The strongest emperor in history

Chapter 503 On the Ancient Tree

Chapter 503 On the Ancient Tree

"Hmm~" Su Yue looked at Su Tianling and the others, "Can you avoid it for a while..."

Su Tianling glared at her, "What do you want?"

"It's's just that you keep peeking, I feel a little uncomfortable." Su Yue.

"Cut!" Su Tianling turned his head away, "Go now."

Su Yue chuckled, then turned and walked towards the small temple.

In the small temple, the young monk closed his eyes and chanted Buddhist words.

Su Yue looked at him, feeling a little uncomfortable.

When she first came to the Lower Realm, she was surrounded by a group of bandits, and the bandit leader wanted to take her to the mountains to become a lady in the village.

Later, when he was seen by this monk, he saw the injustice and drew his sword to help him. As a result... because the monk was not cultivated enough, he was beaten to the ground by a group of bandits instead.

In the end, it was she who made the move to solve the group of bandits.

Since then, she has been following the young monk to pass the boring time.

It's also very interesting to tease this serious monk every day.

After getting along for more than a year, she could see and feel that this monk was devoted to Buddha and not close to women. Seeing her was like seeing a tigress.

It made her very speechless, and sometimes she was laughed out of anger.

She looked at the young monk with a sad voice, "I'm leaving, do you have anything to say to me?"

The young monk pretended he hadn't heard it, and continued to chant the Buddha's words. He didn't believe that Su Yue would leave. For more than a year, Su Yue often teased him. Now, nine out of ten sentences of Su Yue's words are unbelievable.

Just ignore it.

"I'm really leaving this time!" Seeing his disbelief, Su Yue couldn't help emphasizing.

However, the young monk didn't respond and continued to chant sutras.

Su Yueqi's lungs hurt, and she doesn't believe it when she tells a lie, and she doesn't believe it when she tells the truth!

"Forget it, I won't talk to you anymore." Su Yue looked at him, "I really left this time. After this time, I don't know when I will see you again. If you want to find me, go If the Heavenly Court of the Upper Realm finds me, just report my name, and someone will bring you to see me."

The young monk was silent.

Su Yueqi's liver hurts!

Still not talking?
Su Yue threatened fiercely, "Don't open your eyes again! Ignore me again! I'll pick you up!"

The young monk opened his eyes at this time and looked at Su Yue calmly, "Benefactor, how many times have you played tricks on the poor monk in the past year? There are too many times, the poor monk can no longer trust you."

Su Yue blushed, looked at him and said, "Let's not talk about this first, I just ask you, what do you think of me?"

The young monk pondered for a while, then seriously replied, "The benefactor is kind, but he is a little naughty, but overall he is fine."

Su Yue's face softened a little, and she smiled, "Then...then are you tempted?"

"..." The young monk.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Su Yue smiled and said, "Your knowledge is too shallow, you can't stand women, especially a beauty like me, you can't stand it at all."

"..." The young monk.

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you anymore." Su Yue said with a smile, "If I continue to talk nonsense with you, my father may beat you."

The young monk asked suspiciously, "Your father? Why did your father beat the poor monk?"

Su Yue giggled, "My father is a doting girl, and the son-in-law is the one he dislikes the most in his life. If my sisters and my sisters say a few more words to a man, that man will be in trouble."

"..." The young monk.

"Well... I won't talk to you anymore, I have to go back." After saying that, Su Yue turned around and left gracefully.

The young monk closed his eyes, he didn't believe that Su Yue really left.


Su Yue looked at Su Tianling and the others, "Let's go back."

Liu Xue looked at her and said, "That monk doesn't seem to care much about you."

Su Yue felt heartbroken, can she not speak out!
"Okay, let's go." Su Tianling waved his sleeves, and several people disappeared out of thin air.

in the void.

Su Yue didn't say anything, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Let's go and see Xiao Wu and Xiao Mo first." Su Tianling said.

Su Xiaowu and Su Xiaomo are the youngest and they are girls, so naturally they have to check the situation first.

Su Tianling felt a little sad.

Several daughters have fallen in love with each other. As a father, I naturally feel uncomfortable, but... daughters always want to marry, and you can't stop your daughter from marrying because of reluctance.

Liu Xue and the others nodded lightly, and with a sweep of their spiritual sense, they saw Su Xiaomo and Su Xiaowu.

"Huh..." Liu Xue looked at a barren hill in the distance, there was a big tree on the barren hill, on the big tree, Su Xiaowu and Su Xiaomo were lying on the tree and chatting.

"Why are Xiao Mo and Xiao Wu together?" Liu Xue wondered.

Su Tianling and the others also looked over. There were only two sisters, Su Xiaowu and Su Xiaomo, in the barren mountain within a hundred miles.

There is no one else.

When the children were thrown into the lower realm, everyone was separated.

How are these two granddaughters together?

And there's no one around...


On a barren hill, on an old tree.

This ancient tree is very tall, dozens of times taller than normal trees!
The waist is also very thick, even if twenty adults open their arms, they may not be able to surround this ancient tree.

on the tree.

Su Xiaomo was wearing a white dress, and she had a very chic posture. She lay down on a branch with her legs crossed, and a weed tail dangling from her mouth.

"Sister, it's so hard. It will take another year and a half before I can go home." Su Xiaomo said depressedly.

Since I came to the lower realm, I feel very boring.

She chopped off her feet, summoned the mountain god, asked where Su Xiaowu was, and then she went to find Su Xiaowu.

For more than a year, she stayed with Su Xiaowu, bragging and lamenting every day, and occasionally going down the mountain to help the bullied.

Over the past year, the two of them have wiped out all the villains in a radius of thousands of miles, and now they sit on this tree every day, chatting and drinking.

life is boring...

Su Xiaowu was on the branch above, she glanced at Su Xiaomo below, and sighed softly, "One and a half years... let's go on for another year and a half."

Su Xiaomo followed with a sigh, "Grandma asked us to come to the lower world to touch Yan Yuan, what if we don't meet someone who sleeps a wink in the end?"

"I don't know." Su Xiaowu shook her head.

"Hey..." Su Xiaomo sighed, "People can't be too idle, grandparents are so busy, they just want to torment us, it seems that they have to find something for grandparents to do."

"What can happen?" Su Xiaowu shook her head and said, "Now the world is peaceful, the whole world is under control, there is no possibility of anything else happening."

"Hey... isn't that going to torment us? I don't want to get married yet, I'm still a child." Su Xiaomo sighed again.

Su Xiaowu showed a weird look, the child... how old is it, and the child...

"Hey...I want to go home..." Su Xiaomo said.

"I want to too." Su Xiaowu said.

Su Xiaomo sighed, her eyes couldn't help turning, she looked at Su Xiaowu above, and suggested, "Sister, the Land of Snow and Moon is a place where men are unrestrained, is there any place where women are unrestrained?"

(*)!! Su Xiaowu looked at Su Xiaomo in shock, " want to play with men?"

(End of this chapter)

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