The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 7 1 useless word, like a judgment from heaven

Chapter 7 A waste word is like a judgment from heaven
Su Tianling looked at Liu Feng, and he also wanted to know whether Liu Feng would offend the school teacher because of him.

He knew that Liu Feng had a good relationship with his father, and because of this, Liu Feng didn't mind his mediocre martial arts aptitude, and let him marry Liu Xue.

"If I don't kill!"

Liu Feng stared at the teacher of Xuegong. Although there was no aura coming out of him, he had already stated that Liu Feng would not kill Su Tianling.

a time.

Countless people held their breath.

I just felt my heart beating faster.

Liu Feng is looking for death, he dared to contend with Teacher Xuegong!

"Patriarch, are you sure you want to go against Teacher Xuegong's will? First of all, you are wrong. You are the one who shielded Su Tianling. Teacher Xuegong is just doing justice for the eldest brother and nephew. If you don't kill Su Tianling with your own hands, the consequences will be serious." You know." Second Elder Liu Baichuan said flatly.

Liu Baichuan's words gave people the feeling that it was for Liu Feng's good, and he hoped that Liu Feng could rein in the precipice and change his mind.

It made people think that Liu Baichuan still cared about his family.

However, only a very few people knew that Liu Baichuan was just trying to occupy the moral high ground, so that it would be more logical for the teacher of the school to make a move.

"Tian Ling is my son-in-law, I will not kill him!"

Liu Feng expressed his opinion again.

Everyone held their breath, feeling that the quiet scene was filled with gunpowder smoke, and it seemed that a war was about to break out.

If Teacher Xuegong made a move, how could the patriarch beat Teacher Xuegong!

"If that's the case, then I have to do it myself." Teacher Xuegong glanced at Liu Feng coldly. He was extremely dissatisfied with Liu Feng's attitude. A town patriarch dared to go against his will!
Liu Feng exploded with aura all over his body, and a crystal clear long knife appeared behind him, his martial spirit was the sword spirit!
"Looking for death." Teacher Xuegong's eyes sharpened, and a faint yellow flame soul appeared behind him, and the flame soul was also called the flame martial soul.


Teacher Xuegong suddenly slapped Liu Feng, the power of the flames condensed into a fireball, piercing the air flow with a powerful momentum, as if to completely swallow Liu Feng!
Liu Feng's eyes were fixed, and the nine-foot broadsword in his hand slashed from top to bottom, with momentum like a rainbow, extremely domineering.

The nine-foot broadsword collided fiercely with the fireball, and a terrifying energy surged directly in all directions!


There was a crack in the big knife, and it couldn't resist the power of the fireball!
The big knife in Liu Feng's hand suddenly shattered, and he was hit by a blow, and his body flew ten meters backwards before he managed to stabilize his body.

Seeing this scene, everyone's hearts trembled. The patriarch was defeated, defeated by the teacher of the academy, the teacher of the academy, the strength is really tyrannical!
"Vulnerable!" Xuegong teacher said coldly, he looked at Liu Jian and said, "You kill Su Tianling with your own hands, and then come back to Xuegong with me."

"Yes, teacher." Liu Jian's eyes sharpened, he looked at Su Tianling coldly, and said: "I don't know what method you used to abolish your uncle and cousin, I only know that you will disappear from this world soon gone."

Liu Jian walked towards Su Tianling slowly, every step he took, everyone's hearts trembled, is Su Tianling going to die?
I'm afraid this is the fastest dead son-in-law in history, right?
If Su Tianling died, wouldn't Liu Xue become a widow?
"Don't! Don't kill my brother." Su Xiaoke rushed over quickly, blocking Liu Jian's way.

Liu Jian looked at Su Xiaoke, raised the corners of his mouth, and said playfully: "You don't need to kill your brother, you sleep with me, how about I just scrape your brother's hands?"

"You are shameless!" Su Xiaoke's eyes burst into anger.

"Shameless? Hahaha...Since you say I'm shameless, if I don't do something shameless, I'm really sorry for your shamelessness." Liu Jian looked at Su Xiaoke greedily: "When I kill your brother, I will do something shameless to you!"

Su Tianling's face changed at this time, and his eyes also changed. Originally, he was like watching a play, with a flat complexion and flat eyes.

Now he has a cold face, like an iceberg, and cruel eyes, like a devil.

He has Nilin, which is his sister.

In the past 10 years, he felt very guilty towards Su Xiaoke. Now that he can start all over again, when he was young, he just wanted to protect his sister and watch her live a happy life.

Liu Jian actually had such unforgivable thoughts towards her sister!



Do not!
If you die, it's too cheap!

Su Tianling glanced at Liu Jian coldly, then turned to Liu Baichuan and Teacher Xuegong.

He is a person who is afraid of trouble. If there are enemies, or potential enemies, he will wait for the potential enemies to show up before he will take action and destroy all the enemies!


Su Tianling sneered coldly, his voice was filled with a domineering force, like the sky, he couldn't follow what he said!


Suddenly, a scream pierced the airflow and echoed in everyone's ears, so loud that their eardrums were about to burst.

Everyone saw that Liu Jian's limbs were neatly broken!

Everyone gasped, their faces pale.

With all limbs crippled, isn't that a tumbler!
"Jian'er!" Liu Baichuan's expression changed drastically, and he immediately rushed to Liu Jian's side, seeing the blood gushing all over Liu Jian's body, his eyes were bloodshot.

His youngest son, who is also the most gifted among many children, has lost all his limbs now!
He immediately used his strength to temporarily stop Liu Jian's blood.

"Su Tianling! I'm going to tear your corpse into thousands of pieces!" Liu Baichuan stared at Su Tianling with serious eyes.

Liu Baichuan rushed towards Su Tianling suddenly, one hand turned into a tiger's claw, and slammed it on Su Tianling's head.

"Like your son, let's become a tumbler, waste!"

Su Tianling uttered a cold drink!
The attacking claw suddenly snapped and broke!


It just snapped off!
"Ah..." Liu Baichuan screamed, and his hand was broken!
"Ah..." Liu Baichuan's screams increased again, and his limbs were broken in an instant just like Liu Jian before!

a time.

Blood surge!

Like Liu Jian, Liu Baichuan has become a tumbler.

Frightened by this scene, everyone retreated again and again, looking at Su Tianling in horror.

This is so weird!
From the beginning to the end, Su Tianling didn't make a move, didn't even raise his hand, just a waste word, and Liu Baichuan's limbs were destroyed!
Everyone looked at Su Tianling in fear. At this moment, Su Tianling, how could he still look like the useless wretch that everyone bullied him in the past?

It's just a monster now!

not far away.

Liu Feng was stunned, his heart was overwhelmed, he felt incredible, why did his son-in-law suddenly become so powerful?
A word of waste, like a trial by the heavens, directly judged Liu Baichuan and Liu Jian, this is incredible!
(End of this chapter)

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