of Xuegong, this is a great courtesy.

Patriarch Liu Feng stared at Liu Jian. He had an ominous premonition before, so it turned out to be here!
He looked at Liu Baichuan. Yesterday Liu Baichuan told him to wait and see, so he was here waiting for him.

Liu Feng's heart sank, if Master Xuegong wanted to kill Su Tianling, how would he resist?

Teacher Xuegong frowned, and said to Liu Jian: "You get up first, I will make the decision for you if you have anything to do!"

"Mr. Xie." Liu Jian kowtowed and stood up immediately. His aura suddenly became sharper. He pointed at Su Tianling in the crowd and said in a deep voice: "Yesterday, he abolished the cultivation of my uncle and cousin. , because he is the son-in-law of the patriarch, and the patriarch did not punish him, so I asked the teacher to make the decision and kill Su Tianling!"

a time.

Countless eyes looked at Su Tianling in shock, Liu Kong and Liu Xuan were abolished?And it happened yesterday?
How could they not know?
It seems that the news is blocked.

Some people wondered, how could this worthless Su Tianling have the strength to depose the Great Elder?You must know that the Great Elder is already a martial artist, and his strength is very powerful.

Su Xiaoke clenched her small hands into fists, feeling very nervous, and her face turned a little pale.

If the teacher of Beiming Academy wants to kill Su Tianling and her brother, he will die.

Su Tianling's face was calm from the beginning to the end, all of this, he was watching a show like an outsider.

Patriarch Liu Feng's face changed, and he hurriedly said to Xuegong teacher: "Because the uncle and cousin mentioned in Liu Jian's mouth, they forced my son-in-law's younger sister, and wanted my son-in-law's younger sister to marry the elder brother in Liu Jian's mouth. The uncle in the mouth also injured my son-in-law's sister, that's why Tianling abolished them!"

Teacher Xuegong glanced at Su Tianling indifferently, and then said to Liu Feng: "I order you to kill Su Tianling immediately!"

Liu Feng's face was ugly, and his fists in his sleeves were clenched tightly. Su Tianling was not only his son-in-law, but also his good brother's child!
How could he kill Su Tianling with his own hands?

For a moment, countless eyes looked at Liu Feng. If Liu Feng killed Su Tianling, the matter would settle down. If Liu Feng was unwilling to kill Su Tianling, then the matter would be serious.

There were hundreds of people present, and many of them thought that Liu Feng would choose to kill Su Tianling. After all, Su Tianling's qualifications were mediocre, and he was still a worthless wretch. How could Liu Feng offend the teacher of Xuegong for Su Tianling?

(End of this chapter)

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